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Meraki Kitchen

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👍 平日ディナーに利用させてもらいました◎ 人が沢山でお祝いプレートを出しているテーブルをいくつか見つけました。 見た目も鮮やかで綺麗で、味もとても美味しかったです! アップルパイは焼きたてで提供してもらえるので、アイスとのバランスよもくて美味しかったです! People often mention delicious, bouillabaisse, carpaccio, risotto, staff, restaurant, people, salad, served, tuna,


Japan, 〒450-0002 Aichi, Nagoya, Nakamura Ward, Meieki, 3 Chome−11−10 ゴトウビル 2F



+81 52-581-1123

Price rating

$$ $$

Rating on Google Maps

4.30 (115 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Saturday: 4:30 to 11:30 pm
  • Sunday: (National Foundation Day), Closed, Hours might differ
  • Monday: (National Foundation Day (Observed)), 5:30 to 11:30 pm, Hours might differ
  • Tuesday: 5:30 to 11:30 pm
  • Wednesday: 5:30 to 11:30 pm
  • Thursday: 5:30 to 11:30 pm
  • Friday: 5:30 to 11:30 pm

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: delicious (11) bouillabaisse (10) carpaccio (9) risotto (7) staff (7) restaurant (7) people (6) salad (6) served (6) tuna (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 3/5 SAYAKA 9 months ago on Google • 477 reviews
    We had the famous seafood carpaccio, bouillabaisse (risotto added), and fries ✨ The food is voluminous and beautifully colored, whetting your appetite! The staff at the various shops will explain their recommendations first, but since it's just memorization, I couldn't really understand them.I would be able to understand better if you provided photos or supplementary information. When I added the bouillabaisse to the risotto, I was told to leave the bouillabaisse in, so that's what I intended to do, but while I was still eating it, I was asked if I wanted to make the risotto, and I thought I could just add it to the pot and cook it, but instead I made the risotto on a completely separate plate. When it came out, I thought it was still eating normally...I was a little surprised because it wasn't explained that it was like that 😅😅 The taste was already outstanding, so it was okay, but I was disappointed that there were a lot of things wrong with the menu and explanations (excessive is because there was more explanation than necessary, so I couldn't really understand what was recommended)😣
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 なつ 1 year ago on Google
    平日ディナーに利用させてもらいました◎ 人が沢山でお祝いプレートを出しているテーブルをいくつか見つけました。 見た目も鮮やかで綺麗で、味もとても美味しかったです! アップルパイは焼きたてで提供してもらえるので、アイスとのバランスよもくて美味しかったです!
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 いき 1 year ago on Google • 378 reviews
    Five people used it for a family dinner. We added all-you-can-drink to the top course. The carpaccio is large in quantity and has a gorgeous appearance, which will draw you in right away. There was a salad that my family couldn't eat, so they replaced it with a Japanese strawberry salad. This was also very delicious with a sour raspberry sauce that I don't usually eat. It's no wonder why it's such a popular restaurant, as the portions are plentiful and all of the items look great. However, the drinks were served slowly and the distance from the person next to me was small, so I think it's okay if you don't mind. It's a restaurant that's suitable for girls' nights out or dates, so I'd like to come here again with a small group of people.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 るん 1 year ago on Google
    1枚目が名物の魚介のカルパッチョで身がゴロゴロ大きくてキラキラしてて見た目も綺麗で味もとても美味しかったです。 頼んだもの全て美味しくて海鮮好きにはたまらないです。 アップルパイも絶品でした。 出来上がりに40分くらいかかるので早めに頼むのがおすすめです。
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 SAKI【名古屋OLグルメ】 2 years ago on Google
