Symptomedica clinic - Špecialisti na mikrobióm, výživu a metabolizmus image

Symptomedica clinic - Špecialisti na mikrobióm, výživu a metabolizmus

Doctor Medical center Nutritionist Diagnostic center Ambulance service

One of the Top rated Doctors in Bratislava


Laurinská 8, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia



+421 948 521 301

Rating on Google Maps

4.90 (44 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Wednesday: 9 AM to 4 PM
  • Thursday: 9 AM to 4 PM
  • Friday: 9 AM to 4 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Monday: 9 AM to 4 PM
  • Tuesday: 9 AM to 4 PM

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  • 5/5 Jana V. 9 months ago on Google
    ODPORÚČAM! Oplatilo sa, neľutujem euro cent. Konečne sa veci pohli, začali sa riešiť príčiny mojich problémov. Mikrobiota v čreve ako hlavný vinník sa začala pod vedením p. doktora dávať do poriadku. Poriadne testy, ktoré mi nik iný na SK neurobil a bum výsledky sa veľmi ťažko počúvali. Avšak, na klinike sú veľmi milí, človek tam príde neraz ako kopa nešťastia, že sa mu až tak nedarí, progres nie je badateľný no čím viac sa snaží a pochopí, že to čo robí prinesie ovocie, len nie hneď, všetko sa polepší. Liečba je proces, vyžaduje trpezlivosť, disciplínu, nie je tam zázračná tabletka (aspoň u mňa nie). Je to veľmi smutné, že dnes trpí problémami so stravou (alergie, intolerancie...) tak veľa ľudí a konvenčná medicína im nevie pomôcť. Za mňa určite áno, po roku a pol liečby sa nespoznávam:) ....Ale som sa nachodila, v rámci BA, veľa lekárov rôznych špecializácií a aj zvučné mená a výsledok ten istý. Žiadne riešenie príčiny len potláčanie prejavov, ktorých bolo na mňa už priveľa. A to radšej nespomínam prístup mojej obvodnej lekárky. Netešilo ma to, predsa nemôže to byť tak naveky, to predsa nejde. Tak som sa rozhodla, že skúsim ešte túto kliniku ako poslednú možnosť....Ďakujem, že klinika existuje ;)
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Martina S. 1 year ago on Google
    Túto kliniku odporúčam všetkými desiatimi. Mala som veľmi nepríjemné problémy, ktoré mi vystupovali či už v podobe rôznych alergických reakcií, ekzémov, veľmi nepekných vyrážok, žalúdočných či vylučovacích problémov alebo silných bolestiach kĺbov či mykóz. Po nastavení správnych probiotík, doplnkovej liečby za pomoci peptidov a upravenej stravy všetky moje doterajšie problémy úplne vymizli. Pán doktor Ráček bol prvý doktor, ktorý bral do úvahy všetky moje problémy a nebagatelizoval ich. Treba sa však pripraviť na vyššiu cenu. Sama som váhala, či do niečoho takého ísť, ale bola to moja najlepšia investícia a neľutujem. Ako bonus je veľmi milý prístup.
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  • 5/5 Milan O. 1 year ago on Google
    Táto klinika sa definitívne radí medzi špičku ako v odbornosti tak aj v starostlivosti o pacienta. Zopár rokov som trpel závažnými problémami s ktorými si lekári nevedeli dať rady. Boli to výborní lekári, na ktorých ťažké srdce nemám. Ale na tomto mieste som sa konečne dočkal poznania príčiny a samozrejme adekvátnej a účinnej liečby. Ale mám pred sebou ešte dlhú cestu, a s týmto ľudia skrátka musíte počítať. Avšak, porovnávať súkromnú kliniku s naším dlhodobo podvyživeným verejným zdravotníctvom nie je fér. Symptomedica má prístup k zahraničným laboratóriám, ku ktorým naši lekári prístup nemajú. Tým pádom disponujú informáciami, ktoré sú unikátnym pohľadom na zdravie človeka a na základe nich je možné adresovať širokú škálu problémov. Týmto ale nechcem povedať, že keby bežný lekár mal takéto dáta, tak by ich dokázal nahradiť. To určite nie. Takéto dáta treba vedieť interpretovať v širšom kontexte pacienta so zreteľom na moderné vedecké poznatky. Každopádne, čo môžeme porovnávať je prístup k problémom. Predstavte si, že máte na bicykli defekt. Bežný lekár vám poradí aby ste skúsili koleso dofúkať. Vám to na chvíľku pomôže, ale potom opäť sfúkne. Tak odporúči silnejšiu pumpu. Keď nezaberie ani toto, tak vám poradí pumpovať častejšie. V Symptomedice si okamžite položia otázku, či niekde nemáte dieru a budú sa snažiť ju zaplatať. Konkurenciu k ich „vedeckému sedliackemu rozumu“ nájdete u nás ťažko. Oni vás nebudú primárne liečiť medikáciou. A nie, nie sú to žiadni bylinkári. Sú to lekári, ktorí pracujú s jedálničkom, životným štýlom pacienta a kvalitnými, cielene vybranými doplnkami stravy. A nie, nie sú sponzorovaní firmami, ktoré vyrábajú výživové doplnky. Nikto vám nevytiahne zo šuflíka leták aby ste si v konkrétnej lekárni zakúpili nejaký produkt. Tu sa na transparentnosť a férovosť kladie dôraz. Niekedy drahé, ale zato kvalitné a účinné doplnky si objednáte sami, sem-tam zo zahraničných webov, a kľudne aj každý z inej stránky. Vedia vám odporučiť to najlepšie čo je na trhu. Ak budete dodržiavať to, na čom sa dohodnete, a budete úprimný k sebe a aj lekárom, tak budete napredovať veľmi rýchlo. Je to súkromná klinika a stojí to financie, ktoré mimochodom aktívne investujú do svojho rozvoja. Ale ak niekto nemá problém si zaplatiť za zbytočnú plastiku a vyhodiť stovky eur na drahé oblečenie, tak investujte do seba. V konečnom dôsledku vám peniaze ušetria a štatisticky pridajú pár rokov života. Nielenže oni problémy riešia, ale mnohým vedia aj prechádzať. Tu zažijete, aké je to chytiť zločinca ešte predtým, ako niečo spáchal. Celý môj liečebný proces primárne atakuje tráviaci trakt, ale ja pociťujem zlepšenie resp. elimináciu zdanlivo nesúvisiacich problémov, na ktoré aj korešpondujúci odborník povie, že sú neliečiteľné. Nuž, nie je to tak vždy. Ja nemám čo vytknúť. Takto to má vyzerať a som nesmierne rád, že som týchto ľudí spoznal.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Matúš M. 1 year ago on Google
    S celým priebehom vyšetrenia mikrobiómu, komunikáciou výsledkov a nastavením opatrení sme veľmi spokojní. Náš 5ročný syn s ASD výborne napreduje. Odporúčam každému (nielen s touto diagnózou) sústrediť sa v prvom rade na stravu a mikrobióm. Akákoľvek ďalšia liečba/terapia potrebuje mať pre úspech základ v zdravom mikrobióme.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Ondrej �. 1 month ago on Google • 14 reviews New
    As I left Gastroenterologists from Bezručová disappointed, I left Symptomedica excited. It was like night and day. From poisoned faces, endless co-payments and restrictions, constant unpleasant examinations, general and non-specific treatment of symptoms and the approach like a piece of meat, to friendly, high-quality, individual, targeted and health-beneficial long-term treatment of the disease. I am glad that I had my examination here despite the higher price. The knowledge, understanding of my situation, thorough health plan and great attitude were worth it. My ulcer is healing, the inflammation is subsiding and I feel good. It wasn't easy to switch to a new diet and lifestyle, but it helped me. I don't even think about the anti-inflammatory pills I took for years. Well thank you.

