浦和-北浦和のヨガ/ピラティス/ロルフィングスタジオ|浦和姿勢改善Labエクリエンス image


Yoga studio Yoga retreat center Seitai

One of the Most Reviewed Seitais in Saitama


2 Chome-29-12 Kizaki, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0042, Japan




+81 70-1502-0834

Rating on Google Maps

4.90 (90 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Monday: (National Foundation Day (Observed)), 9 am to 10 pm, Hours might differ
  • Tuesday: 9 am to 10 pm
  • Wednesday: 9 am to 2:30 pm
  • Thursday: 9 am to 10 pm
  • Friday: 9 am to 10 pm
  • Saturday: 9 am to 10 pm
  • Sunday: 9 am to 10 pm

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: pain (21) body (13) time (10) Rolfing (9) care (7) treatment (6) symptoms (6) years (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 さーしー 5 months ago on Google • 3 reviews
    The 10th Rolfing course has been completed. I think the effects were slow because I didn't do my homework properly each time, but I still felt the pain in my shoulders and hips the first time. Compared to the pain condition, the pain is almost gone, and unless I sit for hours without changing my posture, I don't get any pain, and even if I do have pain, I was taught how to improve it myself, so I can adjust it myself. Now you can. I also received hammock yoga, which I think had a positive effect on stretching and lowering my internal ptosis. I want to continue going to yoga etc. after this. Thank you for your continued support.

  • 5/5 g m. 11 months ago on Google
    腹筋周りのリリースやバキュームを教わりに伺いました。 一人一人の体に合った施術やポイントを押さえた指導を丁寧にして頂けるので、とても分かりやすくて、すぐに身につけられます。また、先生の知見がとても深く毎回お話をするのが楽しみです。 体の痛み等で悩んでいる方は、一度相談してみる事を是非オススメしたいと思います。

  • 5/5 細井恵美 1 year ago on Google
    ロルフィング10回を受けさせていただきました。 もともと猫背で背中や肩こりが凄く、マッサージに行ってもすぐに元に戻ってしまう状況でした。 ロルフィング受講後は背中や肩が軽くなり、深く息を吸うことができるようになりました。また、セルフケアの方法など適切にご指導いただけるため、自分自身でメンテナンスができ、良い状況が持続できるのもありがたかったです。 また、姿勢を意識することで体重も減少し目標としている姿に少し近づけたかなと思います。 今後も教えていただいた内容を思い出しながら、良い状況を維持していけたらと思います。 ありがとうございました!

  • 5/5 もぐら 11 months ago on Google
    最初はハンモックヨガに参加させていただき、その後、猫背を改善したい、身体の柔軟性を高めたい、という思いが強くなり、ロルフィング10シリーズを受けさせていただきました。 前屈は以前よりも向上し、身体が柔らかくなったことを実感しています。セルフケアの方法も丁寧に教えてくださります。心地よい音楽の中、雑談も楽しく、貴重な息抜きの時間になり、本当に感謝しています。 これからも、メンテナンスセッションをお願いしたいと思います。ありがとうございました。

  • 5/5 あきちゃん 1 year ago on Google
    ロルフィングでお世話になりました。 肩凝りの改善と身体が硬いのを改善したくて10回コースを受講。 痛みや凝りの原因をさがしてマッサージや器具でほぐしていきます。 姿勢改善、呼吸法も教えていただきました。 家でもセルフケアを毎日やります。 肩凝りも軽くなり柔軟性も高まりました。 今までにやったマッサージや整体はその時は凝りが改善されますがすぐ元に戻っていました。 受講して本当によかったです。 今後もヨガやメンテナンスを受けて心身共に健康維持していきたいと思っております。

  • 5/5 jun s. 1 year ago on Google
    慢性的な腰痛に悩んでいまして、友人の口コミでこちらにお世話になりました。 整体やマッサージと比べて、ロジカルに説明してくれること、また、自分自身でメンテナンスできる方法を身につけさせるという方針に感銘を受け、10回セッションに申し込みました。 結果、劇的に改善しました。 腰痛の原因となるポイントを自分で見つけることができるようになり、ボールを使って寝る前にリリースすることが日課になっています。 また先生のアドバイスで、ストレッチボードを購入し、デスクワーク中に使用することで、疲れが少なくなるのを体感しています。 自分自身でメンテナンスできるようになったことで、慢性的な腰痛によるストレスや不安感が少なくなり、快適な生活ができるようになりました。 ありがとうございました! 今後は、ヨガに挑戦して、柔軟性を手に入れようと思います!

