【Yoga Studio Anahata ヨガスタジオ アナハタ】八王子南大沢店 image

【Yoga Studio Anahata ヨガスタジオ アナハタ】八王子南大沢店

Yoga studio

One of the Best Places To Visits in Hachioji


Japan, 〒192-0362 Tokyo, Hachioji, Matsugi, 9−1




+81 50-5373-7245

Rating on Google Maps

5.00 (104 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Sunday: 7:30 am to 6:30 pm
  • Monday: 10 am to 9 pm
  • Tuesday: 10 am to 9 pm
  • Wednesday: 10 am to 9 pm
  • Thursday: 10 am to 9 pm
  • Friday: (The Emperor's Birthday), 7:30 am to 12:30 pm, Holiday hours
  • Saturday: 7:30 am to 7 pm

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: yoga (23) studio (13) feel (7) body (6) classes (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 Saori S. 1 year ago on Google
    全くのヨガ初心者(とっても身体かたい)ですが、通いはじめて半年、すっかりはまってしまいました。 初めてでも、とてもわかりやすく教えていただけますし、毎回「人と比べなくていいよ」と言ってくださるのでなんにも気にせず、ただ自分の身体が少しずつ気持ちよく伸びていくのを感じることができます。 先生はお二人ともとっても話しやすく生徒さんともフレンドリーですが、新しく参加するかたのことも一人一人ちゃんと見てくれるので心配ないです。 肩こりやむくみも楽になってきたし、身体が動くようになってきたと毎回実感できるのがとても楽しいです。 お休みの日に週1~2回のペースで通っていますが、最近の予定はヨガ中心で決めてます。 これからも続けていきたいと思ってます!
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 なつこ 1 year ago on Google
    妊活中はホットヨガは良くないと聞いたため、常温ヨガは無いか探したところ、こちらと出会うことができました! 最初はただ運動ができたら良いと思っていたのですが、常温ヨガは妊活だけでなく、自律神経や体質改善にとても有効だと教えていただきました。 レッスン中も一人一人見て、丁寧に教えてくださるので、1時間みっちり自分の体と向き合えます。凝り固まった全身をくまなく伸ばすことができて、終わったあとは体がスッキリ! 信じられないくらい体が硬く、簡単なポーズですらまともに出来ない私ですが、それでも楽しく通えているのはこちらの先生のお陰です! カラッと明るくお話しする姿を見ていると、「私のモヤモヤなんて大したことないな!」と思えて、日頃の悩みや疲れまでが吹き飛びます!笑 また、先生のお人柄ゆえなのか、いらっしゃる他の生徒さんたちもとても温かく優しい方ばかり。いつ行っても雰囲気が良く、気軽に通いやすいヨガスタジオです。 心と体に効果抜群なので、夫にもお勧めして、今では毎週2人で通っています。 これからも続けていきたいです! たくさんの人に知って欲しいくらい、めちゃくちゃお勧めなので、気になってる方はぜひ一度体験に行かれてみてください^^
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 mameko e. 1 year ago on Google
    Instagramで偶然ご近所にヨガスタジオを見つけ、 カラダを動かしたくて体験レッスンを申し込みました。 ヨガの経験はジムのレッスンやオンラインレッスンでちょっと受けたぐらい。 運動経験は学生時代は皆無、30代になってからこのままではダメだと思って運動し始めたレベルです。 大手のスタジオとは違って、とてもアットホームで 先生はもちろん、会員さん達も優しく 人見知りの私でも安心してレッスンを受けられました。 先生の目が行き届いているので、初心者でも放置されず、個々のレベルに合わせてレッスンを進めてくれます。 1時間のレッスンはあっという間に終わり、カラダはもちろん頭の中がスッキリしました。 こんなにリラックスした状態は以前受けたヨガでは感じられなかったので、ちょっとびっくり❗️しました。 こちらのスタジオは入会金なし❗️ レッスンは『チケット』か『通い放題』が選べて 面倒な手続きも一切なく 自分のタイミングで通うことができるので その点でもストレスなく続けられます。 会員さんのことを第一に考えてくれる先生なので とってもおすすめです❗️
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 鶴田凪彦 1 year ago on Google
    2023年1月から始めて4回通いました。50歳過ぎて体は固いし筋力も持久力もないけど、続けられそうな気がします。先生が「出来なかったら無理しない」「他の人と比べない」と口酸っぱく声かけしてくれるのがとてつもない安心感を与えてくれるので初心者でも実力に合わせて気持ちよく参加できます。 4回中2回は私以外の男性も居ましたが、別に男1人で混ざってても居心地悪いということはありません。 私はヨガの知識もないし他のスタジオの事は分かりませんが最初にここに来れてラッキーだったと思います。
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 越川育美 1 year ago on Google
    私は、のぼせやすい体質なのでホットヨガではなく常温ヨガに興味があり、こちらの教室を見つけました。 まだ通って1ヶ月ちょっとですが、身体がどんどんしなやかに変わっていくのを感じてます。 先生方の導き方が上手で、最初の瞑想では雑念もあったりしますが気づくと頭も無の世界.....。身体だけではなく脳みそもほぐされ、癒され、帰るときはいつも気持ちもスッキリ!! 毎日飽きさせない、頼もしいお二方の先生のおかげで楽しく通ってます🤗 他は分かりませんが、レッスンの種類もあり特にアナトミック骨盤は、なかなか受けられる場所はなさそうなので貴重だと思います👀 また、通ってる生徒さん方も皆さん気さくで楽しいです♪ 私は、初めて通った教室がアナハタで良かったと感じてます⭐️
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 mamara 5 months ago on Google • 18 reviews
    It's a valuable room-temperature yoga studio full of wonderful teachers that you can easily come to at your own convenience even when you're busy. Because of my job, I heard many stories and was recommended room temperature yoga, which led me to Anahata. I'm new to yoga and my body is stiff, but I'm very grateful to be able to be taught in a way that makes it easy for me. Even though my body is so stiff, I am able to feel the benefits of yoga and have fun by teaching me the positions that are easy and effective. Thank you for your continued support.