  • 5/5 Silvia V. 6 months ago on Google • 13 reviews
    I am very grateful to the Symptomedica clinic for its wonderful approach, expertise, willingness to give advice, humanity and above all for the help that really works. My problems dragged on for several years. I lived under the delusion that I had histamine intolerance and later SIBO. I limited a lot of food and lost 7 kilos in 2 months. My energy was at freezing point, I couldn't handle normal tasks and I couldn't eat anything at all without having a belly like a balloon, diarrhea, cramps and abdominal pain, depression... Only when I found Symptomedica did I get new hope that things would get better. After analyzing the intestinal microbiome, I received an interpretation of the results from Dr. Stanislav Ráček, and everything fell into place for me like a jigsaw puzzle. No HIT or SIBO, but I was missing certain types of lactobacilli, poor digestion of sugars - fructose and lactose.... The doctor prescribed probiotics, fiber and vitamins tailored to my microbiome. After the first week I started to feel better. Digestion is ok, cramps are gone, I feel like eating, flatulence is better, I have more energy. Of course, I stick to a diet that suits me. Sometimes I can even sin and I'm diarrhea or cramps. And that's just the beginning.....I know it's a long shot, but there is a vision and a goal. I highly recommend the Symptomedica clinic! The money is worth it and you have hope that you will get better and you will know the CAUSE of your difficulties. Once again THANK YOU to the whole team. Yours sincerely, Happy Silvia