  • 5/5 あすか吉田 1 year ago on Google
    知り合いに紹介してもらい10回セッションを半年通わせて頂きました。 仕事上立ちっぱなしの仕事なので全身の筋肉のハリが続いて、足のむくみや肩凝りなど慢性的になってしまってました。 1ヶ月ほどで段々楽になり間隔を空けながら半年で10回終わりました。 身体の調子が良くなって疲れにくくなったので朝の目覚めが良くなったのと、周りに姿勢が綺麗と褒められる事が増えました(^^)! 先生の説明もわかりやすい事とお家でのメンテナンスの仕方を細かく教えて頂けるのとライフスタイルに合わせてくれるので時間がない時でも簡単に続けられたのがとっても良かったです^_^ メンテナンスには伺いたいと思いますので宜しくお願い致します!

  • 5/5 kay 1 year ago on Google

  • 5/5 佐藤梢 11 months ago on Google
    産後見事に姿勢が悪くなりました。そのため凝りからのめまいを経験したり、日々のストレスや運動不足であることも加え、不調を感じ、ヨガが出来る所を探していました。 3人からセミプライベートが可能で、仲良しのママ友を誘い、はじめはハンモックヨガを体験しました。とてもわかりやすく、無理なく、楽しく出来て大満足!先生の優しい雰囲気もリラックス効果ありでした。それからママ友とは、継続してヨガのレッスンをお願いしています。各々のペースに合わせてくださるので、初心者の方も安心です。駐車場もあるのもとてもありがたい! 私は、セミプライベート以外にもレッスンに参加しています。まだ半年も経ちませんが、ただストレッチすればいいだけではない、筋トレすればいいだけではない、沢山勉強された先生の知識の元、ヨガを受け、柔軟性や姿勢、気持ちなど、心身の変化を感じられています。凝りも感じなくなりました。あと、沢山ほめてくれるので、それも嬉しいです!

  • 5/5 Bruno S. 11 months ago on Google
    横浜在住なので、片道2時間ですが、通う価値があります! 肩を痛めて、半年以上トレーニング出来なかったのですが、小川先生の施術とアドバイスのおかげで復帰することができました。 今まで鍼、整体、ストレッチ、整形外科など、20人以上の先生に診てもらいましたが、その中で分かったのは、できる先生は、決めつけないで、ちゃんと話を聞いて、しっかり説明して、その人に合った施術を行い、その人に合ったアドバイスをしてくれます。それが小川先生です。 他で改善出来なかった方はぜひ小川先生に相談してみてください。

  • 5/5 春香渡邊 8 months ago on Google
    2023年3月〜9月にかけて10回のセッションを受けました😌 まさかこんなに身体が楽になるとは思ってなくて、驚いています😳 腰痛は10年以上の付き合いでしたが、今はほとんどなくなり、痛くなってもセルフケアができるようになりました😌 力を抜く感覚が分かり始めて、寝付きが良くなりました。(頭に呼吸を入れる感覚が本当に気持ちがいい✨) セルフケアでどうにもならなくなった時に、またお世話になりたいと思います。 有難うございました〜✨

  • 5/5 恵子 10 months ago on Google
    ロルフィング10回コースを終了しました。もともと特別痛みや悩みはなかったのですが、知人の紹介でやってみることにしました。身体のバランスを見て頂き、ホームケアも詳細に教えて頂いたことで普段の生活に取り入れることで姿勢も良くなり意識が変わりました。呼吸法も教えて頂き気づいたら意識するようになりました。 大好きなゴルフを続ける為にこれからも意識して続けていきたいと思います。 今後はピラティスを試してみたいと思います。ありがとうございました。

  • 5/5 喜美枝 7 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    The 10-session Rolfing course has been completed. Since I started going to the clinic, my sciatica pain has gradually decreased. My body has changed since before I started going, and I'm happy that I can now enjoy sports. Not only that, but I was able to learn various things such as breathing techniques, so I'm glad I attended. Dr. Ogawa was always kind and gave explanations that were easy to understand, making me feel at ease during the treatment. He is very polite and sends me reports and photos every time. I would like to make home care a daily routine and pay close attention to my own body so that I can receive as much praise as possible when I take care of my child for maintenance.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 寛子 9 months ago on Google • 1 review
    I had sciatica and took the 10-part Rolfing series. If I had to describe this salon in one word, it would be God Hand... God! Up until now, when I was doing myofascial release on my own, I was only able to release the painful parts blindly, but I learned a lot of new knowledge and realized the effects, and the body is a mysterious thing. I felt that my body was changing by improving it with home care. As I improved my knowledge and skills in breathing and walking, as well as my sensitivity to pain, my sciatica pain disappeared and I was able to take care of the symptoms myself before they got worse. I am now able to feel joy in small happiness and think positively. Thank you very much for giving us a valuable experience that is more than worth the price.

