Japanese Red Cross Kobe Hospital image

Japanese Red Cross Kobe Hospital

Hospital General hospital

👍👍 先週の水曜日に緊急搬送で母がお世話になりました。担当医の先生も母の病状を私達家族にわかりやすく説明して下さいました。母は亡くなりましたが看護師さんの皆さんや担当医の先生に優しい声掛けや家族に寄り添って頂きました事をとても嬉しく思い感謝致します。コロナ禍でありながら面会を許して下さった事。本当に家族と... People often mention hospital, doctor, surgery, room, time, treatment, nurses, person, staff, people,


1 Chome-3-1 Wakinohamakaigandori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-0073, Japan




+81 78-231-6006

Rating on Google Maps

3.20 (129 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: hospital (26) doctor (18) surgery (18) room (14) time (10) treatment (9) nurses (9) person (8) staff (8) people (8)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 obata k. 1 year ago on Google
    先週の水曜日に緊急搬送で母がお世話になりました。担当医の先生も母の病状を私達家族にわかりやすく説明して下さいました。母は亡くなりましたが看護師さんの皆さんや担当医の先生に優しい声掛けや家族に寄り添って頂きました事をとても嬉しく思い感謝致します。コロナ禍でありながら面会を許して下さった事。本当に家族として、母の最期の時を家族共に過ごせた事とても嬉しかったです。本当に本当に 母がお世話になりありがとうございました。
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  • 2/5 b 7 months ago on Google • 172 reviews
    長年家族で何度もお世話になり、感謝しかなかったが、今回家族が消化器内科にかかった際に担当してくれた先生は明らかに経験不足で、相談時間は充分には作ってくれたが、ただそれだけ。丁寧ではあったが、内容は杓子定規で全く頼りにならなかった。 結局、時間と体力だけを浪費して残念な結果に終わった。極めつけが、入院最終日にも患者や家族にも顔を見せに来ず。前日にでも電話の1本くらい家族にするべきだったのでは?もう余命短い患者に対して医者がとるべき態度ではないわ…雑で手抜きすぎる。 最初の診察で『この先生、頼りないなぁ』と感じたら、さっさと担当医を変えてもらうか、病院を変えた方が良い。私自身、10年以上前にこちらで手術し、長年通院させて貰ってきたが、科が変わっただけでこんなに医者のレベルが低くなるのかとショックだった。
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 松井剛 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I used to use it before, but it is a fact that I am wasted on prescribing medicine. When my family got sick, I made a complaint that was different from what I heard, but I just apologized. The nurse also said, "I had a medical record. I was told a different hospitalization schedule from the doctor by lying normally. I was immediately transferred to another hospital and my family recovered safely. Now with a funny story "I was dead when I was in the JRCS as it was. 』\ As the person himself says. The ward is filthy. In the large room, the smell of the toilet bowl was sometimes widespread. It was good at the beginning, but ... (Original) 以前は利用していましたが、無駄に薬を処方されるのは事実です。 家族が病気になった際、聞いてることと違う対応されてクレームを言いましたが、ひたすら謝罪だけ。 看護師も『カルテ診ました。』と普通に嘘ついて医師と違う入院日程を伝えられました。 すぐに別の病院に転院させ家族も無事回復しました。 今は笑い話で 『あのまま日赤におったら死んでたわ。』 と本人が言うほどです。 病棟は不潔です。 大部屋は便器の匂いが蔓延してるときがありました。 できた当初は良かったのですが・・・。
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 ぼくは野獣 1 year ago on Google
    意識が飛んで倒れて2回急搬されました。結果はてんかんで2回目で脱臼してしまいました。そしてやっぱり1ヶ月たっても痛くてたまらなくて受診しにいったら整形外科の担当の人じゃなくよくわからない部屋で問診されて若い女性でいかにも新米で専門医じゃない人に痛いですっていったらそりゃ痛いにきまってるでしょっとタメ口のように答えられて腕どこまであがりますかぁとかもなしではよ帰れやみたいな態度とられて受付のひとも態度よくなかったです。はっきりいいます。有名な 病院なのに患者はなんだとおもってるんですかとなりました。ただのぼったくりです。二度と行きません。
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 8 months ago on Google • 7 reviews
    It's a bit long, but I hope it's helpful for those undergoing treatment for ulcerative colitis. [Progress] I was referred to this hospital because I continued to have melena and diarrhea, and the clinic in town couldn't make a diagnosis. The JRCS confirmed this with a colon camera and found erosion and ulcers on the mucous membrane, so treatment for the disease was started. I was prescribed one tablet of Rialda, but my condition did not improve and I continued to feel unwell.Although I was informed in advance that the cost would be high, I started using a biological drug (Simponi). I have repeatedly checked with my doctor about applying for an incurable disease, but I am still determined to not be able to do so. I continued the same treatment for almost a year. During that time, her symptoms had improved somewhat, but she was having frequent