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Emergency Room at UM Capital Region Medical Center image
Emergency Room at UM Capital Region Medical Center
Emergency room
😠 I don’t even live here anymore and I came in for kidney problems. As I am typing I’m sitting in the waiting room along with other people who been here since 2 pm and it’s 11:49 pm. They have no scene of urgency with anyone in the ER. People really could be dying (including myself). They have already...
1.30 (136 reviews)
Cencor image
General practitioner
😠 Minha filha passou hj com o Dr Hermano e saiu completamente decepcionada de lá! Primeiro que ele estava sem máscara, com pés na mesa, cinto de cowboy...nada contra os cowboys. Minha filha tem 19 anos, está com um cansaço absurdo, a pele inflamada no rosto com espinhas, não dorme bem e ele em 20 minu...
1.40 (53 reviews)
Clinical Poppies image
Clinical Poppies
Medical clinic
😠 Telephone attention is like balls, why put a contact number if your secretaries are so inept that they don't answer? The Andes Salud clinic may take a while to talk on the phone but finally they always do, but here they have never answered me after so many calls. And it's not like it's too close fo...
1.70 (241 reviews)
Femina Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics image
Minamimachida Ladies Clinic image
Minamimachida Ladies Clinic
😠 星を一つもつけたくないくらい酷い病院でした。 まず受付の3人がずっと私語を話している。 次の休みどうする〜?みたいな話を丸聞こえの状態で延々と。 この時点でやばい病院だなとは思いました。 看護師とのカウンセリングを経て診察まで待合にいたところ 番号を呼びに来た人と、待合の他の患者さんと話してる看護師の声...
1.70 (103 reviews)
Ambulatory Care Center West | Jackson Memorial image
Ambulatory Care Center West | Jackson Memorial
Medical clinic
😠 I give 0 stars the worse hospital and staff ever I am 38 weeks pregnant I’ve only seen the doctor twice and only had 2 ultrasounds I am a high risk c section patient I came to my appointment and because I came a couple minutes late I will not be seen. The front desk lady always has an attitude and d...
1.70 (55 reviews)
Clínica Madesa image
Clínica Madesa
Mental health clinic
😠 I'm 30 weeks and the gynecologist Edson asked me to go from 15/15 days to the appointment that took 3 hours to be seen in a scheduled appointment and at the reception they say it fits because it's a gestational follow-up, and at the time of the appointment it was rude asking who he asked me to go 1...
1.80 (422 reviews)
Bolsa Medical Group image
Bolsa Medical Group
Medical clinic
😠 ***AVOID THIS CLINIC AT ALL COST** Dao, a technician who draws blood there who is obviously quite bad at her job, left my mom bruises from a blood draw and when my mom expressed discomfort, Dao was snarky, condescending, and uncaring. I’d also avoid Dr. Diane Nguyen as she acts as though your questi...
1.80 (120 reviews)
Yuri Ladies Clinic image
Yuri Ladies Clinic
Medical clinic
😠 月経が重く受診したことがあります。 女性の医師の方に診てもらいましたが、対応はとても悪く、冷たかったです。月経のことを相談しましたが“はいはい、これね“といった感じでただ月経が重いだけで受診したことが間違っていた行為なのかと思ってしまうようなとても冷たい対応でした。結果、強めの鎮痛剤を処方されて終わり...
1.80 (91 reviews)
Vitamed s.c. image
Vitamed s.c.
Medical clinic
😠 Niestety potwierdzam wcześniejsze informacje. Rejestracja tylko telefoniczna, jednak pytam w jakim celu, skoro po wykonanych ponad 40 połączeniach telefonicznych rozpoczętych punktualnie o godzinie 7.30 na dwa numery telefonu przychodni, żadna z Pan rejestratorek nie raczyła odebrać połączenia...d...
1.80 (86 reviews)
Przychodnia Lekarza Rodzinnego Maks-Med image
Przychodnia Lekarza Rodzinnego Maks-Med
Public medical center
😠 Najgorsza przychodnia jaka może być! Dodzwonić się tam graniczy z cudem. Jak się dzwoni to nie odbierają, przyjezdza się specjalnie to telefon dzwoni a panie wolą sobie rozmawiać albo jak to raz miało miejsce co widzialam na własne oczy od strony wejścia z dziećmi na szczepienie, panie zamiast odebr...
