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Frequently mentioned in reviews: hospital (35) time (19) surgery (19) doctor (17) room (14) medical (12) teacher (11) hospitalized (10) minutes (10) nurses (10)
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  • 3/5 jiropeko 4 months ago on Google • 11 reviews
    A few years ago, I went to an emergency room and was taken care of. On my way to work, I suddenly collapsed right near my house.I was planning to take a little rest before heading home, but a neighbor called an ambulance, so if I wasn't hospitalized, I would be at home. He could have died within an hour. Initially, he was scheduled to be taken to Jun○○ University Hospital, but as his consciousness faded in the ambulance, he thought it would be more convenient for his family to come visit him, so he decided to request a hospital stay, and was lucky. Fortunately, it happened to be empty, so I was admitted within a few minutes. It was a large room, but since it was only built a few years ago, the hospital itself was clean and comfortable. The hospital food was delicious and I always finished it all, which made the nursing assistants very happy. Unlike usual, dinner here is early, and I go to bed before 9pm after eating, so I wake up at 1am, do some laundry of small items, rest again, and go to bed at 4am in the morning. Wake up at the time. From 4 a.m., right after I woke up, I turned down the sound on the large-screen TV in the common room and watched ``Abarenbo Shogun.'' Most of the nurses who came to take blood samples every morning when I wasn't in the hospital room were watching TV and didn't get angry, but there was one who got angry. When I was transported, I had not only my smartphone but also a TV antenna with me, so I didn't have to pay for the TV in my room. However, since the screen is small, the large screen TV in the common room is still better. During the day, during free time between examinations and rehabilitation, there is a green tea and hojicha tea machine in the common room next to the hospital room, so you can drink tea, watch TV, or read magazines and books. I spent my days reading and chatting with other elderly patients. I had never had a serious illness before, and this was the first time in my life that I was hospitalized, so I was wondering what would happen, but I was glad that I was able to stay here for two weeks. Many of the teachers were young, so I was worried at first, but from what I heard from people around me, I was glad that they were eager to learn. There seems to be a doctor who is an authority on heart disease, and all the elderly people seem to be able to survive after being hospitalized for surgery for about a week. I was surprised to see people coming from as far away as Ibaraki for inpatient surgery. There is also a mini garden on the rooftop, and although you may not be able to enter it right now due to the coronavirus, I think it would be a good idea to go there once the situation is over and you can enter.