stools and had frequent bloody stools. No clear remission was achieved. Due to work-related reasons, on my first day at the hospital I transferred to, I was surprised when the doctor in charge told me, ``Please apply for an incurable disease right away.'' He explained that his symptoms were moderate and that if he applied for an intractable disease, he would almost certainly be certified. He also explained a lot of treatment methods, which gave me more options and gave me hope. Treatment costs for intractable diseases are high, and certification greatly expands treatment options. I do not know why the JRCS doctor explained that he could not apply for an incurable disease. Wouldn't it have been nice if they had explained about subsidies for expensive and long-term medical expenses? In my case, I was able to transfer to another hospital due to work circumstances, and my symptoms were stabilized with another treatment, and my application for an intractable disease was approved, which gave me considerable stability and peace of mind both financially and mentally. [summary] If you have been diagnosed with the same disease, you may be depressed and unable to think clearly and take action, but if you have any doubts about the hospital's response, please contact a hospital with a long track record of applying for intractable diseases, treatment, and surgery. I strongly recommend getting a second opinion or being transferred to another hospital. If you can receive payment assistance, it will not only help you financially but also mentally. I hope that the JRCS will provide more patient-friendly treatment and improve the quality of its doctors.
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 神戸太郎 1 year ago on Google
    神戸市中央区脇浜に所在する大規模総合救急指定病院で兵庫県災害医療センターを併設している。精神保健福祉センター、日本赤十字社血液センター、厚生局等の合同庁舎、なぎさ公園に隣接しており。優秀なスタッフさんが日夜、患者様を思いベストをつくしています。 ※院内2階にある売店のホットコーヒー(Sサイズ¥100)がお薦めです。
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Shingen 1 year ago on Google
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Wafa T. 6 years ago on Google • 25 reviews
    In kobe HAT, i went for orthopedic doctor. Good doctors
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  • 1/5 xueriang L. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The other day, I went to the Kobe Red Cross Hospital for business. After undergoing a body temperature test and interview at the entrance, I was passed through the general information reception desk and there were three staff members at the counter, and I said "I'm sorry", but I thought that my voice was small because there was no response, and I said "I'm sorry" again in a loud voice. However, when all three people in front of me did not respond and waited for a while, what kind of requirements did the person at the next window finally (it seems that the person next to me could hear)? I finally got a response. Even after that, the three people in front of me continued to talk with each other and did not respond to me. How about having such a staff at the general information reception desk? (Original) 先日、用事が有り神戸赤十字病院に行きました。 入り口で体温検査と問診を受け、 総合案内受付に通され窓口には3人のスタッフを居り‘すみません’と声を掛けたのですが応答が無く自分の声が小さいのかと思いもう一度大きな声で‘すみません’と声を掛けたのですが目の前の3人とも応答か無くしばらくそのまま待ってると隣の窓口の人がやっと(隣のその方は聞こえたみたいで)どの様なご要件でしょうか?とやっと対応して貰えました。 その後も目の前の3人はスタッフ同士で話し続け自分へ対応して貰える事は有りませんでした。 こんなスタッフを総合案内受付に居らすのはどうなんでしょう?
