Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: hospital (16) time (15) reception (6)
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  • 4/5 野良たぬき 6 months ago on Google • 36 reviews
    I developed tension-type headaches due to work stress, and since then I have been visiting a neurosurgeon. When I was at Obukuro Station, the doctor was kind and helpful, and I am very grateful that he prescribed very effective medicine. I have been given some harsh advice in the past, but as of February 2023-2024, my impression is that they are being treated respectfully. Regarding the prescription medicine for headaches, I was also told that although it is highly effective because it is an original prescription from Dr. Dokkyo, there is a high possibility that it cannot be made in other prefectures. Also, the woman at the reception was very humble in her choice of words and seemed to be able to respond naturally by saying, "Thank you." I would like to give it a ★ again because it reminded me of the gentle atmosphere of the old days when it was in large bags.
    13 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 k X. 5 years ago on Google • 329 reviews
    It's a relatively new and clean hospital. Many of our patients are elderly, so we expect them to have to wait quite a while to be seen. You can get a number to wait in line early in the morning (I forgot the time, maybe 8:30?), so if you want to shorten your waiting time, we recommend arriving early and getting a number. . When I was hospitalized before, I was confused because there was almost no explanation given even though it was my first time being admitted to this hospital, but if I asked about anything I didn't understand, they kindly explained it to me, so since there was no extra time to explain it, I explained it first. I thought it might be okay if they didn't do it.
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 papa M. 3 years ago on Google • 538 reviews
    The building is relatively new, the ceilings are high, and the air inside the hospital is not overcast, which is good. You can park in the parking lot without needing a ticket, and there is a supermarket Kasumi and a coffee shop across the street, so even if you have to wait a little, you have somewhere to go.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Caspa M. 2 years ago on Google • 3 reviews
    I came to this hospital with serious back pain and they refused to help me because I speak very little Japanese. I could hardly walk but they did nothing to help.
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 あきら2世 1 year ago on Google
    高齢の母親が身体障害の姉を定期的に連れて行き診て頂いてます。先日担当の医者が代わるとの事で初めて診てもらったのですが医者とは思えない上から目線で酷い物言いだったようでショックだったようです。俺にはあんたの病気が分からねぇとか色々言われたようです。後で見兼ねて看護師のかたが「色んな考えの先生いますから、、」なんて言われたみたいですが。 まぁ寄り添ってもらえない病院のようですね。
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 じろさん 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It gets crowded anyway. I went to the first medical examination in the morning, but I can only make a reservation after the second time & the reserved patient also has to wait for 2 hours. I waited for 3 hours and was about to collapse, and when I asked how long it would take, he said it might be 30 minutes or 2 hours. It won't take again. We do not recommend it for the first visit. It's a waste of time (Original) とにかく混む。朝一番に初診で行ったが、2回目以降でないと予約が取れない&その予約患者も2時間待ちがザラ。3時間待って倒れそうになり、あとおよそどのくらいかかるのかと尋ねると、30分かもしれないし2時間かもしれないと、発言もあやふや。2度とかかりません。初診の方は全くお勧めしません。時間の浪費です
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Takataka A. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Reception arrival 11:35. I submitted the handwritten reservation table that I received when I visited the hospital last time, saying "Please come to the hospital in the morning". Then the receptionist aunt "The reception is over." I said, "No, it was written in the morning, so the congestion time was shifted." Receptionist Aunt "The reception time is until 11:30, so please come on Monday." I "Yes? Why?" From there, the auntie who was disappointed went to the office and waited for 10 minutes. Aunt receptionist "I can't help it, so I will accept it specially today." Me"???" The nurses are not bad, but the receptionist and accounting staff are not good at dealing with them. It's better to mechanize, the director of the clinic and the director. (Original) 受付到着11:35。 前回来院時にもらった「午前中に来院ください」と手書きで書かれた予約表を受付に出した。 すると受付おばさんは、 「受付終わってます」と。 私「いやいや、午前中と書いてあったので、混雑時間ずらして来たんですよ。」 受付おばさん「受付時間は11:30までなので、月曜日にきてください。」 私「はい?なぜ?」 そこから、ふてくされた受付おばさんは事務所に行き、10分待たされたあげく、 受付おばさん「しょうがないので、今日は特別に受付ます」 私「???」 看護師さんは悪くないのに、受付と会計スタッフが対応が悪い。 機械化した方がいいですよ、医院長、理事長。
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 遊星仮面 2 years ago on Google
    気になったことを書きます。予約のある人が機械で受付表を受け取ったあと、向こう側の受付に行っていいのか、手前側の並んでいる列の後ろに並ばなくちゃならないのか、どちらにするのかわかりくいんですよね、、 あと、今日、特定検診の予約をしたいと電話したら、受付にきてくださいと言う。で、自転車で7キロ走って、受付行ったら、このノートの希望する日付の空欄に診察番号と氏名を書いてください、と言う。? そういうのって、電話でいいんじゃないの?
