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JCHO Utsunomiya Hospital

Hospital General hospital

One of the Top rated General hospitals in Utsunomiya


11-17 Minamitakasagocho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0143, Japan




+81 28-653-1001

Rating on Google Maps

3.00 (88 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM to 5:15 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM to 5:15 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM to 5:15 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Monday: 8:30 AM to 5:15 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM to 5:15 PM

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: hospital (20) time (14) called (13) doctor (9) told (8) person (6) home (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 1/5 バルボッサ 1 year ago on Google
    総合病院だから何となく信頼できる、安心できる、そんな理由で受診されない方がいいです。 同じ目に遭う方がいないようにレビューします。 2年前、頭痛と不自然な眼のぼやけが数日続き、 こちらの内科・眼科を受診しました。 眼のことも絡んでいるので、何となく大きい病院の方が安心できると思ったからです。 まず内科では、風邪の診断。目に関しては「疲れ目じゃない?」と言われ、一応風邪薬を処方され終了。 続いて眼科では、 眼科に必ず置いてある一般的な検査機器で 眼を見られ、 「何の異常もない」「異常が見当たらないから、逆に心配。何だろう?」 と言われました。一言一句覚えています。 その後も症状は改善せず、 特に眼のことが心配になり街の眼科を受診。 その眼科で症状を話すと、 網膜の断面を詳しく見る機械のようなもので検査され、 結果、見るからに異常なほど網膜がむくんでいるとのことで、大学病院へ紹介されました。 翌日すぐにその大学病院へ検査しに行くと、 その網膜のむくみは網膜動脈閉塞症という、 血栓が網膜に詰まって視野が欠ける症状であることがわかり、 頭痛を併発していることから他の臓器にも血栓が詰まっていると大変危険なため、緊急入院となりました。 適切に検査・処置され、幸にして命の危険はありませんでしたが、残念ながら眼には後遺症が残り、 今も視野の一部が欠けています。 私の年齢で発症するのはかなり珍しい、と言われましたが、街の眼科医が詳しく検査し、異常を発見してくれたおかげで最悪の事態を食い止めることができました。 もっと発見が遅れていたらどうなっていたか考えると恐ろしいです。 こちらの病院は街の病院よりもレベルの低い検査しかできないのでしょうか。 それとも、街の病院にも置いてあるような検査機器すら備わっていないのでしょうか。 短い診察時間で沢山の人を診察しなければならないから、 患者が申し出る症状に当たりがつかなければ異常なしと診察し、一人一人の症状を精査できないのは仕方ないのでしょうか。 総合病院にも関わらず、複数の症状から総合的に診察することができないのでしょうか。 しかし、重篤な症状も診断できず、「逆に心配」とだけ言ってそのまま患者を帰してしまうのは医療従事者として適切なのでしょうか。 繰り返しになりますが、 大きい病院や、良い経歴を持つ先生にかかれば 良質な診察を受けられるというのは間違いです。 沢山並ぶことで、なんとなく診察自体が価値の高いものに感じているだけです。 街の医者の方がちゃんと診てくれますよ。
    21 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 磯の黒鯛 2 years ago on Google
    骨折で救急搬送されて入院しました。ドクターは、優しく気も効き良いと思いました 逆に科、病棟にもよると思いますが、入院緊急手術直後の病棟二日目の看護師は非常に乱暴、雑に手術箇所を掴むような行為がありました。が、看護助手さんは気が利きよかったです。が、リハビリ病棟の看護師は、 1聞いて10分かった気になり左斜め上を全力疾走な感じで話を聞きません。 意思を伝えるのに時間と手間を要しますこの病棟の看護助手さんでは、ほぼ仕事をしていない方が居ました。看護師、助手共に二言目には忙しいから…あとにして!です。病院を選ぶ余裕が有るならお勧めしません他をお探しください。
    15 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 宇都宮ハイスティック 5 months ago on Google • 475 reviews
    I came to receive an endoscopy today, and I have been working at this hospital since my days as a social insurance hospital, and I believe that the facilities and size are just right for general medical treatment.
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 メイメイ 1 year ago on Google
    13 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 ねむこ 2 years ago on Google
    時間に余裕がある方には向いてるかも知れません。当方循環器内科を受診しています。 予約時間が13時でした。 前回受診予約時間も同時刻で結構待たされたので、試しに予約時間より早く(30分前)自動受付通してみたのですが今回はただ更に待つ事になっただけでした笑。 自動受付してもその先の科の受付に「しばらくお待ちください」と表記があり受診票(?)が出せません。 私の前に高齢の方が受付内を通り過ぎたスタッフの方を呼び止めて受付してもらおうとしたら今受付居ないからベンチにかけて待つよう言われていたので私も同じくベンチで待っていました。 その奥には他のスタッフは居ます。背中を向けてパソコンに向かっている様子。看護師の方なのかわかりませんが、窓口の方が来るまで受付票は出せませんでした。 そのまま受付内を見ていたのですが他の患者さんが来ても、その他のスタッフさんは患者の存在に気付いてもあちらからは声は掛けず。人によるかも知れませんが知らんぷりの様に受け取れてしまい、印象良くないなぁ、と勝手に感じてしまいました。 その後窓口の方が来たのでようやく受付票を渡せました。受付してもらってからの待ち時間もなかなか。。 受付の方の昼休憩なのか、たまたまその日がそうだったのか、わかりませんが、受付対応するスタッフの不在時間を無くして頂けると患者側としては大変助かります。 患者は誰に対応して貰えばいいのか分かりませんし高齢の患者が目立つので対応してくれるスタッフが居るのと居ないのでは病院の印象も変わるのでは無いかなぁとしみじみ思います。 循環器の先生は対応は丁寧な雰囲気でした。 ちゃんと話を聞いてくれます。