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I got sick at work and went to this hospital as an emergency. The appendicitis that I had been suffering from worsened, and I was immediately hospitalized for emergency surgery. I live alone and my family is in the countryside, and I was very lonely because of the corona virus, but the teacher who saw me in the emergency, the teacher in charge, and the nurses who took care of me day and night were really kind and caring. He sent me to meet him. There were many nurses in their early twenties who were close to my age. Every morning and night, the doctor visits me and examines me, and the nurses ask me how I'm doing even if they don't call me once every few hours. The hospital ward also has private rooms around the nurse center. I am really glad that I had surgery at this hospital. Thank you very much. (Original) 職場で体調が悪くなりそのまま救急でこちらの病院へ。ほかっていた虫垂炎が悪化してしまい、即入院の緊急手術でした。 一人暮らしで家族も地方におり、さらにコロナで面会が禁止なのでとても心細かったのですが、救急で見て下さった先生も担当の先生も、昼夜面倒を見てくださる看護師さん達も本当に優しく気を遣って接してくださいました。 20代前半で歳の近い看護師さんが多く、何かあった時にすぐ「助けて」と言える環境でとても安心できました。 毎日朝と夜に必ず先生が訪ねてくださり、診察をしてくださって看護師さん達も数時間に一回呼んでなくても調子伺いをしてくださいます。 病棟もナースセンターを中心に丸く個室が揃っており、病室一つ一つにトイレがついているので、変な話夜の病院も怖く無かったです…(笑) 本当にここの病院で手術を受けてよかったです。 ありがとうございました。
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 NS (. 1 year ago on Google
    私はこの病院で命を救って頂きました!! 主治医で循環器内科の好木先生、内科佐藤先生、消化器内科の山本先生、看護師さん、お世話になった全ての方々に感謝しかありません。 1月中頃、コロナで重症となり、かかりつけの病院も断られる中、こちらの病院が受け入れて下さり緊急入院。診断は心タンポナーデ。著しく血圧が低下し危険な状態に。先生方の迅速な判断で隣接している兵庫災害医療センターと連携をとって下さり、懸命な処置により命の危機を救って頂きました。約4日間は両ICUで夜通し手厚く看護して頂きお世話になりました。 主治医の好木先生は、お若いけれど本当に説明も丁寧で、いつも患者側に寄り添って親切に診て下さいました。佐藤先生もずっと励まして下さいました。 両先生共、家族にも何度も連絡をとって下さって、家族もとても安心できていたと思います。 病棟の看護師の方々も優しくてありがたかったです。 約半月の入院中、もしこの病院があの時受け入れてくれてなかったら…私はこの春から社会人となる息子の姿も見れずに死んでいたかもしれないと何度も泣けました。 本当に先生や看護師の皆様は命の恩人です。感謝しても足りませんが、救って頂いた命をこれからも大切にし暮らしていきます。 心からありがとうございました。
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 むらとしみっち 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The doctor is a kind, very kind and good doctor, but I wondered if the receptionist of the settlement would respond. I know I'm busy, but it's a messy treatment, and the documents and the doctor's chart are handed over to me. I was snatched. You usually say I'm sorry or sorry If this disappears, it will be a problem for the doctor, so I brought it with me, but I should study more, not just one person. It's almost sloppy. The Japanese Red Cross Society in the world is terrible (Original) ドクターは、親切でとても優しく良いドクターですが、精算の受付の方の対応どうかと思いました。忙しいのはわかるのですが、乱雑な扱いで、書類もドクターのカルテも一緒に渡されて、これどうするのん、私も、はじめてでビックリ、これ良いのですかと、問うとあっと言って、ひったくりました。普通はすみませんとか、申し訳ありませんと言うでしょ これがなくなったら困るのはドクターなので、持っていきましたが、対応もっと勉強すべき、1人だけではありません。ほとんど雑です。天下の日赤はずかしいよ
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Angel B. 5 years ago on Google • 35 reviews
    The doctors where great. They gave me a thorough check-up. They spoke English well. The nurses were kind and very polite. I spent one week at the 5th floor. The view from the 5th floor window is great.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 めろんそーだ 1 year ago on Google
    他院からの紹介で救急で外科で河本先生にお世話になりました 先生も看護師さんも気さくな方が多く親身になって今後の方針を考えて下さいます 家は近くはないのですがまた何か緊急時はお世話になりたいと思います ただ大きな病院ゆえに日によって待ち時間がけっこう長いです 痺れを切らしている御老人をしばしば見かけました こちらの病院では救急の患者さんも対応されてるのでこればかりは仕方ないかと😅
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Ta T. 3 months ago on Google • 86 reviews New
    I'm in the hospital. Cleaning is very dirty. Red Cross subcontracts cleaning company I guess it's outsourced It's dirty after all. If it were me, I would call the person in charge of the subcontracting company. I tell her to keep it clean. If that doesn't work, Subcontract to another subcontractor. The shower room was also full of black mold. The chair in the shower room Full of black mold. That's not good for your body Wipe away black mold with a sponge You can get it right away. Do you need such a cleaning staff? Cleaning the toilets in each hospital room It doesn't clean at all. Hospital patient asks nurse to use toilet It's dirty so I need to ask you to clean it. Does not clean properly.