  • 5/5 よしだ 7 months ago on Google • 1 review
    My lower back pain, back pain, and headaches that I had suffered for 20 years have been cured! I had been suffering from the condition for many years, so I went to various chiropractors as mentioned in the book, various hospitals, and even two university hospitals, but it didn't heal and I was suffering, but my posture and the pain improved. I can't thank my teacher enough. I would like people who have suffered for a long time like me to attend. He performs the treatment from a very professional and scientific perspective, and he also teaches me how to heal myself each time, so I can see solid results in just 10 visits and maintain the results myself. You will be able to. The teacher has traveled abroad to India and other countries to learn yoga and other techniques, so he has a wide range of knowledge. He is a very calm, kind and reliable teacher. I really thank you!

  • 5/5 KIMIKO 7 months ago on Google • 1 review
    Today I finally finished my 10th Rolfing session. I had been going to an osteopathic clinic for nearly two years because of stiff shoulders that were said to be like a plank, and tension in my lower back, but when I was about to give up because my symptoms were not getting better, I was introduced to Rolfing. During the trial session, I could immediately feel the effects and asked for another appointment. Every time, I said that it hurts here and there, but each time I was able to find out the cause of the pain, and I was like, Wow! From there, it was a series of surprises. Excuse me, but it's amazing! amazing! I couldn't think of any words. Most importantly, through conscious breathing and self-care, the stiffness in my shoulders that was painful to go away has disappeared, and whenever I feel a little uncomfortable, I can use a foam roller or ball to feel better. I also experienced that if you approach things in the right way, you can increase your flexibility, so I plan to continue doing this in the future. Thanks to the kind nature of the teacher, who told me that I was doing well and that I was doing my best, I was able to continue having fun. thank you very much. I would like to take care of you for maintenance in the future.

  • 5/5 田辺正彦 5 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    I have been experiencing stiffness on the right side of my back for over 10 years and came to the store with the aim of resolving the underlying symptoms. It seems that it is also operated as a yoga studio, and you can receive services in a spacious space. First, we investigated the cause of the symptoms through physical movement tests and palpation. After that, sessions continued, including treatment for the area thought to be the cause of the problem, instruction on home care using rubber balls, and instruction on how to focus on breathing and the body in daily life. In my case, the treatment was mainly done with a device like a roller, and the pain was so good that I dozed off every time (lol). Every time I had questions about the treatment or my body, I was given easy-to-understand explanations that gradually deepened my knowledge about the body. Most of the symptoms and discomfort I had at the beginning have now disappeared, and I hope that as I continue to be aware of my body that I have learned, my condition will continue to improve. I think you can get some hints for improvement just by having a trial session, so if you've been struggling with not knowing the cause of your pain or stiffness for many years, I think you should give it a try.

  • 5/5 柚子柚子 10 months ago on Google • 1 review
    For many years, I had been worried about my hunchback, curly posture, and arched lower back. Also, perhaps due to my bad posture, I was suffering from frozen shoulder and lower back pain. I went to an orthopedic surgeon, a chiropractor, and a chiropractor, but it didn't get any better. I was searching online to see if yoga could improve my symptoms, and I found this site and learned about Rolfing. Since I started coming here, I was able to learn more about how the body works, and I was also taught how to improve my body on my own.The pain gradually got better and steadily improved. My hunched back has gotten better, my rolled shoulders have gotten better, my frozen shoulders and lower back pain have gotten better, so it's been a really good thing. My attitude towards my friends has also improved. It was pointed out. When I looked at the photos of the 10 posture changes, I was surprised to see that the axis of my body was completely different from the beginning to the end. I was really glad I visited.

  • 5/5 MANABU I. 5 months ago on Google • 1 review
    The other day, I completed a 10-session Rolfing course. Mr. Ogawa, thank you for the enjoyable time. I have been suffering from various types of pain caused by autonomic nerves, such as lower back pain, headaches, stomach pain, and body numbness, but I gradually felt that my range of motion was expanding and my breathing became easier. I've always wanted to be able to maintain my body on my own, so I went to many different places, but none of them lasted long, and I gave up many times, but when I met Dr. Ogawa, I was able to see the possibility. . I believe that Rolfing and Dr. Ogawa's way of thinking and treatment methods are necessary ways of thinking in the future. I sincerely hope that many people learn this way of thinking and how to maintain themselves. My son seems interested as well, so I'm going to go with him. Thank you very much, Professor Ogawa. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

  • 5/5 なおトレチャンネルnaotore2019 5 months ago on Google • 1 review
    I came to the store for the IASTM Basic Myofascial Release Specialist qualification course. The instructor, Mr. Ogawa, is not only knowledgeable and skilled, but also has a wonderful personality, and is filled with trust and a sense of security. If you are concerned about your physical health, I believe that I will be able to help you find the best solution. Please try it once.

  • 5/5 Kitchi 5 months ago on Google • 1 review
    10 Rolfing sessions completed. I consulted my doctor for lower back pain and it improved. I thought there was no way to cure my slouched back, but I learned about self-care and found out that it can be cured. thank you very much. We will take care of your maintenance in the future.

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