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 まつなお 1 year ago on Google
    良いのは建物だけです。 受付は非常に待たせられます。 9時半に向かい、12時までかかりました。 保険証の確認だけでも30分待たされます。 医師は高圧的で話を聞いてくれず、 「他の仕事があるのであなたに付き合ってる暇はありません」とまで暴言を言われました。 新規で行かれる方はオススメしません。 他の悪い口コミも納得の病院です。
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 りえにょろ 2 years ago on Google
    かかりつけ医の紹介で外科にかかりました。 先生はハキハキとしていてしっかりと病状について説明してくださいました。 腹腔鏡手術を受けましたが先生の「そんなに大変な手術じゃないから大丈夫!」と笑顔でおっしゃって頂いた言葉に本当に安心して手術室に入る事が出来ました。 術後もしっかりと説明して頂き安心する事が出来ました。 外来の看護師さんもとても丁寧に入院の説明をして下さり、少しでも不安があると細かく教えてくれました。 いろいろな検査を受けましたが検査技師の方々もとても丁寧で優しかったです。 手術当日に担当して頂いた看護師さんがホントに優しくて手術前からとても心強かったです。 入院中に担当の看護師さんが朝晩で変わりましたが皆さん優しく丁寧でした。 採血や点滴のラインをとるのも血管が細くていつも苦労する私に1発でするっと入れて頂けました。 病院食も低脂肪の物だったのでどんな物が出て来るかと不安でしたが思ったよりは美味しく頂く事が出来ました。 受付の皆さんも殆どの方が優しく丁寧だったのですが… 入院の説明をして頂いた時に 「入院の日に家族に送迎を頼むので早めに大体の時間を教えて頂けませんか?」 と尋ねたら少し困り顔をされたのですが… 隣に居た受付の方が 「次回、ご説明があると思いますのでこちらでは分かりません!」 と強い口調で言われてしまってビックリしました… 私にも都合があるから聞いたのになぁ と、悲しくなってしまいました。 それ以外は先生は優しくて腕も良く、スタッフの皆さんもとても丁寧で優しく外来での検査から入院、手術、退院までとても安心して過ごす事ができました。 コレからもこちらでお世話になろうと思います。
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 渡部健一郎 1 year ago on Google
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 ハムハムブーコ 1 year ago on Google
    先ず説明が此方に上手く伝わらない事が多く誤解する事が数回あった(内容は伏せます) なので用件やらで看護師に話すると 違っている事が多々… 渡された用紙読み返してみたけど 恐らく誤解招く書き方 聞いても若干呆れたような対応だし 説明聞いて復唱し確認したのに また 此方が勘違いしてるかの様な対応 伝わるように説明して欲しい 幾つか病院変わったけど何処も変わらず 忙しいし1人の患者だけではないのは承知しているが事務的な人が多い まぁそうでなければやってられませんよね
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 NAOKI M. 6 months ago on Google • 159 reviews
    Rumor has it that the hospital has been relocated. The old ambulance in the back tells the story. The name of the doctor in charge is always the name of the university. That's what it is. Medical departments are disappearing. Since it is a large hospital, you should normally go to this hospital by receiving a referral. Of course, since we are dealing with major illnesses, there is a waiting time. The clerk can tell by observing the movement. Is it like a big business disease? It's not that it can't be cured. If you find good doctors and nurses, you will definitely be satisfied with the results. There is certainly a reason why the rating of 1 gradually increases. Please see for yourself.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 小川弘一 1 year ago on Google • 22 reviews
    The other day, my 86-year-old mother who lives nearby had a fever, so I went to see her for a checkup, but the receptionist refused, saying they couldn't see anyone with a fever at this time. Is this a hospital?