    OLのディナー日記😋 ⁡ 【名物カルパッチョ🐟✨地中海料理が楽しめる🇫🇷】 ⁡ 📍メラキキッチン / 名駅 ⁡ ⁡ 🚃名古屋駅から徒歩5分 🚘駐車場なし ⏰ [月〜金]17:30〜23:30(L.O22:45) [土]16:30〜23:30(L.O22:45) 🌳日曜、祝日定休日 ⁡ ⁡ ※ 新型コロナウイルスの影響により、 現在の営業時間・定休日が記載と異なる場合がございます。 ⁡ ⁡ ┈注文したもの┈ ☑️海の幸のカルパッチョ 💰1,100円 ☑️5種のキノコと釜揚げしらすのリゾット 💰1,540円 ☑️白子のムニエル 💰1,320円 ☑️ハイボール 💰650円 ☑️ヴィンイエット 💰680円 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ┈感想┈ 新鮮な魚介を使った 地中海料理が楽しめる【メラキキッチン】さんへ🐟🇫🇷✨ ⁡ 系列の【バルバラッカ】さんには、 営業が再開されてから、 月1以上のペースで訪問させていただいておりますが、 【メラキキッチン】さんは初めての訪問🥺✨ ⁡ ずっと気になっていたので、 ワクワクドキドキでした🥰💓笑 ⁡ 名駅から少し歩いたところにあり、 階段を上がった2階にあるので、 ちょっと見つけにくいかもしれないです🤔 道路に、看板が置いてあったので、 それを目印にするといいかもしれないです😊! ⁡ 注文したのは、 ドリンク2杯と、お料理3品🍽 ⁡ 1つのお料理が結構量があるので、 2人でいったので3品でお腹いっぱいになりました🤤 ⁡ 楽しみにしていた【海の幸のカルパッチョ】🐟♡ ハマチ、マグロ、オーロラサーモン、落鱸、赤エビ、ワカメ が色鮮やかに盛り付けられていました🤤💗 ⁡ 生魚好きな私には堪らない一品!!! 特に!サーモンが大好きなので、 サーモンが入っていて最高でした😋🐟笑笑 ⁡ お魚によってドレッシングが使い分けられているみたい! ⁡ 【5種のキノコと釜揚げしらすのリゾット】は、 提供された瞬間、キノコの良い香りがふわっと☺️🍄 ⁡ 金鯱シイタケやアワビ茸、蝦夷まいたけが使われているそう! ⁡ キノコの良い香りも楽しみながら、 いただきました🤤 ⁡ 口の中で広がるキノコの味わいとクリームリゾートが 堪りませんでした✨✨ ⁡ ⁡ その日のおすすめのメニューが、 結構変わるので、毎回行くたびに違うお料理が楽しめそう😋🤍 ⁡ 少し薄暗い店内で、お店も綺麗な感じ、良い雰囲気で、 デートとかにも良さそう🥰! ⁡ ⁡ とっても美味しかったので、 近いうちにまた伺います🤤❤️ ⁡ ⁡ オレンジサンシャインさんのお店の お料理の美味しさに間違いはないですね🤤✨!!! ⁡ 全部美味しい!何食べても美味しい😋!! ⁡ ⁡
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 kim (. 3 years ago on Google
    クリスマスディナー🎅 ※タイムラグをお許しください。。。 ちょっと前からInstagramで知りずっと気になってた メラキキッチン。 投稿にクリスマスディナーをするとのことで 相方に確認し電話にて予約。 17:00〜.20:00〜の2部制にてお店を回すとのことで、 20:00の枠で予約しました。 メニューを見た時は意外と量が少なめ?と思っていたら 永遠とおかわりできるパン。 店員さんに一番食べてますと言われてしまう始末(笑) お腹いっぱいまで満たしてくれてありがとうございます😂 料理は見た目・味変・内容全てに満足。 そして確かコースが5000円だったかな? この内容でこの金額は大満足としか言えません.. 店内の装飾もドライフラワーなどがあしらわれ 今風な感じ。 足元に若干の隙間風(換気のためかな?)を感じ、 途中からコートを膝掛け代わりに使用してました。 お客さんの来店比率はカップル7 女子会2 その他1 ぐらいの感じだったかな、、? 最後に注文したいちごのドリンクは 奥のお客さんが頼んでるのを見て、見た目可愛くて ついついあのお客さんと同じのくださいって 頼んでしまいました(人生初) ドリンクの紹介もInstagramであると嬉しいです🥳 ごちそうさまでした。
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 TOMO N. 11 months ago on Google • 641 reviews
    I was recommended to you by a friend and I visited you🎵 This store is located about 5 minutes walk from Nagoya Station. It's on the 2nd floor, but there's another shop standing at the entrance, so it's a little difficult to enter (^-^; ◆Order Carrot Lape 500 yen Homemade tuna nicoise salad 1000 yen Seafood carpaccio 1250 yen Famous Bouillabaisse 2458 yen → Finishing Risotto 550 yen Sauteed tuna 850 yen Basque style cheesecake 750 yen Marinated grilled eggplant 680 yen Everything was very delicious, but the portions were larger than I expected (I'm glad ☺️) Both the carpaccio and Niçoise-style salad are full of vegetables, so I don't feel guilty even though I end up eating too much. The bouillabaisse ends with risotto. I was told that it wouldn't be possible without the juice, so I did my best to keep the juice intact. Everything was delicious! Thank you for the meal♪
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 mu 1 year ago on Google • 95 reviews
    2023.4.15 I used it for dinner on a rainy Saturday. I made a reservation at 17:00 and ordered the 4000 yen course. Arrived around 4:45pm I informed the staff of my reservation and was immediately shown to my seat. order a drink The food was served in the following order: carpaccio → prosciutto and lentil salad → clams and mussels steamed in white wine → fried oysters → seafood bouillabaissebouillabaisse risotto to finish → dessert. The quantity is large for the price It came with all-you-can-eat baguette, but I received the first baguette that was served and could not get a refill. The staff's customer service was very good and I had a pleasant meal. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 tks Y. 6 months ago on Google • 93 reviews