  • 1/5 遠矢明春 3 months ago on Google • 47 reviews New
    I was thinking of donating to the Red Cross to help with the Ishikawa earthquake, but I happened to come across reviews of the Red Cross Hospital and decided to read them all. This hospital has a bad reputation, poor response, and is the worst hospital in the world, and poor response has become the norm for many years. Just like complaints, reviews are a treasure trove. What if hospital officials read reviews and took improvement measures? ️Even if the job type is different, the basics are the same: customers and patients leave.Once customers run away, they never come back. This is the first time I've been to such a horrible hospital, so I plan to donate money elsewhere.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 まびお 5 months ago on Google • 3 reviews
    I have been going to Dr. Yamanaka, a gynecologist, for over 10 years. They found early stage ovarian cancer. Although the doctor has a calm demeanor, his examinations and internal examinations are always thorough, and his surgical skills are excellent. He is such a good doctor that I have never felt uncomfortable. At first, I was introduced to Dr. Yamanaka by another obstetrician and gynecologist, and I performed the surgery at the Red Cross Hospital, but I was often referred to other doctors, so I thought he had a solid skill. .
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 k 1 year ago on Google
    医師や看護師は良い人が多いが、受付の人は態度悪い。 診察受付1の岡崎? 受付前で待ってんのに前の人の対応終わったら知らん顔してどっか行くし、戻ってきてもお待たせしましたも言わないの? 病院だから? それなら身だしなみももう少し気をつけろよ。 ここは総合受付も愛想悪い残念な病院。
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 kazu 8. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Reception immediately after entering the 1st floor? Settlement clerk? "Fukui", a misunderstood woman in her 40s and 50s, is the worst. A mad attitude at the level of a madman, low consciousness and low level, appropriate answers, and neglect I don't know if it's a part-time job or a dispatch, but even if there is a good evaluation at this hospital, it's the worst human resource to lower all the evaluations. It won't work wherever you go, but as long as it's there, the hospital's reputation will continue to decline. (Original) 1階入ってすぐの受付?精算係?の「福井」という40〜50代くらいの勘違い女が最悪。 キチガイレベルの偉そうな態度・意識とレベルの低さ・適当な受け答え・無視 たかだかパートか派遣か知らないけどこの病院でいい評価があったとしても全ての評価を下げる程最悪な人材。 どこに行っても通用しないであろうがこいつがいる限りこの病院の評価は下がり続けるでしょうね。
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Jamie K. 5 years ago on Google
    The Ortho Dr was very kind.
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  • 5/5 Maya 6. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I was taken care of by the hospitalization for surgery. With a variety of patients, every nurse was kind to everyone, day and night. Both my doctor and the doctor in the same department seemed to be busy with outpatients and surgery every day, but they came to see me on Saturdays and Sundays in the morning and evening. The cleaning staff and the serving staff were kind, and everyone was professional in the outpatient departments of other departments. I am very grateful that I was able to spend my time with peace of mind. (Original) 手術入院でお世話になりました。 様々な患者さんがいる中で、どの看護師さんも昼夜問わず誰に対しても思いやりのある対応されていました。主治医の先生も同じ科の先生も、外来や手術で毎日お忙しそうでしたが朝夕に、土日でも様子を見に来てくださいました。お掃除の方も、配膳の方も優しく、他の科の外来でもどこでも皆さんプロフェッショナルでしたよ。 安心して過ごせましたし、大変感謝しております。
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 K K. 5 months ago on Google • 5 reviews