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 熊谷佳之 11 months ago on Google • 20 reviews
    You will not be able to make a reservation unless you apply once. Reservations will be given priority even if you arrive early in the morning. It will be handed over to the last person. Worst hospital with just a building
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 はせりゅー 1 year ago on Google
    以前、入院・手術をしました。 苦言を呈するとしたら、入院・手術前の説明が明らかに不足。 それと退院手続きの際に1時間待っても呼ばれず、1時間半待っても呼ばれず。 さすがに限界なので受付に言いに行ったら忘れられていました。 手続きを済ませて早く帰って休みたいのに結果的に約2時間も待つことになりました。 こういう体制は改善されたのかな?
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 南雲しのぶ 8 months ago on Google • 200 reviews
    It's a relatively new hospital, so it's very spacious and clean, and the overall atmosphere wasn't bad. In particular, the person in charge of the inspection is a soft-spoken and nice person who works efficiently. However, I could hear small talk and laughter coming from some of the staff's waiting rooms, which was a shame as a facility maintenance issue. There seems to be a small number of parking spaces considering the size of the building, but there is a supermarket next door for a fee (free for a short time), so I guess that's enough.

  • 4/5 Taka O. 9 months ago on Google • 12 reviews
    Visited the hospital at 10:30 on Saturday. The nurse who took the blood sample in the treatment room on the first floor He was a very pleasant person. It seemed difficult to draw blood from my left hand, so When I put out my right hand, I was very humbled. I'm falling in love with you. The accounting woman was also polite. I feel bad about the reception desk... I only had blood drawn today, so next time I'll do a doctor's review.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 多田かおり 1 year ago on Google
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 1 year ago on Google

  • 1/5 青青 1 year ago on Google • 1 review
    If I had a fever, I was told to make an appointment for a fever outpatient clinic, and even though I made an appointment and went there at that time, I was left alone outside. Although I was finally taken to a waiting room and completed the paperwork to create a medical record, I was forced to wait for a long time even though I was feeling unwell, and then was sent home, saying, ``I can't be examined here.'' Is that what you call a hospital?
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 猫猫蘭(蘭ちゃん) 1 year ago on Google • 2 reviews
    When I called at 11:15 on weekdays, I was informed that I could receive orthopedic surgery at the reception from 1:00 pm and that I didn't need to make a reservation.However, when I went to the reception at 1:15 pm, they were unable to accept new patients. I was told no. I rode my bike for 5km in this hot weather even though it was hot and painful. Thank you for your help so far. I will never go there again.
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 圭蒼井(Aoi) 11 months ago on Google • 1 review
    When I tried to go to the outpatient clinic because of severe abdominal pain at night, the receptionist refused without asking me anything, and even when I tried to connect her to a doctor, she refused to see me. Useless as an emergency hospital! Hospitals you should not go to
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 れいかまま 6 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    It's a good hospital. It's inside a housing complex. It seems to have a good reputation among the elderly people in the neighborhood. It's been a while since I moved here, but I've been indebted to you many times. You can feel safe in both outpatient and inpatient settings.


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