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Sauna Outdoor bath

😠 1年間利用した正直な感想 【悪い点】 ・民度が下がった(2022年8月〜) リニューアルオープンしてから割引キャンペーンを連日したせいで客は一気に増えたもののマナーが悪化。サウナ内で喋る、使った桶やシャンプーを元の位置に戻さない、サウナ上がりで汗を流さず水風呂に入る、長い椅子を占領して寝転ぶ、ビショビショの... People often mention bath, good, massage, price, water, facility, service, staff,


Japan, 〒950-0932 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Nagata, 1203−1




+81 25-288-6226

Rating on Google Maps

3.50 (102 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Monday: 8 am to 11 pm
  • Tuesday: 8 am to 11 pm
  • Wednesday: 8 am to 11 pm
  • Thursday: 8 am to 11 pm
  • Friday: 8 am to 11 pm
  • Saturday: 8 am to 11 pm
  • Sunday: 8 am to 10 pm

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: bath (23) good (7) massage (7) price (7) water (7) facility (6) service (6) staff (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 長島弘子 2 years ago on Google • 633 reviews
    KONAMI near Niigata Station had closed, so I was looking for a new and comfortable place to take a bath...I was introduced to it by an acquaintance, and when I went there, I found the best SPA where you can relax and relax❣️ Massage chairs are free and magazines are also available 👀 The bath is an artificial hot spring, but you can feel luxurious and rich in a beautiful space. If you like bathing, the monthly membership fee is 8,799 yen including tax. It's 2,199 yen including tax each time, so it's a good deal if you use it 5 times a month or more (*´▿`*) If you're tired, you can also get a massage. There are options, so check them out ☝️
    28 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 R R. 1 year ago on Google
    1年間利用した正直な感想 【悪い点】 ・民度が下がった(2022年8月〜) リニューアルオープンしてから割引キャンペーンを連日したせいで客は一気に増えたもののマナーが悪化。サウナ内で喋る、使った桶やシャンプーを元の位置に戻さない、サウナ上がりで汗を流さず水風呂に入る、長い椅子を占領して寝転ぶ、ビショビショのまま風呂をあがる、アメニティを無駄使い、洗面台を汚したまま拭かない、マッサージ機で30分以上居眠りなど、これらはリニューアル前にほとんどなかった事です。 ・駐車スペースがない(2022年8月〜) 駐車場内に新たな建物(ジム/ゴルフ/コワーキング)を配置したせいで、利用客が増えたのに駐車スペースが減る、しかも長居する人に限って建物の入口近くを占領するため、サクッと利用して帰る人に限って遠くに停めて歩く必要がある。おまけに外灯も道路沿いしかないため真っ暗。どこが空いてるかは周回しないと分からない。人がいても気付きづいらいので非常に危険。 ・スタッフの対応や能力がいまいち 基本的に何か問題があった時、気付くのはお客さんでスタッフは指摘されてようやく動く。自分達で良くない部分に気付いて改善していこうという意識は全く感じられない。質問しても論理的な回答をもらったことはない。会員登録や施設案内以外のマニュアル化されていない部分は期待しない方がいい。 ・くつろげる空間はない(2022年8月〜) 利用客が増えたことでラウンジで勉強やパソコンをする人が増えた。落ち着いた照明の空間の中で、青白いライトがいくつも目に入るだけで不愉快。隣のコワーキングスペースに行けよと。他にも寝転ぶ部屋でもイビキかいてたり、荷物を複数持ち込んで占領してたり、そんな場面を何度も見てきたけどスタッフは一度も注意したのを見た事ない。「心からくつろげる空間」を謳ってるのにこれといった工夫も進展もない。 ・料金が高く感じる/月9000円/1日2200円 正直、リニューアル前はものすごく民度が高くて料金に見合ってると思ってました。ですが上に書いたような改悪のせいで、癒しよりストレスを感じる日々、500円でいく銭湯のほうがよっぽどいいです。他の口コミを見ると「子供が入れないと知らなかった」とありますが、本当に大切な案内は一切せず、目先の利益ばかりの割引キャンペーンをひたすらやってるのが現在のスパラウンジ長潟です。 ・これから行く人へ 空いてるのは午前中だけなので開店時間の8時からいくのがベストです(この時間帯から入れるのは魅力だと思います)料金は高いけど長居せず1〜3時間利用してサクッと帰る。あまり長居しても周りが気になるだけです。期待せずに行きましょう。
    44 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 仲西鉄を(ペン太) 1 year ago on Google • 174 reviews
    I checked the website for the price structure, so I got a coupon that I could use for 1,100 yen, so I went to try it out. Even if you are only using it once, you will need to register as a user and various information will be written. After that, you will be given a brief tour of the building, and for some reason you will not be allowed to go to the bathroom for about 10 minutes after entering. It's only been open for less than 2 years❔, so the inside of the building is shiny and clean ✨ There are massage chairs and magazines, so you can relax 🎵 There was also a microwave oven for bringing in food🆗💡 This is a perfect score🙆 Now, regarding the bath area, there are no problems with amenities such as hair dryers and cotton swabs. The bathhouse was a little smaller than I expected🐧 But it was still beautiful✨ Maybe I