    In my case, my primary doctor is an outsider, but this was my first time being admitted to this hospital for inpatient surgery. The nurses, many of whom were young, seemed to be very efficient and worked a morning shift and an evening shift, and they came to greet me each time. The attending physician will perform the surgery, but the anesthesia and operating room nurses will be provided by this person. The anesthesiologist is amazing. After the surgery, I woke up to a voice. I have had many surgeries and it is very rare for me to wake up completely awake after surgery. It means that the anesthesiologist is very skilled. The nurses in the operating room were also polite and nice. I thought a four-person room would be fine, so I applied for that. On the first day, there was only a four-person room with a surcharge available, but due to hospital circumstances, I went to that room without a surcharge. The next day after surgery, a room became available, so I moved. The four of us, three elderly people and myself, were in a dark room surrounded by curtains instead of by the window. It was difficult at night. I wonder if there is some recognition? In the middle of the night, one of them kept pressing the buzzer and yelling loudly, "It hurts, it hurts," and the other one was talking in his sleep? Talking to yourself? Talking loudly and in a conversational manner On the second day after surgery, I had a headache due to lack of sleep... I put up with it for two nights, but I can't do it anymore, and even if I pay extra for the remaining three days, I want to move to my old room. I came back to life by being alone by the window with no other people around. I wish more consideration had been given to the room allocation. The room assignment was not good, but the nurse was very nice, so I gave her a 5. the next day Since I was discharged from the hospital on a holiday, I was told that the payment would be made at a later date, so I called the next day and asked if the calculation had been completed before coming to the hospital. Nana, have you calculated it yet? The accountant explained that the doctor is from another place, so it will be done at a later date. eh? Even though I called to confirm and came to the hospital? ? ? What does it mean when the person answering the phone says something lame? (Yes, I said something inappropriate.) I'm really sorry for the unfriendly phone response. I feel like this is going to take a long time to write, so I'll stop here, but the reception desk, accounting, outpatient department, ward, pharmacist, nurse, and doctor are all included in a hospital, but just by answering the phone, you can stamp that the hospital is closed. I wonder. I would like to see more improvement in the quality of the staff. So ⭐️ was lowered to 3.
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  • 5/5 Youhoa R. 7 months ago on Google • 3 reviews
    The other day, I had surgery under general anesthesia. I felt comfortable in the ward. thank you very much. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, people working at hospitals are having a hard time. I think people who are underestimating someone because they can't meet someone or something like that are really pathetic people who only think about themselves.
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  • 2/5 9 m. 1 year ago on Google
    毎年人間ドックに行ってますが駐車場から1階へ。そして向かいのエレベーターで上へ。熱計る人に人間ドック何階でしたって聞いたらわかりませんとまさかの返答。 人間ドックはコロナ禍で検査項目減っても 料金は同じ。 オプションは追加料金要るのならば項目が 減ったなら減額してください。 検査する人も少なく滞り気味。 年々ショボくなっている気がします。 災害の基幹病院やのに残念です。
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 vk 6. 1 year ago on Google
    時間外診療でお世話になりました。 休日の朝6時とゆう時間でしたが、整形の石原先生に丁寧に診ていただきました。 ありがとうございました 整形の先生、看護師さん、技師の先生、守衛さん、皆さんとても親切で優しく対応していただきました。 日赤は初めてでしたが、大きい病院でスタッフ全員の方がこんな親切で丁寧な病院は初めてです。 早朝の時間外診察大変お世話になりました。
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  • 5/5 ねこねこ 10 months ago on Google
    最近MRI検査のために訪れた病院のスタッフは、そのプロフェッショナルな対応と丁寧なサービスで感動を与えてくれました。予約から検査、結果の説明まで、全てがスムーズでわかりやすかったです。 特に素晴らしかったのは、スタッフがMRI検査について詳しく説明してくれ、不安を和らげてくれたことです。また、検査装置も最新で清潔感があり、安心して検査を受けることができました。 さらに、結果の説明も丁寧で、医師がMRI画像を使って状態を詳細に説明し、今後の治療計画についても親切にアドバイスをくれました。 全体的に、この病院は設備が整っており、スタッフの対応が素晴らしく、患者一人ひとりに丁寧に対応してくれる病院です。これからも信頼して任せることができる医療機関であると感じました。

