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Dra Mabel Vielma y Compañía image
Dra Mabel Vielma y Compañía
Public medical center
😠 No pierda su tiempo ni dinero con esta sra, como psiquiatra es igual de útil que un cero a la izquierda. Hay mejores formas de tirar el dinero a la basura, como por ejemplo limarse el tabique nasal para terminar luciendo como Michael Jackson después de una sobredosis de Demerol.
1.10 (83 reviews)
Spokane Emergency Physicians image
Spokane Emergency Physicians
Medical clinic
😠 Due to issues in past- NO invoices, then find out when goes to collections (All the other bills regarding ER visit paid/insuranced etc) I have learned to WATCH for their bill. Nothing had come (I have informed delivery usps) Just received a bill from my husbands ER visit for a Labor & Industries cla...
1.10 (53 reviews)
Isabelle Brut image
Isabelle Brut
😠 Cette femme est complètement folle. Fuyez!
1.20 (58 reviews)
Meridian Health Services image
Meridian Health Services
Mental health clinic
😠 I share the same frustrations as all the others here. Cannot get them to return my call request for prescription refills nor to make an appointment with a new doctor. My previous psychiatrist (he was excellent!) has moved out of state. I finally, after several calls to different numbers they provide...
1.20 (56 reviews)
Miyoshi Mental Clinic image
Miyoshi Mental Clinic
Psychosomatic medical practitioner
😠 I visited the clinic for a second opinion as no reservations are required and they are open on Saturdays and Sundays. but. The receptionist's blunt response, and even though it was not written that a letter of introduction was required, the hospital director even came out and politely asked to see t...
1.20 (50 reviews)
Madre Clinic image
Madre Clinic
Mental health clinic
😠 Conclusion: Please don't go. [Good points] Location, things to do on Saturdays and Sundays [Bad points] Cost and waiting time were too long. Others First, I signed a consent form that I didn't understand. I first signed the following. 1. I will undergo all the tests that the doctor deems necessar...
1.30 (180 reviews)
Seniorenzentrum "Ederbergland" image
Seniorenzentrum "Ederbergland"
Nursing home
😠 Ich schaue gerade RTL Team Wallraff. Katastrophale Verhältnisse, menschenunwürdig, respektlos den Bewohner*innen gegenüber!😡😡😡Einige Pflegekräfte sind überhaupt nicht geeignet für diesen Beruf.Empathielos und grob den Bewohner*innen gegenüber. Die Betreiber*innen sollten sich schämen und ich wün...
1.40 (76 reviews)
Specialized clinic
😠 The probability of being answered on the phone is the same as winning the mega sena. I don't know why the number remains on the page...
1.40 (65 reviews)
町田心療クリニック image
😠 ["\u3042\u304f\u307e\u3067\u500b\u4eba\u7684\u306a\u610f\u898b\u3067\u306f\u3042\u308a\u307e\u3059\u304c\u3001\u201d\u7d76\u5bfe\u306b\u4ed6\u306e\u75c5\u9662\u3092\u53d7\u8a3a\u3059\u308b\u3079\u304d\u201d\u3060\u3068\u601d\u3044\u307e\u3059\u3002\n\u308f\u305f\u3057\u306f\u4ed6\u306e\u75c5\u9662\u...
1.40 (56 reviews)
São Lucas Saúde - Centro de Saúde Especializada de Americana image
São Lucas Saúde - Centro de Saúde Especializada de Americana
Medical Center
😠 Sempre demora, hoje passei um perrengue vergonhoso, simplismente passamos na recepção,pegamos a senha, chegamos 11:20 a consulta do meu filho era 11:36, quando era 12:40 eu desisti pq precisava voltar a trabalhar, ainda tinha duas crianças na minha frente, quando fui pra cancelar, simplesmente a ate...
1.50 (90 reviews)
Compass Health Systems image
Compass Health Systems
Mental health clinic
😠 Compass health is the most incompetent medical company I've ever been to! They do not have any offices in operation! I don't understand why, the state has not shut them down! They constantly change employees, for a various very concerning reasons. I will be calling tomorrow 4-5-23 to request another...
1.50 (80 reviews)
Specialist Clinic SZPZOZ image
Specialist Clinic SZPZOZ
😠 Jedna gwiazdka to za dużo, ta przychodnia zasługuje na minus. Lekarz powinien być od 9 nie przychodzi. Spóźnienie 1.5h i jeszcze zdziwiony że wszyscy oburzeni. Czekanie na przyjęcie ze zdjęciem szwów 4h. 4dni wcześniej czekanie 2h i odesłanie z kwitkiem bo lekarz miał kaprys nie zdjęcia szwów. Przez...
1.50 (53 reviews)
Compass Health Systems image
Compass Health Systems
Mental health service
😠 New patient, and not once but twice was stood up for my appointment. I reached out 2 hrs before my second appointment to make sure I’d be getting a call because I didn’t last time and she told me the reason is because I didn’t do my screening. THEY are supposed to call you. So I did my screening wit...
1.60 (222 reviews)
Mind Springs Health - Grand Junction image
Mind Springs Health - Grand Junction
Mental health service
😠 This facility is honestly one of the worst mental facilities I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been through a lot being in the industry. The mental health workers are treated like less than human, because they don’t have degrees. They are put in unsafe working conditions, where they are constantly in harms w...
1.60 (144 reviews)
Compass Health Systems image
Compass Health Systems
Mental health clinic
😠 The Drs. are absolutely awful. I find the staff extremely rude and disrespectful which is unprofessional. I called 50 other Dr's for a new patient appt but ultimately this was the only place that had an opening. I had a DNA test done through them and no one went over financial obligation with me. Th...