feel that way because I only go to Gokurakuyu😅 The hot water wasn't that hot 😃 For some reason, the sauna room is quite spacious compared to the small feeling of the entire bathhouse. There is only one open-air bath that can accommodate about 5 to 6 people. You can soak while watching a large TV ♨️ What is noteworthy is that (I think) there is a system where men and women are swapped every week❗This is a high point😆 I went there after 9pm on a Saturday and it wasn't crowded at all 😃 Due to the high usage fee, it feels more like a ``luxury'' than a ``commoner'' 🍵 Overall, I think it's okay if you stay for about 3 hours, taking a bath twice and using the massage chair a lot👍✨
    19 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 lulu a. 1 year ago on Google
    サウナ目的で行ったのですが、サウナに入ってびっくり。来る人来る人、み〜〜〜んな挨拶、私語がすごい。「あ〜〜〇〇さんこんにちは〜!きてたんだね〜!」「やだ〜久しぶり〜!」「今日ジムのほう〜?」みたいな、スポーツジムのノリのおばさま達、会話の嵐。コミュニティが出来上がってる。コミュニティはどうでもいいけど、サウナでずーっとぺちゃくちゃ喋ってるのはマジでマナー違反でしょ。そしてTVがつまらないと言って勝手にチャンネルを変えようとする。あんたらの家かここはw 施設は新しく綺麗で清潔感があり、アロマウォーター(飲料水)の設置など細やかなサービスがありいいなぁと思う。だけに、サウナの無法地帯状態は残念でならない。
    21 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 塚源選手 1 year ago on Google
    サウナに洗体せずに入るマナー違反の客が複数いるので運が悪いと非常に臭い。 店側も張り紙をするなり、周知させてほしい。
    13 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Review VIVANT N. 5 months ago on Google • 56 reviews
    I had been interested in this facility, but the price was too low for me, so I visited for the first time after taking advantage of a discount campaign that reduced the regular price of 2,200 yen to 1,537 yen. Clothes, towels, and bottled water included. Both the changing room and bathroom are spacious and neat. The shower is refurbished. The baths include hot water, lukewarm water, a jet spa, a semi-open-air bath, and a cold bath. None of them are hot springs, but bath additives. The sauna with a TV has three levels and is spacious. The cold bath after going up was also cold. Around 13-14℃? However, I didn't like the scent of the sauna room and couldn't say it was good enough. The free massage chair after going up was nice. However, the lack of food provision is fatal. For this price and this content, I would go to Gokurakuyu.
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 硝子とろ 1 year ago on Google
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 RN R. 1 year ago on Google
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 山司(yamah) 1 year ago on Google
    無料券をいただきましたので、行ってみました。 結構人は多かったのですが、お子さんがいないので、静かで落ち着いた雰囲気は良かったです。 が、やはりビジターの値段が2000円弱という設定がネックです。 ビジターでも入会しないとダメなので、個人情報が駄々もれです。 月会員で8000円なので、週の半分くらい行かれる方や、サウナーは良いのかもしれません。 風呂だけだったら自分のライフスタイルには合いませんが、PCを持ち込んでのリモートワークスペース+風呂としての利用はありかもしれません。
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 ウェイパー 4 months ago on Google • 50 reviews
    I used the coworking space. The first thing that caught my eye was an unapologetic skinhead office worker in a white shirt who occupied a telephone booth for 90 minutes. It will probably be an online meeting rather than a phone call, with a chair brought in. As the clerk explained to me, the telephone booth is where you make calls, right? If you want to use a separate private space for online meetings, you need a booth contract that requires a separate fee, right? I used the service for a few days after that, but what stood out to me was that the contracted office worker had a very poor attitude towards using the service. Maybe they were in the same industry, but they were breaking the rules here and there. Also, a woman in her 50s who starts calling loudly on the spot instead of in a phone booth? As usual, skinhead office workers have too much freedom, and the rules are messed up. Unless we weed out these people first, customer satisfaction will not improve. I won't go again.