1.80 (53 reviews)
Access Addison Family Health Center image
Access Addison Family Health Center
Medical clinic
😠 the receptionists are extremely rude. They will tell you to get in line (even when there is no one waiting to be attended to) just to tell you to step towards the desk a second after. They speak in a condescending tone and don’t ever greet you with a simple “hello how are you?” . Dr Mata is great as...
1.80 (50 reviews)
Azzouz Fatima image
Azzouz Fatima
😠 A ne pas prendre rendez vous avec cette personne !!! Accueil glacial et méprisant pour moi qui est accompagnée ma campagne. Pour ma compagne qui était venu la première fois elle c'est senti très mal a été jugé et méprisé très gros manque de respect elle était soulé de faire son travail ! A levés l...
1.90 (239 reviews)
Eskulap. Lekarska Specjalistyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy image
Eskulap. Lekarska Specjalistyczna Spółdzielnia Pracy
Medical clinic
👍👍 Widząc ilość gwiazdek na Google można się wystraszyć. A to nie ma nic wspólnego z rzeczywistością. Jestem już po kilku wizytach w Eskulapie Nowy Świat i jestem bardzo zadowolona. Szybkie terminy wizyt, dodzwoniłam się kilkukrotnie bez problemu. Panie z recepcji przemiłe przez telefon jak i na żywo....
1.90 (223 reviews)
Women’s Health Center image
Women’s Health Center
Women's health clinic
😠 Beware of Daniel Faustin! For my first child, I gave birth at the hospital, but used a different facility for checkups and sonograms. It all went smoothly. Dr. Omrou Alchyb was wonderful. For the second I had to use their facility for sonograms and it was a nightmare. Every appointment I would wait...
1.90 (119 reviews)
Clínica Médica Plaza image
Clínica Médica Plaza
Medical Center
😠 The endocrinologist, without education, does not know how to listen to the patient, it totally deviates from the standard that is expected from a specialist consultation. Now something happens amid so many complaints. And, the covenants do not require any action on this? Don't you detach this clini...
1.90 (74 reviews)
Para Latino Medical Center, Inc. image
Para Latino Medical Center, Inc.
Medical clinic
😠 Horrible. This place should be closed. Not professional, front staff not trained, every-time I come here it’s something. Oh, “ we can’t do this cause you just got of your period” so why ask me my last menstrual cycle and still book me an appointment ” Poorly ran clinic and needs a serious reinventio...
2.00 (183 reviews)
Clinipam Joinville image
Clinipam Joinville
Medical Center
😠 Se encantou pelo preço da Clinipam? Não se iluda, não vale a pena por sua saúde em risco com uma equipe despreparada! Não recomendo! Se pudesse, tomaria inclusive meios legais para o que fizeram com minha família! Somos em 5 vidas no plano e o médico EXIGIU exame para o COVID-19 para minha mãe que...
2.00 (179 reviews)
Consultas Externas Hospital Quirónsalud San José image
Consultas Externas Hospital Quirónsalud San José
Medical Center
😠 No le pongo menos nota porque no se permite. No cumplen el horario de las citas de oftalmólogo. Llevo 1 hora!!! en la sala de espera y nada, no me toca mi turno que tenia la cita a una hora exacta. Deberían meter menos citas pegadas en hora y cumplir el horario. Gracias
2.00 (134 reviews)
Irani Bakhtaver MD image
Irani Bakhtaver MD
😠 If I could give this practice 0 stars, I would. The entire staff is completely incompetent of managing patients and their requests. To start off, on my first ultrasound appointment - the employee was playing solitaire on the computer as she instructed me to undress as she finished her game and left...
2.00 (126 reviews)
Einstein Physicians Plymouth Meeting Family Medicine image
Einstein Physicians Plymouth Meeting Family Medicine
Medical clinic
😠 This is the worst practice we've ever been to. They just keep finding reasons to string out more and more appointments to charge for more services without actually listening to the patient. They caused an Arthus reaction by over-vaccinating my wife with Tdap *after* she told them she had a previous...