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 かとうとと 2 months ago on Google • 33 reviews New
    The receptionist at the general counter is 1 star. bad attitude Looking at the reviews, there are a lot of recent reviews about the attitude of the receptionist. The reception desk is the face of the hospital. It's a shame because the teachers and nurses are good. My family doctor, the receptionist of the internal medicine department, the nurses, the otorhinolaryngologist, and the nurse who was at the IV drip site were all very nice. 5 stars for that.
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 narumi 9 months ago on Google
    訴訟をおこすべきか、考えてる方の参考にしてほしい。 19年前、産婦人科がありました。私の赤ちゃんは、死産しました。 当時夜間、担当だった若い先生に謝罪してほしいです。 お金とかそういう事ではなく、他の方の出産だった事は、チラッと聞きましたが、2時間以上ほっとかれました。 私は早産で、診察台で待たされ、自分で赤ちゃんを取り上げました。 病院にいながら、救急車を呼ぼうか迷ってたぐらい。 当時の夜勤の先生に合った事もなく、何の処置もされず、なぜ、私をほっといて何もせず私の子は死んだの? その担当の先生すら、誰だったのかもわからず。23週の小さな私の赤ちゃん。助けてほしかった。今も、お墓で一人寂しく眠ってる 。 私にとっては一生の問題です。3人の子育てが一段落したので、ずっと気にな っていた事を調べたら、 私の情報はありませんでした。10年間?しか保存しないらしいです。 今、戦う余裕と、勇気があればやるべきです。 そ一つの時、私が、救われた事があります。当時、看護部長だった方が、私の死産をきいて、勤務時間外だったのに、私を心配して朝病室に来てくれて、病室で私の胎盤を出してくれました。あまりのシヨョツクで 死にたいと思ってた私を心から、助けて下さいました。その方に本当に心から感謝しています。
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 紀子 2 years ago on Google
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Mizuaki I. 1 year ago on Google
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 a r. 1 year ago on Google
    7 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 noko m. 5 months ago on Google • 3 reviews
    My mother was diagnosed with a serious illness at this hospital. He was rushed to the hospital, was simply put to bed without any tests, and was forced to undergo incomprehensible rehabilitation before being discharged from the hospital. Immediately rushed to another hospital. It was the final stage of cancer. I hope this will be helpful when you visit your doctor.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 みちミチ 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Visited an ophthalmologist today. The engineer who inspected me was very kind and pleasant. The person who was calling in next to the teacher was also very nice. I am glad that the teacher explained it in an easy-to-understand manner. (Original) 本日眼科に受診。検査をしてくださった技師さんが、とっても優しくて感じが良かった。 先生の横で、呼び込みしていた方も、とてもよかったです。先生も、わかりやすくとてもよく説明してくださりよかったです。
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 ネコキティちゃん 8 months ago on Google • 3 reviews
    I was hospitalized last month. When I asked for a medical certificate for life insurance, I was told that it would take a month for the medical certificate to be issued. It usually comes out in about two weeks! ️When I contacted them, I was told it was someone else's problem. I would like you to respond a little sooner. I heard from an acquaintance that other general hospitals are open.
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 趣味ノヨガ 8 months ago on Google • 35 reviews
