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Tokyo Japanese Restaurant image
Tokyo Japanese Restaurant
Japanese restaurant
😠 POLICE PLEASE CLOSE THIS PLACE! NEVER EAT HERE!!! They are betrayers. Prices overprized. Food over 2 months in fridge and served to costumers. They just add positions on your bill without any reason. This place live from new tourists who just come and eat, they put you on a table quick with a very...
$$ $$
1.50 (1.3K reviews)
Wakam Sushi Delivery - Chapecó image
Wakam Sushi Delivery - Chapecó
Japanese restaurant
1.50 (212 reviews)
Yo sushi image
Yo sushi
Japanese restaurant
Japanese dishes taken from the belt or ordered from the open kitchen at a colourful chain eatery.
1.60 (709 reviews)
Livraison Sushi Nuit Paris de 22h à 5h - Livraison à Domicile image
Livraison Sushi Nuit Paris de 22h à 5h - Livraison à Domicile
Japanese restaurant
😠 Horrible, degeulasse . on a commandé des makis et du riz au poulet, les makis on un gout acides c’est pas bon puis on en parle du riz qui sent les pied ??? il pue clairement il sent les pieds c’est horrible tout est partie a la poubelle je suis clairement dégoûté.
1.60 (102 reviews)
Tanoshii Sushi image
Tanoshii Sushi
Japanese restaurant
😠 Beli online sushi disini beberapa macam, hasilnya sangat mengecewakan. Kalo masih ga enak bisa kita toleransi tapi mengirimkan makanan yang busuk/basi dan ga layak makan itu keterlaluan! Aku muntah karna beli disini dan yg datang udah basi. Beneran kayak makan sampah. Sangat tidak recommended untu...
1.60 (75 reviews)
回転寿司・骨付鳥 なぶら エミフルMASAKI店 image
回転寿司・骨付鳥 なぶら エミフルMASAKI店
Japanese restaurant
😠 サーモンは凍っているし、マグロの色は悪いしおわっている。ごきぶりもいました。接客も悪いし、金稼ぎのことしか頭にない。おわっている。この店は終わりだ。今ならまだ間に合う。行くな!
1.60 (58 reviews)
Nori Japan image
Nori Japan
Japanese restaurant
😠 Absolutely hands-down the worst customer service. One employee in particular stood out! I just witnessed a customer come up and sample orange chicken. After he didn’t want to order, she called him a thief and demanded he order food because she gave him sample and he needs to order dish. “No Free” sh...
1.70 (80 reviews)
Cervecería Gambrinus image
Cervecería Gambrinus
Beer hall
😠 Servicio pésimo. La mesa sin limpiar, se cayó un café y después de pedirle por quinta vez a la camarera si podía limpiarlo, nos fuimos con el café en la mesa. Mi más sincero pésame a los siguientes clientes. Un jilguero adiestrado hace mejor trabajo que los camareros. Se le da trabajo a quien no qui...
1.80 (179 reviews)
Japartiu Delivery - Barra da Tijuca image
Japartiu Delivery - Barra da Tijuca
Japanese restaurant
😠 Fiz uma compra de R$218,00 reais, havia acabado de chegar do trabalho e nao queria sair de casa. Fiz o pedido mais completo possível e pra minha surpresa foi o pior delivery que eu ja experimentei. Comida feia, mal feita, atraso de 1 hora e meia, falta de comunicação com o estabelecimento e como ped...
1.80 (114 reviews)
やまと新館 image
Japanese restaurant
😠 おすすめできません 正直☆ひとつも付けたくない 両親を千代保稲荷に連れて行き 楽しんで貰った最後に ここで昼食。。。 口コミを見てから入れば良かった 接客も味も 全てが最悪でした 美味しくないにも関わらず お値段がめっちゃ高い 会計した後、びっくりして Σ(  Д )ﻌﻌﻌﻌ⊙ ⊙ 間違いじゃないかと もう一度メニューを見...
1.80 (75 reviews)
Panda Roll Sushi Santa Anita image
Panda Roll Sushi Santa Anita
Japanese restaurant
😐 Deberían de cambiar sus recipientes a vidrio , una sopa sin sabor ,predominaba más el sabor a plástico caliente , el teriyaki 6/10 arroz parece engrudo , tardan mucho en servir .
1.90 (83 reviews)
Golden Dragon Restaurant image
Golden Dragon Restaurant
Japanese restaurant
1.90 (53 reviews)
Sukiya Tokyo Bowl & Noodles image
Sukiya Tokyo Bowl & Noodles
Japanese restaurant
😠 Service is totally terrible. We are customer we come here to enjoy the food and service.We pay but need to see your irritated face? Can you guys hire people with smile face and good service? we are loyal sukiya fans. But everytime come here the service is seriously disappointed. my wife like sukiya...
2.00 (182 reviews)
Nagisaya image
Seafood restaurant
😠 口コミ通りのお店。米が久々不味いと思うお店。海近くなのに海鮮の活きの悪さ。5000円のコース料理頼もうとしたら、コロナだから、今やってません。?? 今GWですが? なら、メニューに載せるなよ! 刺し身定食…ま、ず!ラーメン…インスタント? 呼び込みを信じたら、馬鹿見ます(笑)
2.00 (160 reviews)
Sora Japanese Cuisine & Sushie image
Sora Japanese Cuisine & Sushie
Sushi restaurant
😠 Overpriced, terrible food. Service is glacial and unfriendly. My Ramen looked like it was top ramen noodles that had been soaked overlong. They were steeping in a watery broth and the egg and chicken topping don’t look safe to eat. That was about $20. I was originally going to get the gyoza but they...