2.00 (87 reviews)
Saijotokiwa Clinic image
Saijotokiwa Clinic
😠 I don't usually post much, but I felt very unpleasant. It was a few years ago. The second person went to the hospital early in pregnancy. It's hard to get sick because it's quite heavy, but there was nothing good just because I was unreasonably sharpened, ranted, and mentally scooped out. I was tra...
2.00 (80 reviews)
McKinley Health Center image
McKinley Health Center
Medical clinic
😠 Front desk never answers the telephone. I was on hold for 2 hours. When they finally picked up they were incredibly rude and unprofessional. When you try to call the corporate office, they're just as rude and unprofessional as well. Don't waste your time with this health facility. They don't care ab...
2.00 (78 reviews)
Osborn Family Health Center image
Osborn Family Health Center
Medical Center
😠 absolutely horrible. unless you HAVE to come to the ob department because of your situation RUN AWAY FROM THIS PLACE! My pregnancy has been ruined by this place. Currently, right now, I have been waiting an hour to be seen. i arrived at 810 for an appointment at 820. it is now 915 and I have watched...
2.00 (75 reviews)
Hanamizuki Clinic image
Hanamizuki Clinic
Medical clinic
😠 先日、生理不順が続き、予約を取りました。 夜間だったため、待合室は空いていました。 しかし、受付から呼ばれるまで1時間以上。 その間診察室へ出入りする患者さんは1名しかいませんでした。 詳しく検査でも行われているのかとも思いましたが、、 自分の番がきて診察室へ入ると、 『で、なに、生理不順?基礎体温は付けて...
2.00 (70 reviews)
OM Medical Services image
OM Medical Services
Specialized clinic
🫤 Boa tarde! Consegui passar a primeira vez e agora preciso retornar com o Gastro, mais etá impossível, no final do ano liguei varias vezes e nada, nem chama, pensei que era pelo fato de ser fim de ano, mais acabei de ligar e a mesma coisa. É uma ótima clinica, mais infelizmente o atendimento está pés...
2.00 (60 reviews)
Przychodnia Lecznica Life-Med bis image
Przychodnia Lecznica Life-Med bis
Medical clinic
🫤 Uwielbiam Panią Dr Beate Grabowską za jej kompetencje, podejscie to pacjenta, tego dużego i małego i wielkie serducho. Natomiast jesli chodzi o panie w rejestracji, to brunetka porażka. Wieczny dąs, rozgoryczenie i mina jakby ktoś ja zmuszał do tej pracy. I jej ostatni komentarz w kierunku pacjentow...
2.00 (54 reviews)
Hospital HM Vallés image
Hospital HM Vallés
😠 Las citas para endoscopias no se pueden pedir por internet. Hay que llamar al propio hospital y no hay manera de que te atienda nadie. Te dejan a la espera 20 minutos y luego se corta la llamada. Así día tras día. Llevo llamando todo el día hoy 14 agosto que no hay nadie en todo Madrid y siguen sin...
2.10 (585 reviews)
Centro Médico Quirónsalud Tres Cantos image
Centro Médico Quirónsalud Tres Cantos
Medical Center
😠 Imposible tener cita con el dermatologo. Llevo un año intentandolo menos mal que es para un tema no muy urgente pero ya me molesta. Hoy he vuelto a llamar y primero me piden mi Dni que no entiendo porque me lo piden para despues decirme que no hay agenda. Le pregunto que cuando la habren y me dicen...
2.10 (204 reviews)
Trinity Health Of New England Medical Group - Springfield | Bicentennial Highway image
Trinity Health Of New England Medical Group - Springfield | Bicentennial Highway
😠 ZERO STARS!!!!! Don’t take your children here, run! This office is the worst office I’ve ever stepped foot in, the customer service is disgusting and they are HIGHLY racist! They only have Spanish magazines in their waiting room, none in English. They will constantly assume you live in Springfield o...
2.10 (190 reviews)

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