  • 5/5 mi m. 11 months ago on Google
    こちらに通い始めて数ヶ月です🧘‍♀️ 毎回心と身体が整います✨明るくて素敵な先生でこちらに行くたびに元気になります。他のお客様も良い方ばかりです☺️ 回数券やフリーコースもあり、通いやすいです! 最近はホットヨガが流行っていますが、やはりヨガを熟知された先生による、常温のヨガがいいよなぁ〜と感じます✨
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 YOSHIE. M. 1 year ago on Google
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 yuko s. 1 year ago on Google
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 shiho f. 1 year ago on Google • 1 review
    It's been half a year since I started coming here in February of this year. It's difficult to attend regularly due to work and childcare, but I'm very grateful for the ticket system and the fact that there are various lesson curriculums available every day, so I can go whenever I can. Even though I don't go often and it's been a while since I've been there, I'm grateful that I was warmly welcomed and was able to practice yoga without any difficulty. The intensity of the lessons varies depending on the curriculum, and I like that I can participate depending on my physical condition and what I want to strengthen that day. I'm a beginner, so I've only tried things with two stars, but I feel like I'm improving little by little. I would like to try a more difficult curriculum in the future! The teacher is very kind and friendly. He always calls me by name, which makes me feel very happy. I look forward to meeting my teacher every time, and being able to see her face, hear her energetic voice, and hear her various stories during lessons is a refreshing experience. When it comes to yoga, she teaches me to face myself and not compare myself to others, like a mantra every time, so I gradually become less concerned about what others think of me and realize that I should just do what I can do now. It is thanks to my teacher that I was able to think. He never criticizes things, never says difficult things, and gives lessons in an easy-to-understand manner. I respect you very much. In addition, there is always great yoga wear on sale, and I look forward to new releases! It's comfortable to wear and the teacher has a good sense of style, so I really like it. In addition, there is a parking lot, so you can come by car. I really like this studio because they are always willing to accommodate last-minute reservations, they provide free water, and I can use yoga mats freely! I will continue to come here!
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 秋山順子 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    I'm a beginner, but she teaches me the meaning of yoga in an easy-to-understand way, and also explains the purpose of the lessons, so it's very rewarding. I feel refreshed after each session. I've only been a few times, but my stiff shoulders, sciatica, and sensitivity to cold have all improved. My physical condition is very good. Many of the students are fans of the teacher, but they are all kind and approachable. Feel free to talk to me from a reasonable distance. The parking lot is close to the building, so it's easy to get there with light clothing. There is a trampoline on the first floor, which is convenient because the kids can play while I do yoga for an hour. Your mind and body will be in good shape. I would like to attend.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 かず 7 months ago on Google • 1 review
    It's been 5 months since I started going. I was nervous going to a new place for the first time, but I was welcomed so warmly that my nerves quickly eased lol. The explanations are detailed and easy to understand, so if you listen, you can move without getting confused. I can relax my body, and the instructor's voice is so soothing that I want to come here! That's what I thought during the experience. It's ticket-based, so you can make reservations whenever you want to go, which is great. There is a parking lot so it is easy to get to. I've been doing yoga before, but it's been about 10 years since I've done it, but I've gradually settled into a rhythm of my life that includes yoga again, so I'd like to continue doing it at this studio.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 柴田絵美歌 6 months ago on Google • 1 review
    I was concerned about my lack of exercise and my age-related health issues, so I wanted to start doing some exercise. A friend of mine taught me Anahata, and I thought that yoga would help me move my body without straining myself, so I went to try it out. Stepping away from your busy daily life and becoming conscious of your own breathing allows you to begin to feel and accept yourself. It's okay to move comfortably according to what suits you that day. For me, spending an hour in such a space is something I want to continue doing.

