Maternidade Dr. Adalberto

Gynecologist Maternity hospital

😠 I would like to thank Dr Oscar's team, who showed compassion and performed my wife's cesarean section. Excellent doctor. But I confess that on the previous shift, which was night shift, she suffered through the night and early morning during the shift of the terrible Doctor and animal Dr Rafael. Thi... People often mention wife, para, quido,


R. Firmo de Velasco, 1394 - St. Central, Anápolis - GO, 75023-067, Brazil


+55 62 3937-9101

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4.00 (90 reviews)

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  • Saturday: Open 24 hours
  • Sunday: Open 24 hours
  • Monday: Open 24 hours
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  • Wednesday: Open 24 hours
  • Thursday: Open 24 hours
  • Friday: Open 24 hours

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: wife (7) para (6) quido (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 1/5 lucas pereira b. 7 months ago on Google • 6 reviews
    I would like to thank Dr Oscar's team, who showed compassion and performed my wife's cesarean section. Excellent doctor. But I confess that on the previous shift, which was night shift, she suffered through the night and early morning during the shift of the terrible Doctor and animal Dr Rafael. This guy should have his profession suspended. Dr Rafael is a terrible doctor who sleeps all night long with his team. Irresponsible. I filmed the entire morning during his shift. Almost everyone went to sleep and my wife and I were left there alone. I believe that there is no director at this hospital, because this irresponsible Dr. Rafael cannot continue to be there for so many years. But thank God that Dr Óscar arrived the other day. As soon as he arrived, he took my wife to the operating room without hesitation and performed her cesarean section. Dr. Óscar and his anesthetist were the best I've ever seen in my life. But this Dr. Rafael must have practiced medicine remotely. Horrible.
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Rayane A. 3 years ago on Google
    Já tive 3 abortos e Estou grávida novamente fui lá porque estou com a placenta um pouco descolada quem me atendeu nem foi um médico foi uma enfermeira. Ela me disse que minha gestação não ia dar certo isso é coisa que ela fala para uma pessoa pessoa que já perdeu 3. Não pode falar isso pois ela não sabe a dor de uma pessoa que é perder 3 bebês.
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Erick 10 months ago on Google • 9 reviews
    Terrible! prehistoric place without any care, rusty furniture, horrible bathroom, they gave my wife a dress with blood stains, we asked to change it and they brought one completely torn! We paid almost 7 thousand reais, the least they could offer was a more cozy place for a pregnant woman in a moment that is never forgotten, unfortunately it was the only private option with a private room that day. But, if regret killed I would have died, I should never have taken my wife to this maternity hospital, but rather gone to Goiânia or Brasília. I won't mention a name but I also don't recommend the doctor who delivered the baby who is well known, it seemed like she wanted to finish it quickly so she could leave performing surgery as if it were on an animal, my wife was rocking a lot on the stretcher, it wasn't even 30 minutes and She left and left it in the hands of other professionals. Two days later my wife had to be hospitalized with shortness of breath and weak heartbeat, she was hospitalized for 1 week. I don't know if it was this doctor's fault, but I think so. But now everything is fine with my wife and the baby. That's my complaint, I don't recommend anyone who can afford a birth, look for a better place.
    7 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Janaína A. 1 year ago on Google
    Fui lá perdendo líquido e falaram que não era nada no outro dia voltei pq não parava de sair líquido e o médico me olhou e me mandou pra casa eu já estava com contração de 3 em 3 min ele me passou um Buscopan quando cheguei em casa e fui ao banheiro saiu o tampão mais líquido e muito sangue me organizei e voltei e me internou por conta de está com bolsa rompida, não dilatei tentaram até o soro que foi a pior dor que já senti na minha vida e nada de dilatar, partimos para a cesária e nasceu e blz, após quando foi costurar quem estava fazendo era uma residente e eu escutava a médica falar não assim não é assim oh, faz denovo e etc... Sai com 2 dias estava tudo bem 7 dias depois começou a vazar líquido fui no local uma enfermeira olhou e disse pra voltar na outra semana e só foi piorando e abrindo pontos e voltei fui muito bem atendida fiz exames e era pouco líquido afinal estava vazando a dias e eu até espremi bastante. No mesmo dia que fui estavam outras 3 mulheres com o mesmo problema no local e a enfermeira de plantão disse que já havia passado outras mulheres com a cesária aberta e com vazamento de líquido. Por fim fez pulsão e fiquei tratando em casa 90 dias e a cicatriz ficou horrível e deu aderência infelizmente. A comida do local é horrível, as enfermeiras a maioria educadas, os médicos alguns bons e outros fazem pouco caso. Porteiro tem uns educados e outros nem tanto, enfim... Boa sorte que vcs tenham mais sorte do que eu e pegue bons médicos 🙏
    7 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Diogo da Silva R. 9 months ago on Google • 88 reviews
    My two children were born there, great place, clean, great staff. The doctors who performed the surgery are exceptional. The ward environment is good, as are the apartments.