  • 5/5 Gabriela R. 1 year ago on Google
    Kliniku Symptomedica som vyhľadala po viac než 2-ročných problémoch s pleťou. Trpela som opakujúcou sa perorálnou dermatitídou, ktorá sa striedala s hormonálnym akné. Navštívila som niekoľko kožných ambulancií a alergologičku, podstúpila množstvo testov, no žiaden lekár mi nevedel s opakujúcim sa problémom pomôcť. Testy na potravinové intolerancie alebo alergie boli vždy negatívne takisto kvasinky alebo iné patogény. Napriek tomu som si všímala, že niektoré potraviny môj stav zhoršovali a aj keď mi lekári tvrdili, že som v podstate zdravá a príčina môže sama odoznieť, vedela som, že problém je niekde inde. V Symptomedice som podstúpila komplexné vyšetrenie črevného mikrobiomu a testy na intolerancie. Ukázalo sa, že trpím mierne presakujúcim črevom a istým disbalansom v tráviacom trakte. Pán doktor Ráček mi všetko zrozumiteľne vysvetlil a dostala som liečbu, ktorá spolu s dôsledným dodržiavaním stravovania o 100% zlepšila môj zdravotný stav. Určite ide o dlhodobý proces, no dermatitída v okolí v úst už úplne odoznela. Kliniku Symptomedica vrelo odporúčam ako veľmi profesionálne pracovisko, ktoré disponuje takou diagnostikou a medicínskymi postupmi s akými som sa inde na Slovensku nestretla. Som im veľmi vďačná za ich pomoc a želám ešte veľa spokojných a hlavne vyliečených pacientov.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Zuzana K. 8 months ago on Google
    Veľmi pekne ďakujem celému tímu Symptomedica, najmä MUDr. Ráčekovi a pani Chamillovej. Som veľmi rada, že mi vás odporučila moja známa. Musím sa priznať, že keď mi povedala, koľko sa platí za vyšetrenie, tak ma to ako priemerne zarábajúceho človeka prekvapilo a povedal som si: to je veľa. Podstúpila som iné vyšetrenia, ktoré hradí zdravotná poisťovňa.... všetky vyšetrenia, testy, gastroenterológiu, ale nikto mi nepovedal, čo mi je. Prečo mám také tráviace problémy, prečo som schudla 9 kg, prečo mám neustále kŕče, bolesti, úplnú stratu chuti do jedla a keď niečo zjem, jedlo akoby mi uviazlo v krku. Vedela som, že musím jesť, ale zároveň som sa bála každého jedla, pretože aj z čistej ryže mi bolo zle. Keď som sa už bála čokoľvek zjesť, pretože som nechcela mať bolesti a všetky tie nepríjemné pocity, povedala som si, že Vás navštívim a musím povedať, že neľutujem, neľutujem ani cent. Jediné, čo ľutujem, je, že som nešla skôr. Symptomedica ďakujem Vám za: - EMPATICKÝ, PROFESIONÁLNY PRÍSTUP Od prvého rozhovoru s pani Chamillovou som vedela, že to bolo dobré rozhodnutie zveriť sa do Vašich rúk. - KOMPLEXNÉ, ODBORNÉ VYŠETRENIE MUDr. Ráček je odborník na správnom mieste. Dôkladne sa zaujímal o všetko, čo mohlo spôsobiť moje problémy. Oceňujem, že pán doktor v žiadnom prípade neohováral postup lekárov v našom zdravotníctve. Bolo zrejmé, že rešpektuje ich úsilie, ale žiaľ, majú zviazané ruky. Dôkladné a komplexné vyšetrenie a testy v symptomedice boli prvotriedne a dôkazom toho je, že teraz, keď píšem tieto riadky, je môj zdravotný stav oveľa lepší. - ZISTENIE DIAGNÓZY A JEJ RIEŠENIE Výsledky môjho mikrobiómu ,,úžasne,, potvrdili, prečo som sa cítila tak zle. Keď je človeku jednoducho zle a nevie prečo, je to ako hustá hmla.... jednoducho nevie, kam má vykročiť, aby sa vyhol pádu do jamy. Doktor Ráček neurobil z mojej hmly východ slnka. To by bolo naivné očakávanie. Hmla sa zmenila na tmu, ale doktor Ráček mi dal lampu a vysvetlil mi, na čo si mám posvietiť na ceste k môjmu zdravšiemu ja. Mne to mimoriadne pomohlo pochopiť príčinu mojich problémov a získať návod, ako postupovať, aby som sa ich zbavila. A ešte by som chcela dodať, že symptomedica sa snaží pomôcť (ak je to možné) bez liekov. Ja som toho príkladom. Neužívam žiadne lieky : ) - ĎAKUJEM, ŽE VÁS NA SLOVENSKU MÁME