2.10 (309 reviews)
Japanese Restaurant - GENDAI image
Japanese Restaurant - GENDAI
Japanese restaurant
😠 O pior atendimento que já vi em anos. As atendentes não olham para você, quando fiz uma pergunta eu não sabia se estava tendo um derrame ou se só estava desdenhando mesmo do que perguntei: moça os uramakis podem ser sem pepino? Estou esperando a resposta até agora. O sushiman parecia que estava faze...
2.10 (119 reviews)
さち福や CAFÉ ららぽーと海老名店 image
さち福や CAFÉ ららぽーと海老名店
Japanese restaurant
😠 「さち福や」で検索すると数店舗出てきますがこの海老名だけ星が圧倒的に低い。 理由はいろいろとあるのでしょうが、結局は店長が悪いのでしょう。 ・小太りの(名札さえ着けていない)メガネの男性が客席を仕切っているようですが、営業が下手すぎる。 他の方の口コミでも指摘がありましたが、一気に片づけて一気に客を入...
2.10 (111 reviews)
BH Japa's Contagem • Japa • Sushi image
BH Japa's Contagem • Japa • Sushi
Japanese restaurant
😠 Péssimo atendimento, descaso total com os clientes, na verdade essa empresa merece um processo por propaganda enganosa, não estão nem ai para os clientes as peças de sushi tem menos de 1 centímetro e meio. HORRÍVEL, não mandam o pedido correto. O preço é um pouco mais em conta, mais na verdade sai m...
2.10 (104 reviews)
KIN Japanese Restaurant image
KIN Japanese Restaurant
Japanese restaurant
😠 First off, bugs in the food. Do not go here Very overpriced and poor service. Had to ask multiple times for coffee, utensils, etc.
2.10 (78 reviews)
Japanese restaurant
2.10 (50 reviews)
Sakurai image
Japanese restaurant
2.20 (273 reviews)
Shun's Kitchen image
Shun's Kitchen
Chinese restaurant
Basic restaurant for Chinese, Japanese & sushi meals, also offering takeout & deliveries.
2.20 (160 reviews)
Now Sushi Delivery image
Now Sushi Delivery
Japanese restaurant
😠 Pedi pelo Uber Eats e veio tudo errado, pequeno, sem recheio e sem gosto. Nunca mais! Pedi reembolso do que paguei, já me devolveram oq paguei mas não dá nem vontade de comer oq tá aqui em casa.
$$ $$
2.20 (144 reviews)
Hanoi Cuisine Vietnamese Deli & Sushi - Pizza & Döner Kebab image
Hanoi Cuisine Vietnamese Deli & Sushi - Pizza & Döner Kebab
😠 Asiatisches Essen hier absolut widerlich, kaum genießbar. An der Theke wird man von der äußerst unfreundlichen Bedienung angebrüllt wenn man nicht schnell genug bestellt. Ich habe dummerweise nach extra Soße gefragt, da ist diese unmögliche Person auch noch ausfallend geworden (ein normales Nein hät...
2.20 (129 reviews)
Sushi Mate - Bekasi Utara image
Sushi Mate - Bekasi Utara
Japanese restaurant
😠 Restoran Buruk sudah tau overload tapi tetap ambil orderan online. Order dari jam 17.42 sampai mau jam 7 belum sampai ga mikirin driver nungguin selama itu Lain kali kalau sudah tau penuh jangan di ambil orderan online nya sesuaikan sama tenaga kerja nya.
2.20 (105 reviews)
delivery sushi and rolls in Orenburg "Maki Sushi" image
delivery sushi and rolls in Orenburg "Maki Sushi"
Meal delivery
😠 Orenburg Philadelphia light price 300: at the opening it didn’t smell the most delicious, then it’s normal, the fish is bad, not rotten, but it was frozen three times, probably the cheapest fish from a magnet. There should be more fish there, that's how it is on the site. And here it is cut too thi...
2.20 (91 reviews)
TEPPAN EXPRESS LaLaport Shonan Hiratsuka image
TEPPAN EXPRESS LaLaport Shonan Hiratsuka
Teppanyaki restaurant
2.20 (64 reviews)
Umi of Japan image
Umi of Japan
Japanese restaurant
😠 Found a hair on it. It’s disgusting!
2.20 (52 reviews)
Dostaевский image
Delivery Restaurant
😠 Доставеский продолжает деградировать и стабильно портить блюда. Да, могут попасться вкусная пицца и пироги, иногда. В остальном- отвратительное отношение к продуктам и сервису. Нет пол-булки на бургере- сойдет. Не положили бобы в боул - и так съедят. В боул с тунцом положили лосось- а какая разница-...
2.30 (860 reviews)
SUKIYA image
Gyudon restaurant
😠 店員態度的確不怎好,第一次來,到櫃台點餐,店員請我自己找空位後按服務鈴點餐;等我按了服務鈴,他竟先幫別桌點餐,然後到我旁邊請我再換到指定位置,此時並無幫我點餐,是再按了3次服務鈴後才來!好吧!就算了,因為我餓了 送餐很快(點完餐2分鐘) 但... 這餐不知是保溫多久了 肉老了,飯內的醬汁微酸 起司大約是目錄的...
2.30 (225 reviews)

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