    This is also a hospital with the worst hygiene, with areas dripping blood. Later, when I told him that my condition was in the worst condition and that I was going home, he told me that it was almost time and he wouldn't give me my medical card back, so I had to go see a doctor. On the way home, I collapsed twice before returning home. It seems likely that if he had been able to return home, he would have returned home safely and collapsed in his room. Then there are the doctors who don't give enough explanations. In fact, there was no explanation at all, so what should I do? ? ? ? That's what happened. Even if you ask a question, will you just be told the same thing? ? ? ? ? . There are other doctors who feel that there is no way to communicate with this person because there is no subject or predicate.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Miyazaki m. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Thank you for your continued support. Because it is a community-based type, hospitals, facility care elderly people, and certified caregivers can take a bath and take a rest and spend time slowly 🐌💨💨. (Original) いっもお世話になっております。 地域密着型なので、病院~施設介護老人、介護認定者に、お風呂が、入って、ゆっくり🐌💨💨休んで、過ごせます。
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 MARU 9 months ago on Google • 5 reviews
    Yesterday, I visited you for a health check. It's a very old hospital. I thought I was doing well because the uterine cancer screening didn't hurt at all. What's more, he found an abnormality. Blood sampling was done using a thin needle to match the small blood vessels, so although it took some time, it wasn't painful at all. The staff treated me well from start to finish, so I decided to take care of them for next year's health checkup. ...The ``Matcha Anpan with Mochi'' that I bought from ``Bread Studio Maple'', which was open next to the shop, was very delicious♡ I also bought two side dish breads, and they were chewy, moist, and delicious.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 miimi m. 4 months ago on Google • 16 reviews
    My family was rushed to the hospital for a week. Parking lot: One-way street surrounding the hospital. During busy times, a staff member will direct you to the north side. Doctor: If you are unable to meet with your doctor, he will notify you over the phone about your condition and treatment methods. They will also listen to your wishes regarding your discharge date. This year, I was hospitalized for surgery at Saiseikai...but there were parking issues and reservations (pre-surgery tests, re-examinations) being made without permission, so as an attendant with a job, The one at Geico Utsunomiya Hospital was good.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 まふ 10 months ago on Google
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 M H. 4 months ago on Google
    小児科を受診しました。 事前に問い合わせをし、確認をした上で伺いましたが こちらでは、本当に立性調節障害の治療や検査を行っているのでしょうか? 午前中の体調不良が1ヶ月も続いていることを、お伝えし検査の日程を決めて頂きたかったのですが… 女性医師は検査などする気はなく。 あと1ヶ月、症状が続けば検査をしてみてもいいかな? という呆れた発言でした。 多分起立性調節障害とは違うと思うから。 とのことで心療内科を紹介されました。 出された薬は胃酸の分泌を抑えるもの。 何の根拠もないので当然、飲ませていません。 翌日からも、毎日毎日吐き気に苦しみ、学校どころかトイレすら行けない状態。 やっと起立性調節障害の検査を他の病院でして頂き 治療を開始しています。 診断によって、患者も家族もどれだけ振り回され、辛い思いをするのか。 少しでも知って頂きたいです。
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 大島 1 year ago on Google