    A famous seafood bar located in Meieki. This is Meraki Kitchen. It's on the 2nd floor of the corner building. Reservations are essential as the restaurant is always full. I ordered several dishes centered around the seafood carpaccio and bouillabaisse that are popular at this restaurant. The carpaccio had different dressings depending on the type of fish, and it was a delicious dish to look at and eat. It has volume! I'm sorry, I personally don't like the taste of bouillabaisse, and the fish tasted bland, but my companion said he liked it, so I think we all have different tastes. What I thought was very delicious was the salad made with homemade tuna. This homemade tuna was very filling and the vegetables were delicious. I will definitely order again next time. Also, the rice eggplant bolognese was very delicious with the eggplant being melty. The tuna tartare was different from what I had imagined; I couldn't really taste the tuna flavor, and the sourness of the tartar was strong, but the bread, which can be refilled as many times as you like, was a good choice. Since the quantity of each item is large, I think it would be better to limit the number of orders. I would like to try the dessert next time. When I visited this time, there was a new-looking woman and a veteran male employee in the hall. A veteran male employee closely observed the crowded store and was interested in the customer's movements. Thank you very much for your wonderful response.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 K N. 1 year ago on Google
    平日のオープンと同時に入店。 1800過ぎにはほぼ満席の繁盛店。 若い女性客が多かった。 料理は魚貝類を中心としたものでドリンクリストを見てもワインで楽しむのが良さそうなお店。 名物のカルパッチョはインパクトとボリュームがあり、魚に合わせてドレッシングも変えてあり、これだけでも十分な満足度 料理はどれもボリュームがあるので いろいろと料理を楽しみたいなら、4名以上で行くのがおすすめです。 スタッフさんのサービスも気さくな感じで好印象でした。
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 mms 8 months ago on Google • 7 reviews
    I used it for a girls' dinner party. I didn't have a reservation at this restaurant, which I had been interested in for some time, but the friendly staff was happy to accommodate me. All the carpaccio had firm flesh and you could taste the fresh fish! The bouillabaisse was also very delicious with the flavor of seafood ^_^ The apple pie dessert is also famous, so be sure to try it! it's recommended!
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Haruna T. 7 months ago on Google • 23 reviews
    I received a course meal. There was a lot of fresh fish in every item, and it was very filling! ! The food is very delicious. Also, the quality of service is high! All the staff who served us were very good at explaining and understanding the food. The atmosphere was relaxing! ! The reason why I deducted a ★ is because the amount of food was large. (Sorry, this is just my personal opinion.) I'm much happier than having less, but I ended up leaving some food behind... I'm the type of person who doesn't like to leave anything behind, but I just can't eat it... I think I would have been able to eat more and drink more alcohol if the number of items or portions had been reduced and the price adjusted accordingly. There were a lot of alcoholic beverages that I was interested in, but I haven't been able to conquer them. The menu is as of September 9, 2023. As I said, the food is delicious, the atmosphere and the staff are wonderful! If I have a chance, I will use it separately! !
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 栗山 2 years ago on Google
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 さすらいたろう 9 months ago on Google • 241 reviews
    Reservations are a must for this restaurant! Personally, I recommend eating a wide variety of menus with people you know in a group of about 4 people. First of all, the two main dishes listed on the menu are carpaccio and bouillabaisse. I think you can't go wrong with this, so I highly recommend ordering it! Bouillabaisse can also be served as a risotto, so be careful not to drink too much soup. The staff will carefully explain the rest of the menu, so you can order whatever you like. Also, there is a wide variety of wine. This is because I don't know much about wine, but I think it's a restaurant that you can enjoy as well.