  • 4/5 Kamyla O. 2 years ago on Google
    O atendimento lá e maravilhoso, não tenho que reclamar, só tem um porém finais de semana lá parece que não tem médico dias vezes que fui la sentido dor para ganha bebê fui pro Santa casa.
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Dutra D. 5 months ago on Google • 60 reviews
    Great service from start to finish, great communication! Very competent and professional nurses pay close attention to patients! Rating 1000!

  • 2/5 Jonathan M. 1 year ago on Google
    Um lugar até razoável, porteiros são péssimos para informações, dão preferência pra quem é mais nervoso, se você chegar chutando o balde eles te deixa entrar até fora do horário, péssima recepção, oq estraga esse lugar. Uma administração horrível não tem pulso firme, não deixa claro as regras, regra vazias que não servem todo mundo... Próximo filho vou pra Gyn mas aqui não volto mais...
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Marielle N. 3 years ago on Google
    Tive minha filha há 2 anos atrás, fui muito bem atendida, meu médico Dr Jose Sidney Filho, maravilhoso, as enfermeiras maravilhosas... Ca estou eu gestante novamente e ja marcando meu parto nessa maternidade novamente! Parabéns....
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Fabiana t. 2 years ago on Google
    Porteiro mal educado, chuveiro com água gelada, sem Internet! E tudo particular, e sem contar o problema que teve com a anestesia....comentou se por lá que o lote da anestesia estava com problemas , a anestesia não pegou nela!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Francilene O. 6 months ago on Google • 6 reviews
    The Veroni laboratory responsible for the maternity ward offers a terrible service in terms of test results. If the system does not work, inform patients that they will only receive results in person! Bad system!

  • 5/5 Dayane Vieira e. 1 year ago on Google
    Eu vou começar agora o meu ,lá porque me disse que lá e bom .. queria saber se faz tudo lá exames , ultrassom?

  • 5/5 Edilson M. 1 year ago on Google
    Com a missão de ser a materinidade de referência para toda a região em parto normal, esse hospital enfrenta grandes desafios, mas é essencial para o município e região.

  • 1/5 Mara G. 9 months ago on Google • 1 review
    When arriving on the day of the appointment at 7:00 in the morning there are more or less 15 to 30 people to be seen, there should be less due to the delay in starting the service which is only after 8:30. In this case, because we are pregnant, we shouldn't wait so long to call for help, the wait is long, many even go without eating. A maximum of 20 patients should be available for care and have greater agility, so this would not happen and there would be dissatisfaction due to the delay in providing care.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Ana lidia S. 4 months ago on Google • 1 review
    Total disorganization! They schedule a bunch of pregnant women for the same time, and it becomes a mess. They should at least provide a password.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Ludmila 7 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    I had a baby there and received very good care, very careful and patient nurses. Congratulations on being a public hospital. (Government of Goiás should invest more there and send more funds, they deserve it)
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Thais C. 6 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    Terrible place, the staff there are only good for posting videos on the internet, the service is competent and the health of pregnant women leaves a lot to be desired
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 soll r. 4 months ago on Google • 1 review
    I was once an employee of this institution and it is really very important for the population of Anapoli. Congratulations!!!!

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