    46 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 abdul rozaq latif f. 8 years ago on Google • 178 reviews
    Too long to wait for the check up.
    13 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 SaintBread 1 year ago on Google • 235 reviews
    King of Georgia lands here.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 やつはし 11 months ago on Google
    受診:産婦人科(外来数回+入院手術) がん検診の結果を受け、最寄のクリニックで手術をすすめられ、腹腔鏡手術の実績がある点と家からの通院のしやすさでこちらの病院を紹介されました。 Google mapの口コミの悪さに不安がありましたが、婦人科についてそれは無用だと思いました。 医師、看護師、受付の事務の方・・・みなさんプロフェッショナルな方ばかりです。比較的若いスタッフが多い印象があり、優秀な方ばかりなのではないでしょうか。 心身共に過酷なお仕事だと思いますが頭が下がります。こちらでお礼を伝えたく、ありがとうございました。 外来で5回ほど通院しましたが、書かれているような長時間待たされたりすることは、私は一度もありませんでした。通院往復1時間半ほどで、会社は半休で済みました。 外来診察の予約で1時間待つことが一度だけありましたが大きな病院なので仕方ないと思います。急いでいる方は朝一の診察予約をすれば待ち時間少なく済みます。 会計については機械があり、会計受付から完了まで10分ほどでいつもとてもスムーズでした。事務の方に何度か保険のことで質問しましたが親切に答えてくださいました。 ▼以下、入院について参考になればと記載します。 ※私は腹腔鏡手術で5日間の入院でした。 ・部屋について 複数ありますが無料の4床と有料の4床で迷いパーティションありの4床にしました。パーティションは防音性はゼロ、隣の人が横で見えない+簡易な棚が作れる機能あり。 また入院するなら無料にするかなというくらいのものでした。 棚はあったら楽だけどなくても全然いいし、横のパーティションがなくてもカーテンがあれば隣の方と目を合わせることはなく、同じような理由で入院している女性たちなので視覚は気にしなくてもいいのかなと。影が見える程度?かはわかりません。 むしろ私は音の方が気になるので途中でローソンで耳栓を買いました。(同床の人の看護師さんとのやり取りや咳や物音などで寝られない) ・おすすめの持ち物 -耳栓(音に敏感な方) -シャンプー、リンス、ボディソープorせっけん(シャワー室にない。シャワー日は限られるため、香りがよいもの等使うのが楽しみになるようなものを持ってくるのをおすすめします!何日もシャワー出来ない日が続くので) -歯磨き用のコップ -小さめの清潔なタオル2~3枚(シャワーに入れない日に看護師さんが身体を拭いてくれるためのもの。手術後は清潔第一のため最低2枚ほしい) -お好みのゼリー(スタンドパック)1つ、ポカリ500ml×1本、水500ml×2本を手術日前に購入する。手術日は時間によっては夜ご飯に間に合わないのと、看護師さんによるとほとんどの人が食事を食べられない(私も少し食べたら吐いた)、それ前提で準備しておくほうがよい。翌日もあまり動けないので食べやすいものを買っておく。手術後は水分を多く接種するように指示がある。 -ゆったりめのパジャマ。特にズボンはウエストができるだけゆるい締め付けないもの。傷口がちょうど下着やズボンのウエスト部分にくるためとても痛い。帰る日はブラトップ+ワンピースがおすすめ。手術のガスで横隔膜あたりが痛いのでブラトップが退院後も大活躍です。ブラは痛いです。 -ビニール袋(もしもの嘔吐用にも使える)※手術後の吐き気がひどい人が多いそうです。言えば嘔吐用のカップ?渡されます ・荷物はできるだけ軽くする。私はスーツケースで会社PCも持っていきましたがとてもPCを見られる容態ではなく、PCがとても重く感じたため面会に来た夫に持って帰ってもらいました。 個人差はあるでしょうが手術後数日は、気複痛と傷口の痛みで歩くのがやっとでした。それを見越しての準備をおすすめします。 ・医師によると退院翌日後から仕事復帰される方もいるとのことでしたが、私はとても無理で退院後、会社の休みを延ばしました。翌日からの仕事は、完全在宅で座り仕事ならできないこともないかもですが立ち仕事などのサービス業ならかなり難しいのでは思います。(※あくまで個人の感想です) 退院後はしゃがむ動作、腰をひねる動作をすると痛みがきつく数日は痛いです。 ・退院日は迎えに来てくれる方がいればお願いしましょう(重い荷物は持たないほうがいいため) ・食事は人によってはAとBが選べる(TVを付けたらわかります)、ただし私はなぜか選べませんでした。部屋のことなどは若干説明不足なところがありました。米→おかゆor麺 牛乳→ジョアor野菜ジュース など、要望によっては変更してくれます。手術後は無性に梅干しやごま塩等、塩気が欲しくなったのでごま塩があればもう少し米を食べられたなと思います笑 今後入院される方の参考になれば幸いです。
    24 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Nata P. 6 years ago on Google • 18 reviews
    Poor service especially the receptionist. Sucks.