  • 5/5 みどり 8 months ago on Google • 11 reviews
    The staff's attentiveness is wonderful. If you look at them, they will notice you right away! The food is voluminous (two people can get full with just 2 to 3 dishes lol) and is very satisfying!

  • 5/5 Y Y. 6 months ago on Google • 10 reviews
    I used it with two friends. I was impressed by how attentive the staff was, giving me detailed explanations every time I served them, and even letting me sample some alcohol when I was having trouble deciding! Two women ordered three dishes, and each one was more than I expected, so we were full. It looked and tasted delicious, so I would like to come with a group of about 4 people next time to try other dishes.

  • 5/5 sutarou 7 months ago on Google
    料理の味だけでなく、スタッフの質共に最高のお店でした。必ずリピートします。 お値段もかなりリーズナブルで本格的な地中海料理を頂けます。

  • 4/5 たぬき 1 year ago on Google
    予約して訪問、おしゃれな店内で女性客多め 騒がしい雰囲気 店員さんが丁寧にメニューの紹介とおすすめをしてくれる点に好感度UP お通しは温かいバゲットとゼッポリーニが出てきた ゼッポリーニは熱々で満足度の高いお通しだった カルパッチョ ボリュームがあった 生魚は普通 テリーヌ 感動なし アボカドヨーグルトソースにつけてとのことだったがあまり好みの味ではなかった サーモンのキッシュ サーモン感は薄いが焼きたてのキッシュはサクサクでとても美味しかった アンチョビソテー 塩味が強くお酒が進むお味 ババオラム ラム酒が効いていてとても美味しかった 添えてあるいちごや生クリームも素材が良かった その他にも様々オーダーしたがどれも綺麗に盛りつけされており美味しかった 前回美味しかったアヒージョがなかったことは少し残念だった サービスも気持ちがよくまた機会があれば利用させていただきたい

  • 5/5 cato 1 year ago on Google
    ずっと行きたかったお店。海鮮好きにはたまらんです。 名物?のカルパッチョはもちろんですが、本日のおすすめメニューから選んだお料理達と、豚のコンフィが最高に美味しかった〜 ポーションは多めなので、3〜4人で行くと色々食べれて良さそうです! この日は提供スピードが早くて、お料理がポンポン出てきました。

Call +81 52-581-1123 Open on Google Maps


  • Payments
    • ✓️ Credit cards
  • Offerings
    • ✓️ Beer
    • ✓️ Wine
    • ✓️ Coffee
    • ✓️ Alcohol
    • ✓️ Spirits
    • ✓️ Cocktails
    • ✓️ Small plates
    • ✓️ Organic dishes
    • ✓️ Late-night food
    • ✓️ Happy-hour drinks
  • Accessibility
    • ✗ Wheelchair-accessible seating
    • ✗ Wheelchair-accessible car park
    • ✗ Wheelchair-accessible entrance
  • Dining options
    • ✓️ Dinner
    • ✓️ Dessert
    • ✓️ Seating
  • Service options
    • ✓️ Dine-in
    • ✗ Delivery


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