  • 5/5 Tibor B. 5 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    Allow me, on behalf of my wife, to appreciate the highly professional, at the same time very sensitive human approach not only of Dr. Ráček, but also of his colleagues from SYMPTOMEDICA. The wife suffered from digestive problems for a long time, she underwent a series of gastroenterological and immuno-allergic examinations, but the problems persisted. Only at Symptomedica, we seem to have knocked and opened the right door. A detailed analysis, an analysis of the state of health, then the eating habits proposed by Dr. Ráček and general corrections in the way of life begin to bear fruit for my wife in three months: the unpleasant "gurgling" in the stomach gradually disappears, sleep improves, and unless I "turn it off" myself, it also increases days and evenings spent at ease, with a smile. Yes, behind it is also the renunciation and firm will of the wife, who stopped eating at work and cooks at home according to the doctor's instructions. The result? She radically adjusted the menu, eating and in general the whole daily regimen "a la Ráček." If I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it: he only indulges in one coffee on the weekend! Until then, two or three cups a day were automatic. The fondness for sweets has not yet definitively swept away from the table, but the motivation in this direction also shows itself on the PC: they have already googled recipes from spelled flour, vegan chocolate, and assist with seeds, nuts, kiwi, blueberries or other fruits as a supplement. What's more, something is already "taking hold" of me: in my retirement, I learned from my wife's communication with Symptomedica that, in addition to the gold apple, there is also a pomegranate, and today I consider peanut butter a delicacy! In six months, another "STK-ačka" in Symptomedics is waiting for his wife. If you allow, after this visit I will write whether she "passed" and I will share with you my experience of how her efforts to respect and fulfill the doctor's recommendations will develop. Please don't take it as a phrase, but taking care of your health is fundamental. If you can't do it yourself, on your own, don't hesitate to contact the doctors. The sooner the better. Better for our health! We really only live once. Tibor Bucha, Malinovo
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Ivana I. 3 months ago on Google • 2 reviews New
    Ordering a consultation and entrusting yourself to the experts at Symptomedika is the best thing you could do for yourself. This was the only clinic that could quickly understand my digestive problems and provide effective solutions. Since the last meeting with the doctor at this clinic, my condition has been slowly but surely improving, and above all, I have not had any relapses, so everything is moving in the right direction. The nutritional supplements and the advice on adjusting the menu that he gave me were very beneficial and I consider it a huge success and a miracle that I was able to gradually return to foods that I could not consume at all for several years and that previously caused me problems. This way I managed to overcome my fear of food, for which I am extremely grateful. Symptomedica was my salvation in times when no other doctor could help or advise me and I tried a lot of things. For that, this clinic deserves a big "thank you" from my side. I can only recommend the clinic. 😊
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Eva K. 7 months ago on Google • 1 review
    Symtomedica clinic helped my son a lot, who didn't talk until he was five years old. There were already various suspicions of autism and brain damage. I became more interested in children's nutrition, and that's when an examination at this clinic was recommended to me. I didn't hesitate. The examination took place at a very high level, as well as the consultations themselves, in a very pleasant environment. The doctors showed an empathetic approach and a great willingness to help to improve our son's health. The consultations were extensive and informative in detail so that we knew exactly how to proceed. We included all the recommendations, switched to new eating habits and you know what is the most amazing thing about it all? My son started talking within 2-3 weeks. Gradually, words flowed in, understanding began to jump in, states of frustration and rage began to disappear. Even the suspicion of autism completely disappeared. The child has begun to understand the joke, we are still at the beginning, but the son is making amazing steps forward. I am convinced that it is precisely thanks to the examination and dietary adjustment. I recommend Symptomedica clinic everywhere I go, I really recommend it warmly. It completely changed our quality of life. Symptomedica - thank you very much for your contribution and the work you do. well thank you