    20 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 m e. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The pediatrician, Tamanuki, not only did not respond well, but also made me wonder if he was really a professional. This was my second visit due to fever. The first time I had a high inflammatory reaction and my doctor told me to go. There were no symptoms other than fever, and there were many concerns, but he eliminated various possibilities, and the teacher at that time explained politely. Partly because of that, I made a reservation this time by calling again with a fever that I was worried about, stating the reason why I would like to see a doctor. I have some water, but I haven't eaten at all, I've lost hundreds of grams, I'm complaining of ear pain, and so on. I decided to call. The person who made the reservation also accepted the reservation. Since I had some time on hold, I think it was decided that I would be consulted and examined. However, when it came time to see the doctor, even though I told him what was going on, the doctor was first told, "Did your family doctor take a day off?" He didn't seem to want to see him, and he didn't look at the patient's child at all. He barely examined his throat and said, "I'm crying, so it's okay." He also said, "Go to an otolaryngologist. It's difficult for pediatrics to decide whether to give antibiotics." This is the first time I've been told such a thing in pediatrics. I also had my ears examined at a pediatrician during medical examinations and had antibiotics given to me. I finished the medical examination (?) In advance without being able to ask about the meal I wanted to talk to or anything. When I asked the receptionist what I really wanted to ask, I waited 40 to 50 minutes and then went to the doctor's office again. When I asked about meals and weight based on the medical records I had so far (recorded in the United States because I lived in the United States), this time I explained the units and percentiles, but it was wrong. Was there. If you don't know, you didn't have to explain. I was asked what I usually eat, so when I answered, I was told, "I feel like I'm running out of protein." However, for protein, I calculated it to be sufficient for intake, so I thought it was a good answer. Vegetables are difficult to eat, but since the protein source makes the body, we take the amount according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. I was amazed and it was interesting at the end. Finally, as a doctor, it may not always be necessary, but American pediatric doctors are really friendly. And all the doctors are highly professional and have multi-knowledge. Based on the data and experience, I feel that I will proceed with medical care in cooperation with patients. I have just returned to Japan, but my pediatrics teacher is also very polite. The level of this doctor was too low for a person, and I was amazed. If you want to pay in advance, why not blame the establishment of patient acceptance standards? When you go to pediatrics, you shouldn't expect this doctor. If you get hit and are worried, we recommend another doctor or another pediatrician. (Original) 小児科の玉貫という医師は、対応が良くないだけでなく、本当にプロなのか疑うような内容でした。 今回は、発熱で2度目の診察でした。 1度目は炎症反応が高く、かかりつけ医より行くように言われてかかりました。発熱以外の症状がなく、心配な点も多々ありましたが、色々な可能性を消去してくれ、その時の先生は懇切丁寧に説明をしてくれました。 そのこともあり、今回、また気になる発熱で電話をし、診察してもらいたい理由を述べ、予約をしました。水分は摂れているが、一切食事を摂れておらず体重が数百グラム単位で減少していること、耳痛を訴えていること等々、私なりに理由があり、普通の小児科ではなくこちらに電話することにしました。 予約の電話の方も、それなら、と、予約を受けてくださいました。保留されている時間があったので、中で相談されて診察してくれるという判断になったのだと思います。 ですが、いざ診察となり、ことの次第をお伝えしても、この医師は「かかりつけ医はお休みだったんですかね」などとまず初めに言われました。診る気は無さそうで、全くというほど患者である子供に目を向けていませんでした。辛うじて喉を診て「泣いてるので大丈夫でしょう」と言い、耳についても、「耳鼻科に行ってください。抗生物質を出すかどうかは小児科では判断が難しい」とのことでした。小児科で、そのようなことを言われたのは初めてです。健診等でも小児科で耳を診てもらい、抗生物質を出してもらったこともあります。 相談したかった食事や何もお聞きすることができないまま、門前払い的に診察(?)を終えました。本当は聞きたかったことを受付の人に聞けないかと言うと、40〜50分待たされたのち、再び診察室に通されました。 食事のことや体重のことなどを、今までのメディカルレコード(アメリカに住んでいた為、アメリカでの記録)を元にお聞きすると、今度は、単位やパーセンタイルなど、説明されましたが、間違っていました。知らないなら説明しなくてよかったです。 食事は何を普段食べさせているかと聞かれたので答えると、「タンパク質が足りない感じですね」と言われました。しかし、私は、タンパク質については、摂取量に足りるように計算しているので、テキトーな回答だなと思いました。野菜はなかなか摂りずらいですが、タンパク源は身体を作るので厚労省の指針通りの量を摂らせています。呆れて、最後は面白くなっていました。 最後に、医師としては、そこは必ずしも必要ないかもしれませんが、アメリカの小児科の医師は、本当にフレンドリーです。そしてプロ意識の高く、マルチな知識を持ち合わせた医師達ばかりです。データと経験に基づき、患者と協力しながら医療を進めるという感じです。まだ帰国して間もないですが、かかりつけの小児科の先生も、とても丁寧です。 この医師のレベルが人としても低すぎて、呆れました。 もし、門前払いしたいのであれば、患者受け入れの基準等の設営にせいを出されては如何でしょうか。 小児科にかかる際、この医師であれば期待はしない方がいいと思います。万が一当たってしまい、心配なら、ほかの医師か、ほかの小児科をお勧めします。
    18 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 田村由佳里 1 year ago on Google
    こちらの病院は救急以外では 利用したくない病院だと 思います。 本当にいつも待ち時間が 長すぎですね。 自宅から近い病院なので 利用していました。 また、コロナ禍で 医療従事者(医師や看護師な ど)大変忙しいと思いますけれども、もう少し患者さんに対して思いやりや気づかいをもった対応がほしいです。 医療従事者としての 常識的に欠けています。 でも、なかには親切丁寧で対応の良い方もいらっしゃいますが‥ 今後、救急以外では 二度と利用したくない病院だと思いますね。 対して思いやり
    17 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 m 5 months ago on Google • 5 reviews
    My 0 year old daughter was brought to this hospital due to febrile convulsions. There are many young teachers, but they are all very kind. I was hospitalized with a companion, but the boy in the next room said that on his first day in the hospital, his mother wanted to see him late at night and early in the morning! teacher! I was crying, but I left her alone for a long time...maybe for about 20 minutes. It's a drag. The nurse who rushed to the scene said, ``Hey, it's time for everyone to go to sleep, right?'' I was shocked at how bad it was. I'm sure you're worried about being separated from your parents, but you're treating me so coldly! If it were me, I wouldn't let him be hospitalized here.
