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RUSSIAN LEGEND | Салон красоты Охотный ряд | Парикмахерская, маникюр, эпиляция image
RUSSIAN LEGEND | Салон красоты Охотный ряд | Парикмахерская, маникюр, эпиляция
Beauty salon
😠 Отвратительный салон. Записывают людей с издевкой морально унижают показывая свое превосходство. А если пытаешься написать в Инстаграме сразу же блокирует. А это кстати очень плохо для статистики. Первый салон где к людям относятся как тряпкам. Если не любите свою работу лучше не работайте вовсе....
2.00 (312 reviews)
Ua Salon and Day Spa image
Ua Salon and Day Spa
Beauty salon
😠 Upon arriving I was told they were running a week day special for a mani + pedi for $39. Halfway through the pedicure the nail tech told me that the receptionist told me the wrong price and that in fact I'd be charge $47, not including the service she had just added for $6. I told her this was not...
2.00 (102 reviews)
Hair By Michelle image
Hair By Michelle
😠 Terrible shop that only want your money. "Hairdressers" (term used loosely) are inexperienced, slow and lazy. Will not cut your hair to the style you want, as they are not listen - had entire head shaved rather than the sides. By the time the clippers went through there was no other option but to do...
2.10 (62 reviews)
Prenses_sac_turban_tasarim image
😠 Düğünüm için ön görüşme yaptım yer ve gün ayirttim düğün sabahı bilgi almak için aradım çekim için erken geleceğimi söyledim dört kardeşim ve kayinvalidemin benden sonra saç ve makyaj yapılmasının istedim.saat sekizdeki düğünüm için öğlen 12 de yakınlarıma saç makyaj yapılacağını söylediler durumu...
2.20 (70 reviews)
Salon Krasoty Bersen image
Salon Krasoty Bersen
Beauty salon
👍👍 There's a scribe there
2.30 (73 reviews)
Cut Factory - Atsugi Shimo Ogino Store image
Cut Factory - Atsugi Shimo Ogino Store
😠 子どもの髪をそのままで短くと言ったら、そのままの髪型は難しい。髪の毛を切るのに、耳を出してとお願いしたのに耳が全然出てなく(半分以上)、出ていませんよと言ったら、二度きりは出来ないと言われました。本社はお客が納得できるまで二度きりなどしていると回答。ここの店員だけなぜ行わないのでしょうか?本社は混ん...
2.30 (59 reviews)
Hair Studio 540 image
Hair Studio 540
Hair salon
😠 i came in for a wash and set and the lady who did my hair had me wait 2 hours past my appointment time while she proceeds to trim a roaches antenna. when it was finally my turn she turned me down cuz my hair was “too black” and then had her apprentice rat pick and eat at my dandruff. 0/10 DONT GO HE...
2.30 (59 reviews)
MonAmi image
Beauty salon
😠 Дочь делала маникюр, наращивание с выравниванием и дизайн. На эту процедуру у мастера ушло 4,5 часа! В итоге, искромсала всю кутикулу, после наращивания выравнивание сделала плохо, толщина ногтей разная. Во время работы мастер отвлекается на звонки, инструменты достала откуда то из под полы, ножничк...
2.40 (131 reviews)
Hollywood beauty salon image
Hollywood beauty salon
😠 Vette teleurstelling! Via social deal een massage geboekt: Klinkt als een goede deal, een 60 minuten ontspanningsmassage voor 19 euro, maar nee. De eerste keer werd de massage 30 minuten van te voren met een appje afgezegd vanwege verkoudheid. De nieuwe afspraak stond om 9:45 uur, de masseuse kwam e...
2.50 (88 reviews)
Top Hair - Mein Friseur image
Top Hair - Mein Friseur
Hair salon
😠 Eben betrete ich das Friseur Gebäude. Nur eine Frau sitzt da mit Haube, da denk ich das sieht ja gut aus. Die Friseurin trinkt wohl nen Kaffee oder so und redet von hinten. Was ich denn will. Ich will nur trocken schneiden. Da sagt sie dauert 1,5 Stunden. Das ist mir jetzt schon öfters passiert, ic...
2.50 (50 reviews)
The Hair Company USA Dominican Salon image
The Hair Company USA Dominican Salon
Hair salon
😠 DONT GO IF YOU HAVE NATURAL HAIR \u2014 RELAXER CHEMICALS IN THE SHAMPOO!!. If I could give zero stars, I would. Very pricey for a simple wash, blow dry, trim, flat iron. My hair has been natural for 10+ years. I occasionally straighten so I can get a good trim. I used to go to a Dominican pla...
2.60 (288 reviews)
Katbalou HAIR & BEAUTY image
Katbalou HAIR & BEAUTY
😠 First time I went great service by a Young lady. Second time absolutely disappointing. Asked for bangs she managed to discourage me and was very aggressive while blow drying my hair. Got a side bang instead and when I got home and my hair was back as it was. The brushing didn't last even 3 hrs. Abs...
2.60 (62 reviews)
Smart Cuts & Colour image
Smart Cuts & Colour
😠 Awful haircut, was lopsided. When i mentioned this to hairdresser, her response was your hair dried flatter on that side (she blowwaved it). Got home and straightened it. 100% longer on one side by an inch! Would never go back there and would definitely not recommend this salon.
2.60 (56 reviews)
Top Hair - Mein Friseur image
Top Hair - Mein Friseur
Hair salon
😠 Ich wollte mit meiner 3-jährigen Tochter dort hin zum Haare schneiden. In freudiger Erwartung ging meine Tochter also in den Salon, da wurden wir schon mit den Worten: "Um Gottes Willen!! Nicht ohne Maske!!" in unfreundlichem, lautem Ton angepampt. Dabei ging es wohlgemerkt tatsächlich nicht um mich...
