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Private Clinic Cristo Rey
Private hospital
😠 I went to perform some anesthesia tests (floor 1, consultation 10) when I left the consultation, the nurse and her colleague, who did not want to give me their names, have dedicated themselves (thinking that I had already left the corridor) to criticize my physique , laughing out loud. When I went...
1.60 (503 reviews)
Takiyama Hospital
Private hospital
😠 祖母が救急で行った病院です。
1.60 (88 reviews)
Hospital Novaclínica
Private hospital
😠 Precisei selecionar uma estrela para permitir avaliação.
Contudo, o hospital não merece nenhuma.
Hospital com péssima estrutura e péssimos profissionais.
Meu pai foi internado com COVID e faleceu, causa da morte: infecção hospitalar.
A família nunca foi informada sobre o quadro de infecção.
O boleti...
1.70 (829 reviews)
Sanatorio Aconcagua
Private hospital
😠 Un desastre la atención de las tres mujeres que atienden adelante. Maltrataban a las personas mayores, son mal gestadas. Comprendo que la atención al público es agotadora, pero quien llega a un sanatorio, con buena predisposición y con respeto, debería recibir mínimo el mismo trato.
Las enfermeras t...
1.70 (715 reviews)
Hospital Santa Ignês
General hospital
😠 Foi a pior experiência que já tive em um hospital, pessoas de má índole que trabalham aí, não vou dizer que são todas, mas tem uma grande parte, fiz uma cirurgia e tive alta no mesmo dia, como a minha cirurgia ainda estava sangrando, vesti toda a minha roupa e deixei a blusa dentro do armário para p...
1.80 (759 reviews)
Hospital Nossa Senhora de Fátima
Private hospital
🫤 Rude doctor/nurse at triage, doctors/nurses seem to be sleeping, delay in service, this for an emergency room is inconceivable, regardless of being private, at least otherwise it went as expected. I recommend avoiding this one and going to another one, even nearby there are better ones. Luckily my...
1.80 (566 reviews)
Meridional Praia da Costa - Hospital
😠 Gostaria de registrar uma reclamaçao no dia 01/12/22 tive o meu filho no hospital Praia da Costa(Vila Velha- ES) às 17:53hr. A equipe da obstreta nota mil. Por volta de 18:55h acordei fui direcionada para uma sala de espera, ali fiquei até 20:30h aguardando o maqueiro me levar ao quarto. Nesse tempo...
1.80 (553 reviews)
Private sanatorium Punilla
Private hospital
😠 Un completo desastre y realmente una vergüenza. Soy coordinadora de viajes y la semana pasada estuve con un contingente de jubilados en VCP, una pasajera de 82 años se cayó y se fracturó la muñeca, además de que se corto arriba del ojo (herida para puntos). Nuestra empresa trabaja con una asistencia...
1.80 (297 reviews)
Private hospital
😠 Misunderstanding registration! Getting in touch is almost a miracle, additionally the lady from the restoration, probably a certain Justyna, unpleasant in the conversation, as if with grace, answered the phone.
Staff to be replaced immediately! There are other people who want to work and be human f...
1.80 (170 reviews)
St. Michael's Medical Center
Private hospital
😠 I really wanted to rate this place less than 1, staffs are rude and arrogant from doctors to nurses. The place doesn't even look hygienic. They command like a boss instead of instructing you what to do.
1.80 (120 reviews)
Deva Medical Center
Private hospital
😠 Yöneticilerini al koy çocuk parkının başına, onu bile yönetemez. Zaten linkedln'den baktığınızda görüyorsunuz, malum parti döneminde patlayıp bir şekilde iş bulmuş boş insanların kurduğu ve yönettiği bir mekan. Günü gelecek ve siz de yargılacaksınız! Herhangi bir vasfınız olmadığı halde sırf bir par...
1.80 (110 reviews)
Yamanaka Hospital
Private hospital
😠 急な息苦しさで呼吸困難気味となり救急外来を受診しました。K医師(女医)でした。検査した結果異常がありそうとういことでしたが命にかかわるものではないため薬などなにも処方されませんでした・・
1.80 (70 reviews)
Wakaba Clinics
Private hospital
😠 こちらの病院で入院・手術をしました。個室に入院しましたが、掃除が全くできておらず、棚は埃だらけで窓際は虫の死骸だらけ。不衛生すぎます。 また、岩田という女性看護師の対応が最悪でした。点滴の管を外す際に栓を止め忘れたようで、血液が逆流しました。さらに、その際に漏れた点滴でベッドシーツが濡れたのにそのま...
1.80 (51 reviews)
Riverside Medical Centre
Public medical center
😠 Was seen by the most arrogant patronising doctor ever. She was so rude did not let me speak then when I was trying to talk about my concerns and symptoms she cut me of laughing to her self then asked me a question and when I was middle of talking she said “ bye now” and told me to leave without gett...