    16 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 on c. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I was hospitalized for endometriosis surgery. I was referred by an obstetrics and gynecology clinic during a checkup in the ward, and I had the surgery here. Since it is a large hospital, there are several doctors, but the doctor who was in charge of me answered my questions in a straightforward manner, so I was able to choose the surgery without much hesitation. He was a simple teacher, but he was a hard working teacher who had no coldness at all. I am grateful for the chance encounter. I was able to visit the hospital with peace of mind, as the hospital has performed many laparoscopic surgeries. I rented a 4-bed room for 2200 yen per day. At first, I wanted a multi-bed room free of charge, but after the operation, even though it was a laparoscopic surgery, it was very difficult after the surgery, so I thought later that a room with partitions would be good. The nurses are also very kind, especially the nurses who took care of me when I was very weak right after the surgery, and the nurses who had undergone the same surgery at the same hospital. I want to say thank you. Since the operation is in a delicate place, I feel miserable, and when I feel pain, I feel weak, so I almost took the nurse's little words and actions negatively, but I had a good encounter and my body Needless to say, I was able to leave the hospital in good mental health. Thank you. Finally, I will write and post some things that I wish I had known in advance. *After surgery on the day of surgery, you will not be able to eat normal food properly, so purchase pudding, jelly, etc. that you can eat. * After the operation, set pads, etc., and place them in a place where the nurse can easily find them, in case you need to change from the surgical gown to your own clothes. * In the explanation before hospitalization, it was said that it is not necessary to wear pajamas that open in front, but it is better to prepare one because there is also a drip. *Towel for cleaning I brought a new towel with me, but it was painful to dry after using it, so it would have been better to rent something like gauze that I could throw away. *I didn't understand pneumoperitoneum well because I read too much of the operation manual (this is all due to my sloppy personality) The carbon dioxide gas injected during the laparoscopic surgery circulates throughout the body, causing pain in the shoulders, ribs, and various other parts until it is absorbed by the body. I wrote it for a long time, but thank you very much for your help. (Original) 子宮内膜症の手術で入院しました。 区の検診で産婦人科医院から紹介してもらい、こちらで手術してもらう流れになりました。 大きい病院なので先生は数人いらっしゃいますが、私を担当して頂いた先生は端的に質問に答えて下さる方だったので、あまり迷わず手術を選択する事ができました。 あっさりとされた先生でしたが、冷たさは全く無い仕事熱心な先生でした。偶然の巡り合わせに感謝しています。 腹腔鏡手術での手術件数が多数ある病院とのことで、安心してのぞむことができました。 病室は一日2200円の4床室をお借りしました。 当初は無料の多床室を希望していましたが、腹腔鏡手術とはいえ術後はとてもしんどかったので仕切りのある部屋で良かったなと後から思いました。 看護師さんもとても優しい方達で特に手術直後に弱りきっている時にお世話して頂いた方や、同じ手術を同病院で経験された看護師さんには優しく励まして頂き、この場をかりて感謝をお伝えしたいです。 デリケートな場所の手術なので情けない気分になったり、痛みを感じている時は気持ちも弱っているので、ついつい看護師さんのちょっとした言動をネガティブに捉えそうにもなりましたが、良い出会いがあり身体は言わずもがな、メンタルも健康的に退院することができました。ありがとうございます。 最後に事前にに知ってたら良かったなと思ったことを幾つか書いて投稿しようと思います。 ※当日術後、通常食はまともに食べられないのでプリンやゼリー等食べられそうなものを購入しておく ※術後、術着から自分の服に着替える時の為にパッド等セットして看護師さんにわかりやすい所に置いておく ※入院前の説明で前開きパジャマでなくても良いと、ありましたが、点滴のこともあるので一枚は用意しておいた方が良い ※清拭用のタオル 私は新品のタオルを持っていきましたが、使用後しんどくて干すのも辛かったのでガーゼ等捨ててしまえるものか、レンタルした方が良かった ※手術内容の説明書を読み流ししすぎて気腹痛をよくわかっていなかった(これはひとえに自分のズボラな性格のせいです) 腹腔鏡手術の際に注入した炭酸ガスが体内を巡るので、身体に吸収されるまでの間肩や肋骨や色んな所が痛むので、とにかく立てるようになったら廊下を歩いて動いた方が良い 長々書きましたが大変お世話になりました。
    15 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 acc4012 2 years ago on Google • 6 reviews