  • 5/5 Petra Nela S. 6 months ago on Google • 1 review
    I came to the Symtomedica clinic already in a desperate state. Years of visiting doctors, a huge number of examinations at various clinics, but no one could find out the cause of the raised oncomarkers and chronic pain in the abdomen, which has been bothering and destroying me for several years. Well, here the main problem was finally revealed, after examining the microbiome, Dr. Ráček informed me, in addition to other details, that the main problem is a leaky gut. The doctor added the diet, supplements and other details. I got into it really honestly exactly according to his recommendations. Today, after several months of struggle and after the check-up, I am excited to say that we did it, that my oncomarkers dropped below the normal range, also the results of the leaky gut indicator showed that we progressed incredibly fast on the road to recovery. But the most important thing is that even though I am still in the healing process, I already feel incomparably better, my energy is starting to return, the pain is no longer so aggressive and persistent. I really recommend this clinic, professional but at the same time human approach, great willingness to help. Thank you very much to the whole team, but especially to Dr. Ráček, I have a great deal of gratitude for guiding me, always willingly answering any questions, explaining everything and always helping to fine-tune what needs to be done as needed. Here you will be welcomed at the reception with a human approach and understanding. Experts who really have the right and kind approach to the patient. Nela

  • 5/5 Klaudia B. 2 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Basically, words cannot even express my gratitude for the help that was provided to me and my son at Symptomedica. Yes, it's not cheap, but what valuable and quality is cheap in life? It was definitely worth the money, because after 2.5 years of classic reflux treatment with Nolpaz and Emanera, my 25-year-old son basically got rid of very unpleasant problems related to the increased production of stomach acid and currently in addition to the rationally adjusted of nutritional supplements MUDr. Ráčekom doesn't take any medication😀 and most of the day is devoted to his work and privacy, not to how to help himself to stop his heartburn😖 And I could write a novel about what I have experienced with my gut microbiome in the last year and it wouldn't be a funny read at all😒 When I was running from one gastroenterologist to another about a year ago and despite my escalating difficulties, no one could find anything for me, I found Symptomedica on the Internet myself and it gives me chills when I realize the quality I would have had my life if, after all, sooner or later I stayed on medication with some gastroenterologist, for whom a negative colonoscopy result is proof that nothing can be wrong with you, which, of course, is far from the truth, only such gastroenterologists don't deal with it anymore... but they are solving it, luckily, in Symptomedice👌slowly but surely I seem to be at the end of my novel and you know how it is - when you are almost at the end of the book, you want to finish it, even if you have to stay up all night. .. My son and I THANK the entire team at Symptomedics, especially the extremely empathetic MUDr. To Ráček, a doctor who WANTS to help and who does not prescribe medicine to the patient, but really treats him, because he solves the cause, not the effect.... I strongly 😉 recommend a visit to Symptomedica if you found yourself in my story. The sooner you do it, the sooner your body will repay you😊 Good health to everyone🫶 Claudia

  • 5/5 Joey Z. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    After overcoming Covid-19, I developed atopic dermatitis, which several private dermatological facilities could not deal with. The problem, as it often happens, was solving the effect instead of the cause. Biting various corticosteroid ointments, antibiotics, etc. of course, it always "solved" the problem in the short term, from a long-term point of view, it complicated and worsened the overall state of health. I knew that the cause was somewhere other than the goat and that it cannot work like this for a long time, I tried, I searched and after a long struggle I luckily came across Symptomedica, where they started looking for the cause from the first consultation. After completing the initial examination and in-depth diagnosis of almost everything, they found out where the problem was, adjusted the diet, excluded problematic foods (some of which I knew about, some of which I had no idea about, despite the many different previous "examinations"), set up targeted nutritional supplements, probiotics, and vitamins. Of course, the result did not appear right away, but after a few weeks I can see a dramatic improvement in my acute condition, as well as other chronic problems that I have ignored for a long time and which certainly had their share in my acute condition. So I am very glad that I came across a TOP medical facility, where a team of very nice professionals helped me to solve not only my acute condition and chronic problems, but also to prevent many health problems in the future. So for me, a big THANK YOU and I definitely recommend it. (Jozef Z.)

  • 5/5 Patrik L. 3 months ago on Google • 2 reviews New
    Nice and pleasant clinic Symptomedica, I would like to express my deep gratitude for your invaluable help in improving my mental and physical health. Your expertise, caring approach and attention created an environment in which I felt understood and supported.💖 Your doctors and nurses have shown excellent expertise in my needs and have greatly contributed to my overall mental and physical balance, so I am happy to note the positive changes in my life that have been achieved through your skilled expertise and my efforts. 🙂 Once again, thank you very much for your high level of healthcare. With the most sincere grateful regards, Patrik Líška

  • 5/5 Kristina E. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    I recommend Symptomedica to anyone who has digestive problems. Professional approach. My health and quality of life improved after only two weeks.

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