1.60 (105 reviews)
Habu Clinic image
Habu Clinic
Medical clinic
1.60 (85 reviews)
医療法人山西会 宝塚三田病院 image
医療法人山西会 宝塚三田病院
Psychiatric hospital
😠 心が壊れそうでダンナとケンカして自殺をほのめかしたら、警察官達にここへ連れていかれました。院長の息子さん?はあたりまえのように入院手続きしてスタッフの男性に押さえつけられて引きずられて鍵部屋に入れられました。そしてすぐに検査しなきゃコロナ扱いだからな!!と脅されました。体中痛いのに検査して陰性だった...
1.60 (51 reviews)
LifeStream Behavioral Center-Psychiatric Hospital image
LifeStream Behavioral Center-Psychiatric Hospital
Mental health clinic
1.70 (285 reviews)
Occupational Medicine Clinic No. 3 image
Occupational Medicine Clinic No. 3
Public medical center
😠 Ktoś tu w ogóle pracuje? Nikt nie umie odebrać telefonu? Dzwoniłam dzisiaj do med. Pracy od 7 do 14 w sumie 19 razy w różnych godzinach i cisza. Sprawa zgłoszona do nfz bo to co wy robicie to jest bardzo nieśmieszny żart. Jak mam się dodzwonić? Telegram wam gołębiem wysłać? Wstyd.
1.70 (245 reviews)
Compass Health Systems image
Compass Health Systems
Mental health service
😠 After spending the 3rd day in a row trying to contact someone in regards to my appointment, and reading negative review after negative review from people with the same exact experience as me. I urge everyone to check their insurance claims and see if they’ve been charged for services they have not r...
1.70 (79 reviews)
Mid America Mental Health, LLC image
Mid America Mental Health, LLC
Mental health clinic
1.70 (64 reviews)
奈良心療クリニック image
😠 【決してお勧めできません】 家庭と仕事のストレスでうつ病を発症し、初めてこちらのクリニックを受診しました。ちなみにこちらのクリニックを受診したのは、たまたま一番早く予約が取れたためでした。 院内はとても清潔で、落ち着いた感じでした。 受付の女性も丁寧かつ親切に対応していただきました。 しかし院長の印象...
1.70 (60 reviews)
Riverside Medical Group Hoboken Hudson Tea image
Riverside Medical Group Hoboken Hudson Tea
😠 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE OF THESE POOR REVIEWS. This place is rated 1.9 for a reason. I’ve had great experiences with the doctors but the front desk receptionists’ laziness, lack of empathy for the patient, and willfulness to be as unhelpful as possible is enough to hope that I’ll never have to go to this...
1.80 (114 reviews)
Compass Health Systems image
Compass Health Systems
Mental health service
😠 I made an appointment for my child last week Thurs with a doctor Michelle Desouza via telemedicine. It was 30 minutes past the appointment time and I called to inquire if the appointment was still going to happen. I was told by the answering service that the doctor was running a couple of hours behi...
1.80 (106 reviews)
Machida Mental Naika Clinic image
Machida Mental Naika Clinic
Mental health clinic
👍👍 悪い評価が多い事だけで判断しないでください。 賛否は分かれるクリニックだとは思います。 まず、じっくり話を聞いて欲しい、という人には向かないです。 受付で「お薬のみで」と言うと、診察せずにお薬を貰えます。 また、診察をしても30秒診療です。 ただ、必要な事はちゃんと聞いてくれるし、知識、経験、力量も確かな...
1.80 (69 reviews)
Meditsinskiy Tsentr Ekspert image
Meditsinskiy Tsentr Ekspert
Medical Center
1.80 (69 reviews)
Sapporo Ekimae Clinic image
Sapporo Ekimae Clinic
Medical clinic
😠 ここを選んでは駄目です。 他の口コミ通り、とにかく金目的です。 発達障害の医療機関であるにも関わらず、患者自身に問題があると言い切り高額のデイワークへ誘導するクリニックです。 「君のこれこれこういうとこが全ての原因」 ↓ 「でも大丈夫!この(高額かつ毎日通う)デイワークをやれば君は生まれ変われるよー...
1.80 (63 reviews)
Oxance - Médical et Dentaire image
Oxance - Médical et Dentaire
Dental clinic
😠 Mrs....., 80 years old, presented alone on Friday September 10, 2021 around 3:15 p.m. at the medical center to see an emergency dentist because she had 5 teeth from her bridge at the top which were falling out.... They were held by a only vice... she had to hold her teeth with her fingers to speak a...
1.80 (63 reviews)
Dr. med. Angela Eckl image
Dr. med. Angela Eckl
😠 I was hoping for help instead I walked out like a whipped dog. None of the other doctors' diagnoses were taken seriously. Instead, I was asked nonsensical questions that have nothing to do with my illness. There was hardly any answer. I felt like I was being provoked on purpose. That something like...
1.80 (61 reviews)
Praxis für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie Wolfenbüttel image
Praxis für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie Wolfenbüttel
😠 NIEMALS MIT KINDERN IN DIESE PRAXIS Wir waren mit zwei unserer Jungs in der Praxis, schon an der Rezeption hat Frau Heinzmann Linder uns abwertend behandelt. Beide unserer Kinder wurden von ihr mit ADHS diagnostiziert und bei dem kleinen wurde ein IQ von nur 78 festgestellt Was absoluter Schwachsin...
1.80 (52 reviews)

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