    It doesn't deserve even 1 star rating. This place is among hospitals that refused to accept an emergency case which led to fatality of a man in August. For my case, I was turned down 3 times in two months. -I Called for emergency of abdominal pain in early December. "We have no specialized doctor currently, please call to reservation center", although they know same day inspection is impossible with reservation system of this hospital. -But I called reservation center because I thought I can endure one or two days. "We have available slot next day. But you got a fever 7 days before, so you cannot come. Please find another hospital by yourself." Next day, the pain reduced without medicine so I stopped seeking for medical support. -Mid January, I called reservation center again, also for abdominal pain. New procedure applied. "Because you don't have introduction letter, first of all, go to nearby clinic". Is this an abused policy made by the women on the phone, because no statement like this was provided on website? Either yes or no, the management sucks.
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Clark M. 2 years ago on Google
    This is the worst hospital Ive known in my whole life. They put doctors on the emergency rooms that dont even know what to do. They dont care about their patients. And they will even scold you if you call for ambulance just because youre hurting so much not because youre dying. They wont even bother to call taxi for you even though they know youre really in pain and cant walk alone, and just let you walk home. They will tell you findings even before they make any medical examination. They will let you come back and have you take a test for couple of times and still dont come up with anything. Im not sure if they do this to their fellow Japanese people but for foreigners might as well avoid going to this hospital.
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 mai m. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Last month, I got sick and was taken care of by an emergency. It's so crowded that I can't help but wait for a while. The blue clothes who responded first gave me a very polite and friendly examination, which made me feel a little relieved. The person in the clothes was there to confirm, so I went to see him again, am I being cross-examined? I was surprised at how the questions were intimidatingly cornered even though I was ill. Maybe I'm listening to it, but the eyes I see here are intimidating and I really cross-examine. Every time I explained something, I put my hand in front of my face with a goo sign 👍 and it was very unpleasant and stressful. Shall the trainee drip infusion because he can't eat because he vomits? However, I was sent home as it was because I didn't need a person in gray clothes, but I ended up going to the hospital again the next day because of vomiting. Resident's examination → I was forced to go in and out of the examination room every time I changed due to a re-examination of a gray person, and it was painful because I was quite ill. I don't want to go again. (Original) 先月、体調を崩し救急でお世話になりました。 混んでいるので少しお待たせするかもと言うことで、それは仕方ないと。最初に対応してくださった青い服の方はとても丁寧で親身な診察をしてくださり少しホッとした気持ちになりましたが、その方は研修医さんなのか、ダブルチェックということでグレーの服の人が確認ということで同席し再度診察をと、、私は尋問を受けているのか?体調悪いのに威圧的に追い詰められるような質問のされ方で驚きました。しっかり聞いてるつもりなのかもですが、こちらを見る目も威圧的で本当に尋問。あと何か説明したりするたびに手をグーサイン👍にしてこちらの顔の前に出してきて非常に不快でストレスでした。吐いたりして食事も食べれてなく研修医さんは点滴しましょうか?と言ってくださいましたが、グレーの服の人は必要ないとそのまま帰宅させられましたが、結局次の日も吐いたりで再度病院に行くことになりました。研修医さん診察→グレーの人の再診で変わるたび診察室出たり入ったりさせられ、かなり体調悪く行ったので辛かった。二度と行きたくないです。
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Cp S. 1 year ago on Google • 4 reviews
    This is not deserved even a star. In website, it said it could communicate with English but it is only Japanese available. I tried to call for appointment but they ignore just said no English, so it is difficult. No solution provided, just said and done. It is different from what I know about Japanese helpful culture, as expected. So disappointed!