  • 5/5 Yu 6 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    Although I was a complete yoga beginner, I was able to enjoy the friendly personality of Mr. Mao and the other teachers, and the ease of entry into the yoga studio, which made me instantly eligible for unlimited visits. I decided to compare it with other studios, but I didn't go anywhere else and chose this one! lol Dr. Mao is powerful, good at talking, and fun! Of course, he teaches yoga carefully, but he also has a simple personality that seems to have the magic of attracting people! I will continue to have fun visiting you☆

  • 5/5 May N. 3 months ago on Google • 2 reviews New
    I recently discovered this hidden gem of a yoga studio, and I am delighted with my experience. The atmosphere exudes tranquility, providing the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle. The instructors’ warmth and friendliness make every session enjoyable, creating a sense of community within the studio. Each class is thoughtfully crafted, offering a perfect blend of relaxation and challenge. The classes cater to all levels, fostering growth and mindfulness. I've never stuck with a particular yoga studio until now, but the welcoming atmosphere and lack of restrictions in this studio allow me to truly concentrate on my practice. Despite having joined only a few months ago, I've already noticed significant positive changes in myself. While my experience with the classes and instructors has been flawless, I must mention a couple of location-related challenges. Parking can be tricky sometimes, especially when the downstairs trampoline class is in session or during the intervals between yoga classes. Although there's ample parking, the narrow parking lot can pose a bit of a challenge. While the energy from the downstairs trampoline classes occasionally seeps in, I've come to view it as an opportunity to enhance my concentration skills during the classes. In all, this yoga studio is a rare find. The instructors' genuine commitment and the friendly atmosphere make it a haven for anyone seeking balance and rejuvenation. 🙏✨

  • 5/5 Maiko Katherine N. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Love this studio! I The teachers are wonderful, highly knowledgeable and the vibe is very down to earth. Highly recommended!!

  • 5/5 Karika S. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Three years ago, I fell ill and was almost bedridden, but recently I've finally started to move again, so I've been going to Anahata Yoga Studio as a premium member (as much as I want) for a month now. Over the past three years, I have lost a lot of strength and strength. Currently, I am only participating in classes that require less exercise, but I hope to improve my level little by little according to my physical condition. My goal is to be able to receive ``Anatomic Pelvic Yoga'' ^^ Anatomical Yoga. It seems to be good for the autonomic nervous system. After going for a month, my impressions are that my autonomic nervous system, which had been out of order, has become better. In particular, my breathing became deeper, and the stiffness around my neck, shoulders, and hip joints became much easier. After each lesson, I feel better physically and mentally. I'm really looking forward to attending the school because all the teachers are so friendly. I'm lucky to have found "Anahata Yoga Studio"!! I wish I had known about it sooner...I want to go at my own pace without forcing myself. Thank you for your continued support.

  • 5/5 miko 9 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    A yoga studio where you can balance your body and mind. I have attended several major sports clubs. I've had yoga before, but it's completely different, with a small group of people watching you carefully. All the teachers are very nice ✨ First look at the studio! ? I thought, but it has an addictive local feel 🎵This is my first time in a studio where I can hear the voices of cicadas. The feeling of doing yoga in nature will be unexpectedly soothing. Recommended.

Call +81 50-5373-7245 Open on Google Maps


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