  • 1/5 金色グローブ 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I don't want to see a doctor even though it's my turn Anyway, it is a hospital that I want to go to other hospitals (Original) 臨番なのに診察しようとしない とにかく他に回したがる病院です

  • 1/5 あにぢゃ 9 months ago on Google • 1 review
    I didn't want to give a bad review because I was taken care of, but I would like to write this because I want to clearly convey the facts to the patients who will use the hospital in the future and the hospital staff. On the day of the test, even though I arrived at the designated time, I was not called for nearly an hour, so when I checked with the receptionist, they said, ``I will call you next time.'' At that time, there was a possibility that I missed being called...so I wasn't complaining, and when I asked, "Maybe I was called, I wasn't called." (Although it is possible that he was trying to be considerate.) That's how the test ended, and I decided to come back the next day to get the results. The paper said, ``Please come at 11:15,'' so I went to the hospital at 11:00. At the reception desk, I was told, "Please wait near door number 7," so I decided to wait right in front of it. The door says, ``We are currently examining a patient at 11 o'clock.'' ” characters. However, I wasn't called until 12:36, and there were only a few people in the waiting area, which had been full of patients, and it was obvious that someone who had arrived later than me had been called. Because of the previous incident, I was conscious not to miss being called, but in the end, I wasn't called until 12:40, so I went to the reception desk. Then he said again, ``I'll call you next time.'' I thought, ``Oh no, I can't call you right away...'' and this time I asked, ``Have you been called?'' with dissatisfaction, and I was told that I hadn't been called. "I've been waiting since 11 o'clock, but..." "The person who came after me was called first..." When I asked him about it, he replied, "Perhaps the person who took the blood sample came at the last minute." I started saying things that made no sense. Even if that were true, there's no way all of the 50 or so patients at the waiting area were like that. If they don't call you even after 1:00 p.m., shouldn't you have written that you should come at 11:15 from the beginning? I was called at 12:56, and when I asked the doctor about it, he told me that the patient had pushed me, and as a result, it was now this time. I am well aware that we value each and every patient, and I understand how you feel, but even then, I thought it was too late. If this is not the case, there is a mistake in the time allocation, and you should take this into account when setting the time for the patient to come. Also, if you ask the receptionist and they call you right away, some people might think, ``I had no choice but to come to the reception and tell you what to do,'' so I think you should consider that as well. The doctor is a very nice person, and I don't think the nurse is a bad person either, but it is true that something like this happened, and I hope this will be of some help to patients who will be seeing him in the future. leave.
    17 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 おひと 8 months ago on Google • 1 review
    The other day, my 5-year-old son went to the emergency room. My nose was completely cut off, and its shape was distorted. In conclusion, no action was taken. ``The wound won't open, so you don't need stitches.'' ``The bleeding will stop eventually.'' ``The nasal anesthesia hurts, so there's no need to cause any more pain.'' ``If you're concerned about the scar, , Please take him to a plastic surgeon when he is old enough to tolerate the pain.'' ``Disinfection? It's better. Please wash your face.'' that's all. It wasn't even disinfected. I was surprised that it wasn't even disinfected, and at the same time felt a sense of disbelief. I was immediately taken to another hospital and examined. Both the nurse and the doctor said, ``We'll stitch it up. There will be a scar, but it will regain its shape.'' And they stitched it up. My son's stitches have not yet been removed, but his shape has returned to normal and he is playing happily. This may be the hospital's policy, but is it normal for this hospital to not even disinfect the area due to the pain of anesthesia? Would we do the same with our own children? I heard that this teacher's response was that he did not want to do anything where small children could see. If I had gone home like that, the bleeding would have stopped, but I think my son's nose would still be crooked. The pain from anesthesia is temporary. A 5-year-old can handle that. I can tolerate injections. However, I don't think I can put up with my crooked nose. It is not easy to repair something that has become distorted and hardened. Even more so if you have been traumatized. I think this hospital's response lacks sincerity. Actually, I don't want to add stars. If I don't add it, I won't be able to post, so I have no choice.
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 福福福福 5 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    Anyway, the woman at the reception, named Yajima, is extremely rude. It's unpleasant.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 芹沢かもん 4 months ago on Google • 1 review
    Every time, the general information staff and other receptionists (aunties) have really terrible attitudes. It's high pressure. When it's bad, I get angry while giving off a busy atmosphere... I think he might start to go crazy. Well, I just assume it's part-time and try to calm myself down. Even when I was finally called, the conversation lasted about 5 minutes, consisting of typing on my computer and occasionally glancing at me. I feel like I just come to get medicine every time. I wonder if there's any point in getting examined. However, there are also polite people and kind nurses. The director is also very kind. He turns to me and speaks. That alone gives me peace of mind. However, after many years of going there, I stopped coming to the hospital. In my anxiety, I contacted the hospital and went to see the doctor, but just having to deal with the (old lady) who had such a bad attitude made me really not want to go. I really can't recommend it. When I went to another hospital, I wondered why I had put up with it until now.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 寺内とし子 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    I would like the woman at the counter to be more polite.I understand that it is crowded, but she has a very bad attitude and I would like someone to be more friendly and helpful. I understand that you are busy, but I think you can do your part. I would like someone at the counter to be more efficient.
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

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