1.80 (50 reviews)
Hospital Cruzeiro do Sul | Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica
😠 Worst private hospital I've ever seen in my life, yesterday I arrived with my mother at 4:40 pm, we left there at 9 pm and she still hadn't been seen. Bad professionals, dirty hospital without the slightest concern for patients, they don't respect people's pain, they think everyone is there for a w...
1.90 (1.6K reviews)
Hospital Santa Maria
Private hospital
👍👍 Estou utilizando a maternidade há quase 9 meses, todas as vezes que precisei fui muito bem atendida, as vezes um médico ou outro não tão simpático mas no que diz respeito a exames, atendimentos e soluções fui bem atendida. Minha cirurgia está agendada e espero poder continuar avaliando positivamente...
1.90 (1.3K reviews)
Hospital NotreCare Sorocaba | Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica / HNCS
😠 Uma estrela devido ao fato de não ser possível dar Zero, atendimento humanizado não sei aonde!
Pediatras passeando nos corredores em vídeo chamada, atendente mais preocupada com o whatsapp do que com as crianças aguardando atendimento e por aí vai ladeira abaixo!
Notredame conseguiu acabar com o Sam...
1.90 (996 reviews)
Centre MQ Reus - Gaudí
Medical Center
😠 Es totalmente IMPOSIBLE pedir cita por teléfono porque NADIE lo responde, las recepcionistas muy poco profesionales, cero modales, poca educación y muchísima superioridad, tuve un problema con la mutua por que no pasaron bien la tarjeta y me querían cobrar la visita diciendo que era problema mío y n...
1.90 (432 reviews)
Hospital São Lucas | Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica
😠 Terrible attendance!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Professionals irresponsible and without compassion. I have an agreement for 19 years and I have never seen such a lack of respect for the patient who is there in need.
Doctors who are sleeping on the plantation, entering the room of other doctors talk... while the p...
1.90 (361 reviews)
Hospital Azura Centro
Private hospital
😠 Yo pensaba que los comentarios anteriores eran un poco exagerados pero desafortunadamente hoy los confirme, PESIMO SERVICIO Y ATENCION A PACIENTES, de parte de este hospital aquí mis comentarios puntuales, 1.- Tiempo mínimo de atención cuatro horas en urgencia.....2.-Desorganizacion total en la aten...
1.90 (266 reviews)
Parañaque Doctors' Hospital
General hospital
👍👍 Updating my review to 5 stars after more than 3 years of coming here.
I'm not really sure what's all with the negative reviews about this hospital are. Yes, this hospital is not perfect, but a lot of the negative reviews are based on unrealistic expectations. Here are my points:
1. This is a commu...
1.90 (263 reviews)
Sanatorio CUDAM
Private hospital
😠 Everything is terrible, the truth is that to improve the rating they have to improve in all aspects. The last thing that happened to me was going to the emergency room and they wouldn't let me in because I didn't have a mask because suddenly wearing a mask was strictly mandatory and they didn't offe...
1.90 (251 reviews)
Pronto Atendimento Unimed Sete Lagoas
Private hospital
👍👍 Melhorou muito o atendimento da Unimed com as novas instalações físicas. Merecemos dignidade no atendimento.
Foi excelente ter voltado a pediatria para a outra portaria afinal nossos filhos merecem um atendimento mais humanizado.
Fui atendido prontamente recentemente quando precisei. Todos com muita...
1.90 (179 reviews)
Sekishukai Clinics
Private hospital
😠 10歳の息子が捻挫だと言われました。
1.90 (81 reviews)
Fuchu Hospital
Private hospital
😠 評判の悪さから奥島病院から府中病院に改名していますのでご注意ください。骨折・脱臼で辛い上に嫌な思いをされる方も多いと思うのでご注意下さい。簡単な治療以外はさっさと転院しましょう。自分は股関節を脱臼。
1.90 (75 reviews)
Private hospital
😠 Other than the pharmacist, the receptionists, teachers, and technicians also lack the ability to explain things, and some of their responses are unpleasant. I was confused at the reception desk when I was asked to put my medical card in the designated doctor's box even though it was my first visit....
1.90 (64 reviews)
Hospital São Bernardo | Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica
😠 Every time, without exception, I go to this hospital - which unfortunately is the only one in the region that meets the insurance, the delay is surreal.
Whether for non-urgent or more urgent consultations, every time there are more than 2 hours of waiting.
I believe that when there is no support ne...
2.00 (1K reviews)
One Brooklyn Health-Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center
Medical Center
👍 I did my medical residency here. I am not surprised to see all the angry comments here. However, all these “shut down the hospital” calls are coming from people who don’t have the slightest understanding of public health. The hospital is so busy, with horrible long waiting time, poor “service” and d...
2.00 (790 reviews)
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😌 Wellness
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