  • 1/5 mamma M. 11 months ago on Google
    子供が怪我をして入院になりました。 付添不可と言われましたが、子供は看護師さんに付添出来るような話をされたそうです。 1人入院で不安の中、スマホの通信速度が遅くなった為Wi-Fiのパスワードを聞くように子供に言いましたが、面倒だったのかそんなものは無いと言われました。 パンフレットにも書いてると話してもとぼけられたそうです。 不審に思い私が連絡すると、平謝り、すぐに子供から無事パスワードを教えて貰ったとメールが入りました。 その上足の怪我で1人での初めての入院で歯を磨くや顔を洗うことも出来ず、ほとんど放置だったのか、退院のお迎えの際は顔色が真っ青でした。

  • 5/5 小笠原学 11 months ago on Google
    脳神経外科でお世話になりました。 原先生お優しく、看護師さんや皆さん良くして頂きました。感謝しています。

  • 1/5 水本 1 year ago on Google
    整形で通いました。レントゲン複数とりますが説明は一枚だけ。他の写真も説明求めたところ、どの角度で撮っているかわからないので説明できないとのことでした。なのに料金は全部の分請求するんですね。 あと、少しお待ちくださいと言われ二時間半待つのはおかしいと思います。

  • 1/5 風間こだち 6 months ago on Google

  • 1/5 MN F. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Anyway, work is slow, setup is bad, I can not do it! Is it okay if you can't close the open curtain properly or do something like this at the bottom of the world? !! Besides, in terms of medical care, it's so tough that even an amateur can see it! This is the first time that it takes so long to find a blood vessel for injection. It's scary because it's not one or two people A painkiller drip that I knew would disappear after a few hours at noon ... After all, it was replaced with a new one at 22:00 at night In the meantime, some nurses checked the ingredients of the drip and the amount of the drip many times, and asked the teacher. Did they all forget? w Even if the patient was suffering and groaning in front of me before the surgery, I was laughing and chatting. Even if the doctor in charge comes to follow up even once after the surgery, is it really okay? I'll ask you again, is this hospital okay? !! postscript Two months have passed since I was discharged, and four leaks were found during that time. Two of them have a feeling of strangeness, but they are buried and cannot be removed. In two places, I decided to pull out the scratches myself I've been thinking about it since the exchanges during hospitalization, but even if I asked a question, the explanation seemed to be annoying and I tried to round up immediately, anyway, it was a disappointing female doctor. (Original) とにもかくにも仕事が遅い、段取りが悪い、出来ない! このご時世、開けたカーテンをきちんと閉められないとかこんな最底辺の事も出来ないとか大丈夫?! 他にも医療面でも、素人目から見ても分かるほどにトロいトロい! 注射の血管探すのにこんなに時間かかるのここが初めてなんですけどw それも1人2人じゃないから怖いw お昼の時点で数時間後になくなる事が分かってた痛み止めの点滴、、 結局新しいものと取り替えられたのが夜の22時 間に何度か、何人かの看護師さんが点滴の成分の確認や量の確認を何度もし、先生に聞いてみますね〜、用意しときますね〜、と言って去っていきましたが全員忘れてたわけ?w 手術前に目の前で患者が苦しんで唸ってても平気で笑いながら談笑されてましたけど、、? 手術後一度も担当医が経過観察に来てもくれないけど本当に大丈夫? もう一度聞きますがこの病院大丈夫ですか?! 追記 退院して2ヶ月経過、その間に抜糸漏れが4箇所見つかる うち2箇所は違和感はあるものの埋まってしまって取れず 2箇所は自分で傷をほじくって抜くことに 入院中のやりとりからずっと思っていたが質問しても説明はめんどくさそうに即切り上げようとする、とにかく残念なk女医さんでした

  • 1/5 U光生 6 months ago on Google

  • 1/5 まことまこと 6 months ago on Google • 1 review
    On Monday, October 16th, around 8 o'clock, on my way to my car at the hospital, I was about to change lanes to the left when a woman on a large motorcycle suddenly came from behind and came into the left lane, right next to me. It was dangerous driving. Even after that, he was still running at a considerable speed. I happened to be following that bike and when I saw it, it turned out to be going into the same hospital. Are you a staff member? If you are an employee, I am very sorry. He was wearing a red jumper.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 まつまつ 4 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    I used to work at an obstetrics and gynecology department. My situation was somewhat unique, and they decided to perform surgery in a hurry within a limited period of time. Thanks to you, I am now free from pain and living comfortably. I think they had to put a lot of effort into their schedules, but I am truly grateful to the doctors, nurses, and other staff members who examined me and treated me with great care. What impressed me was how each person in charge came to greet me before the surgery, and while I was on the operating table waiting for the anesthesia to take effect, the anesthesiologist spoke cheerfully to ease my nerves. Thank you very much. I was reassured by the great teamwork and was able to head into the surgery without any worries. I'm glad I chose this place.

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