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 k.i.c.rちゃん 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) When I went to a nearby clinic for a company health checkup, I had to be re-examined. A heart condition that has been going for more than a year and can only be treated with medicine. After that, only for examinations, I went to the medical center, and for normal prescriptions, I went to a nearby clinic, but I went to the next clinic, but everything about the examination was appropriate, and I didn't ask for the next appointment. As a result, my medicine ran out, and I couldn't go to the hospital because of my work. Then, when I called the medical center, the person at the reception told me that if the doctor told me to get a prescription at that clinic, I couldn't get the medicine. Short. I told the doctor at the medical center that the clinic wasn't good, and if I didn't like it, I was told that I would refer you to another clinic, but at the time of the reception, I was disappointed. I have an appointment for an examination at the medical center about four months later, and even though I'm still a patient there, they haven't given me any medicine. In the first place, I can't make a reservation for the doctor's appointment on the day of the day. Without asking my illness, my symptoms, my name, and my patient registration number, I just brushed it off. I think my heart will stop and I will die soon. (Original) 会社の健康診断で近くのクリニックで受けた際に、再診になり、結果、心臓が悪いかもとなり、この、医療センターを紹介されました。一年以上通い、薬のみの治療で可もなく不可もない心臓の状態。 その後検査の時だけ、医療センターで、通常の処方は近くのクリニックで、となりクリニックにいくのですが、診察も何もかも適当で、次回の予約とかを向こうから言ってこない。 結果、薬が切れてしまい、仕事の都合もあり中々病院に行けず薬が切れて3日目の日、仕事が早く上がれそうだったので、クリニック行こうとしたら定休日。 そんで、医療センターの方に電話したら、受付の人が先生がそちらのクリニックで処方受けてと言われたならうちでは薬は出せませんと。バッサリ。医療センターの先生にはクリニックが良く無いとの話もしてるし、嫌なら他紹介しますとも言われてるのですが、受付の時点でバッサリ。 医療センターで検査の予約は4ヶ月後くらいに予約してるし、未だに私はそこの患者なのに、薬もだしてもらえない。何なら電話で、そもそも、当日の診察予約は致しかねますとのこと。 私の病気も症状も、名前も、診察券の番号も、聞かずにバッサリ。 近々心臓とまって死ぬと思います。
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 mydrive 1. 2 years ago on Google
    It refuses people with fever even in life-threatening condition by other causes. We know Japan government offers so much freedom to medical establishments. But the inhuman way of their doing must be condemned.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 みぃ 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I was introduced to another hospital, but the teacher in charge was a person who gave high-pressure medical treatment with the feeling of being everywhere. After the diagnosis was over, there was no accounting guide like "I'm okay to pay today and go home", and I was just scribbled and handed the day of my next visit on paper. Is it okay to go home today? I heard it for the first time from myself. So far, it is an evaluation of one teacher, but the diagnosis result is the same and there was no advice at all, so even if it is far away, the small hospital in front talks to me and gives advice on what I should do. I'm glad I got it. The waiting time was considerably longer here, probably because of the large number of patients. 