2.60 (52 reviews)
Mr Barber image
Mr Barber
😠 Worst haircut I have had in my life! Horrible haircut, its like the man doesn't know how to trim hair properly. Got my entire top chopped off, and my fringe too - you can see the short hairs that stick out of the front when you comb the hair back. Will literally never come back to this place again -...
2.60 (50 reviews)
Khoobsurat Beauty Salon ( Bothell ) image
Khoobsurat Beauty Salon ( Bothell )
Beauty salon
😠 First off, I went in and they did not sanitize the area they were going to wax. I told the lady nicely to please sanitize the area before waxing, she pretended like she did not hear me. She waxed my brows and my upper lip. My lip was patchy and all the hair was not completely waxed off. She then beg...
2.70 (150 reviews)
Super Cut Friseur Stern-Center Sindelfingen image
Super Cut Friseur Stern-Center Sindelfingen
Hair salon
😠 Dieser Ort verdient überhaupt kein Stern. Am liebsten hätte ich minus zehn Sterne vergeben. Die Friseuse ist sehr inkompetent. Es wird einem nicht zugehört. Sie schneidet was sie will und nicht was man sagt. Gefährlich! Nie wieder !
2.70 (105 reviews)
Hasibe Kuafor image
Hasibe Kuafor
2.70 (65 reviews)
Karmen Beauty image
Karmen Beauty
Beauty salon
😠 Не советую Мало того хамский персонал, так ещё и квалификация ужасная Работа сделана плохо Антисанитарные нормы не соблюдены Клиент всегда прав? Только не тут Хотите минус ногти? Волосы? Прыщи? Определенно приходите Желаю салону лучшего и исправления своих ошибок (Обращение к АдМиНиСтРаЦиИ) Кто пиш...
2.70 (58 reviews)
hair Cut image
hair Cut
😠 Don't expect any type of service, let alone a smile. From the moment I walked in, it seemed as if they didn't want me there. The guy who cut my hair gave me no hello, no eye contact, no response to my question, no acknowledgement that I even existed. It felt weird just being there. Also he didn't ev...
2.70 (56 reviews)
QB House image
QB House
😠 何年も色々なQBに通ってます。喋らずサクッと切ってもらえるのが好きでしたが、ここの店舗は最低な対応する店員が多すぎです。ここも我慢して1年ほど通いましたが、不満爆発。本部にクレームしたところで変わらないでしょうから被害者が増えないようにこちらに投稿します。個人名は控えますが、土日に利用するとだいたいい...
2.70 (53 reviews)
emu hair design 研究学園店 image
emu hair design 研究学園店
Hair salon
😠 予約したのに1時間またされる 予約の意味わかってます? 他にお客さんも3人でスタッフも3人でまわってないし。 客が3~4人ぐらいでまわらん店ってどうなんですか? まわらんのわかってるんやっら予約うけるな 時間かえしてください。 売り上げのことばっか考えて客の事かんがえないみせです。みなさん時間を無駄にしないで...
2.70 (50 reviews)
Top Hair - Mein Friseur image
Top Hair - Mein Friseur
Hair salon
😠 Gäbe es 0 Sterne zu vergeben, würde ich diesen Besuch heute als Null bewerten, ich bin absolut Unzufrieden. Die Mitarbeiterinnen sind nur am reden untereinander, brauchen ewigkeiten für einen Kunden da sie nur mit sich selber beschäftigt sind. Der laden war voller Kundschaft und keiner dieser "Nette...
2.70 (50 reviews)
SmartStyle Hair Salon image
SmartStyle Hair Salon
Hair salon
😠 this is how they left my hair today. I paid 227 dollars. They said they would give my phone number to their manager. I'm still waiting for your call. I just can’t stop crying. You can see on the local cameras that since they were straightening my hair I was already crying and saying that I didn't li...
2.80 (125 reviews)
F10 Quickcut image
F10 Quickcut
Hair salon
😠 It is different shop name now . My hair was ruined like this , but the owner was terribly rude and asked me to go away . Not even sincerely apologised . “Good luck “if anyone still come here! The soon this owner go bankrupt , the better for community ! Shame on him!
2.80 (100 reviews)
Top Hair - Mein Friseur image
Top Hair - Mein Friseur
Hair salon
😠 Bisher war ich ja immer sehr zufrieden mit der TopHair -Filiale in Schwabmünchen. Aber heute hatte ich ein Erlebnis, das so gar nicht geht. So gegen halb 4 habe ich den Laden betreten. Keine weitere Kundschaft zu sehen. Alles leer. Am Tresen saß ein Mann, der telefonierte. Als ich ihm erklärte, daß...
2.80 (85 reviews)
Unique Beauty 4 U image
Unique Beauty 4 U
Beauty salon
😠 I recently tried threading for the first time in this salon. The salon had two staff members available, and it wasn't a particularly busy day for them. However, the staff member who performed my threading seemed to be in a rush for some reason. Unfortunately, the experience was quite painful. I ende...
2.80 (82 reviews)
Boston Barber image
Boston Barber
2.80 (79 reviews)
Ustyle image
🫤 Considering the last time I had a haircut was pre-covid, I knew I was way overdue for a haircut. I happened to be in this complex for a massage and figured why not stop by a salon before heading home. I read the reviews on here and it was mixed with either 5-star or 1-star ratings. This should’ve be...
2.80 (54 reviews)
Friseur KLIER Donaucenter Donaueschingen image

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