15 minutes at the entrance reception on the 1st floor (maybe because it is the first visit), 15 minutes at the general reception, 10 minutes at the reception of the clinical department, 50 minutes at the waiting for the clinical department, several minutes of consultation x 50 minutes in total after being called several times. (This is unavoidable because I waited until the drug was prescribed and the effect came out), 15 minutes by accounting Number of receptions ... I will consult with the teacher at the previous hospital and if there seems to be no problem, I will return to the previous hospital. People other than the doctor in charge were soft and polite, so plus 1 (Original) 他病院の紹介で行きましたが、担当された先生は何処にでもいる感じの流作業で高圧的な診療をする方でした。 診断が終わった後の「今日は会計してもう帰って良いですよ」的なお会計案内もなく、殴り書きで次来院する日を紙で渡されただけでした。 今日は終わりで帰って良いのでしょうか?って自分から初めて聞きました。 今のところ1人の先生の評価ですが、診断結果も同じでアドバイス等は一切無かったので遠くても前の小さい病院の方が親身に話をしてくれて自分が何をすべきか助言も頂けたので良かったなぁと思います。 患者数が多い為か待ち時間もこっちの方がかなり長かったです。 1階の入り口受付で15分(初診だからかも)、総合受付で15分、診療科受付で10分、診療科待合で50分、診察数分×何回か時間空けて呼ばれて合計50分(薬処方されて効果が出るまで待ってたのでこれは仕方無し)、会計で15分 受付回数、、、。 前の病院の先生と相談して問題無さそうだったら前の病院に戻ろうと思います。 担当医以外の人は物腰柔らかく丁寧だったのでプラス1
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 ヨコヤマカツタカ 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Doctors and nurses are hard in Corona now, but the ones who go to the hospital are injured and sick. It doesn't matter whether it's light or heavy. It's spicy. I'm suffering. The hospital helps. If you can't handle it, you can send it to a specialized hospital. You can arrange it. Isn't it okay to do that? (Original) 医師や看護師は今コロナの中、大変ですが病院に行く側は怪我人や病人です。軽くても重くても変わりありません。辛いのです。苦しんでいるのです。助けるのが病院です。手に負えないのであれば専門病院に回せば良い。手配すれば良い。それぐらいしても良いんじゃないですか?
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 ちとす 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) My son has been hospitalized and operated on in pediatric surgery, and has been examined after that. Anyway, as the reputation says, the teacher in charge of pediatric surgery is wonderful. I heard word of mouth from my mama friend and it took me an hour to go to the hospital from home, but I'm glad I decided here. The teacher was kind to the children, the examination was polite, and I was relieved on the day of the surgery. There is a playroom in the ward, and bringing in toys was minimal. The nurses who were in charge of the two nights and three days were all good people, and the anesthesiology teacher was polite and reassuring, and they were close to the anxiety of their parents. These are doctors and nurses who have a long-term relationship with them, but want to have a long-term relationship with them. (Original) 息子が入院・小児外科で手術をしてもらい、その後も診てもらっています。 とにかく評判通り、小児外科の担当の先生が素晴らしいです。ママ友から口コミを聞いて、自宅から1時間かけての通院ですが、ここに決めて良かったです。先生は子どもに対する対応も優しく、診察も丁寧で、手術当日も安心して任せられました。 病棟にはプレイルームがあり、おもちゃの持ち込みも最小限ですみました。2泊3日、担当していただいた看護師さんたちも皆さん良い方で、麻酔科の先生も丁寧で安心でき、親の不安な気持ちにも寄り添っていただきました。長く付き合う疾病ですが、長く付き合いたいと思える医師・看護師さんたちです。
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 NAOMI H. 1 year ago on Google
    子供がこちらの小児科で何度もお世話になっています。救急だけでも数回、今は2つの症状で通院しており2人の先生にお世話になっています。 電話の繋がらなさや融通の悪さなどはありますし、予約を取ったにもかかわらず数日前になって「やっぱり取れていなかった」と急遽リスケせざるを得なかったこともあります。 ただ今まで携わっていただいた医師や看護師の方達はみなさま親身でしたし、救急の受け入れや専門の先生の常駐なども含めこちらの病院には感謝しかありません。今、子供が元気に過ごし、納得のいく治療ができているのもこの病院のおかげです。
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 arun j. 4 years ago on Google • 7 reviews
    Went to consult paediatrician. Doctor was kind and carefully listened and explained the problem. Diagnosed well. Staffs and hospital premises are also good. It is the only option near Ichikawa-Shi, Urayasu-Shi areas for paediatrician during emergency times !
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 famefa m. 3 months ago on Google • 5 reviews New
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 30. E. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I was admitted to the gynecology ward two years ago and recently attended obstetrics and gynecology and endocrinology. The hospital was clean overall, and when I was hospitalized it was a quadruple room, but it was clean. There is also a parking lot, and it is helpful because it is cheap to go to the hospital or be hospitalized. There is a pharmacy right next to it, there is Lawson in the hospital, and if you walk a little, you will find Seven and restaurants to eat, so it is convenient. I think that there are many people who are polite as a whole, such as those who call when making reservations, general receptionists, blood sampling, receptionists of each department, nurses, doctors, accounting staff, etc. I have never felt unpleasant. But even if you make a reservation, the waiting time is long. Most hospitals are like that. I was also informed of a questionnaire to the hospital. Maybe we are working on various improvements. The reception can be done by machine from the re-examination, and the accounting can be done by machine, which is convenient. Calls are also convenient because the number is displayed on the screen so that you can see how many people are left after a while from the reception. (Original) 2年前に婦人科病棟に入院し、最近は産婦人科と内分泌科に通院しています。病院は全体的に綺麗で、入院した時は4人部屋でしたが綺麗でした。駐車場もあり、通院や入院等は安いので助かります。すぐ隣に薬局もあり、院内にローソンもあり、少し歩けばセブンや食べるお店などもあるので便利です。予約取る時の電話の方、総合受付の方、採血の方、各科の受付の方、看護師さん、お医者さん、会計の方等総じて丁寧な方が多いと思います。嫌な思いをしたことはこれまでありません。でも予約しても待ち時間は長いです。病院って大概そうですが。病院へのアンケートを案内されたこともありました。色々と改善に取り組んでいるのかもしれないですね。受付も再診からは機械でできますし、会計も機械でできて便利です。呼出も画面に番号が表示され、受付から暫くすると自分まであと何人いるかも分かるように表示され、便利です。
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 MIKIKZ M. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I got on an ambulance with my appendix at midnight and had an emergency operation the next day. It seems that this surgery recommends laparoscopic surgery, which has a small wound and is less burdensome to the body. As I learned later, laparoscopic surgery is difficult, so there are many places that other hospitals do not do, and it seems that it takes about a week to be hospitalized with conventional open surgery. I was able to leave the hospital in 3 days. The inside of the hospital was calm, and compared to other hospitals, the nurses and staff were kind and did not seem to be so irritated. Code Blue is a Mickey Mouse song, and at first I wondered what would start. There was a good hospital in the neighborhood and I was killed. Thank you very much. (Original) 深夜に盲腸で救急車に乗り、翌日緊急手術しました。こちらの外科では、傷口が小さく、かつ体に負担の少ない腹腔鏡下手術を推奨しているみたいで、オペをしていただきまた。 後から知ったのですが、腹腔鏡下手術は難易度が高いため、他の病院によってはしてない所も多く、従来の開腹手術だと、入院も1週間程かかるそうです。 私は、3日で退院できました。 病院内は落ち着いていて、他の病院に比べると看護師さんもスタッフも優しくそんなにピリピリした様子はなかったです。 コードブルーがミッキーマウスの曲であり最初は何が始まるんだとひやひやしました。良い病院が近所にあり命拾いしました。 ありがとうございました。
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Oda K. 6 months ago on Google
    患者の態度が皆悪い。具合が、悪い人がいてもわれ先にという態度。スタッフに対しても横柄で気に入らないと、怒鳴ったり、暴言吐いてるの。採血室の看護師も、スタッフに暴言吐いてるのが聞こえる。態度が悪い。接遇よりスタッフ間のコミニケーションがなっていない。だから、患者も暴言を吐くのではないだろうか? 患者もスタッフも暴言が多い

  • 1/5 Madara b. 10 months ago on Google • 1 review
    Don’t recommend this hospital for anyone who’s considering giving birth.I gave birth to my baby boy on March here and the experience was a nightmare. I had a hard labor due to 2 failed induction and labor not progressing as expected . My partner was not allowed to be with me so I had to go through it alone for 2 whole days. I was in so much pain and exhaustion, my doctor wasn’t giving any consideration to my wishes or what I had to say, she forced me to go natural when I pleaded her I couldn’t do it due to the immense exhaustion. Finally when I was 9cm dilated baby’s heart rate dropped which ended up in a emergency c-section. The nurses were very kind but I was really disappointed with the lady doctor who’s judgment kept putting me and my baby at risk.
    7 people found this review helpful 👍

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