    7 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Koenigsegg A. 1 year ago on Google
    無料のペア入浴券を頂いたので17才の息子と二人で行こうと思ったが身分証明書と会員登録が必要だと言われたのでやめた お試しにも関わらず会員登録とかありえない 個人情報をなんだと思ってるんだ
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 べる 3 months ago on Google • 6 reviews New
    Thoughts on golf and spa. Once you become a member, you can use target hitting and putter practice. For an additional fee, you can use a simulated batting box or take lessons. Although it is not used much, it is a good facility for practicing as it has swing practice equipment. However, for over a year now, there has been a hole in his ability to hit the target. The number of golf balls has also decreased, and some of them are cracked. There are some at-bats with cheap chairs, and some simulated at-bats where the cameras are broken. Despite membership fees increasing year by year, the facilities are not being repaired and are deteriorating. The spa also has an open-air bath and sauna, so you can spend a comfortable time when it's not crowded. The public rating is low because some people do not follow the instructions for using the spa. As mentioned in other reviews, the staff is not responsive. I've never seen anyone pay attention to people who violate manners, and for some reason the bad parts are left alone. I think equipment management should be done properly. Although the facilities are deteriorating, membership fees are increasing year by year. Currently, the facility has more dissatisfaction than satisfaction.
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 ねこわんわ 11 months ago on Google
    ホンマ健康ランドがバスタオル 館内着 カミソリ 歯ブラシついて寝るところもあってサウナとミストサウナがあってトレーニングジムも使えて1500円くらいだったことを考えるとかなり強気の価格設定ですね
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 やさPPP 9 months ago on Google
    近所なら迷わず月会員になるだろう。 次世代のスパとして末長く続く事を祈ります。
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 角田修治 7 months ago on Google • 10 reviews
    I wanted to take a bath on the way home from the City Marathon, and as I was heading towards Gokurakuyu, I suddenly came into view, so I came to the store. It was quite stylish, and like it was newly built, it was fully equipped, so I was very satisfied. Just loungewear? I couldn't cancel the reservation, so they gave me bottled water, but it was a bit expensive. I always prepare my own bath supplies, so it would have been nice if I could cancel that option.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 芋掘りあざらし 8 months ago on Google
    必死でサウナ客を呼び込もうとしているらしく、最近そんなに大きくも無い風呂に、デカい浮くイスが2個も浮かんでいて邪魔で仕方ない。混んでいる時じゃなくたって狭い風呂しかないんだから…。あの浮かんでるイスって絶対毎日洗わないでしょう。隙間に髪の毛や汚れがついた物体を浮かべておくなんて不潔。せっかく水温も夏はぬるめにと、工夫してくれているのに改悪が勿体ない。 不潔といえば、風呂出たところのマットも黒ずんでて洗えない素材で汚いし、洗い場のイスにもずーっと赤いアカがべったり。どちらもなぜあの素材を選んだ?昔ながらの銭湯のイスやマットのほうがまだ綺麗。 シャワーとか変えるんだったら、汚れが落ちやすい素材のイスに替えてくれたほうが嬉しかったのに。 あとよく排水溝が詰まる。濁った下水が足元を逆流してくるのはどうにかならないの。本当にお掃除してるの? ドライヤーはよくなったけど、シャワーも水圧弱過ぎて以前の方がマシ。
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 太ろう 7 months ago on Google
    サウナ目的で会員になりましたが、ある時間帯になると、おばちゃん達でうるさくなりテレビの音もかき消される程でした。 もっと癒しの場になって欲しい
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 らくたろう 5 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    I try not to write anything too harsh, but for the sake of the store, I'd like to write about it. I think it's good for those who have plenty of money and time. Visited on 2023/11/19. I was intrigued by the new, nice-looking exterior that didn't look like a bathhouse. I can't help but compare it to others, but first of all, the price. I felt that 2,200 yen per person was not worth the price, even if it included towels, indoor wear, and water. Next is the important bath. I was expecting a bath that was reasonable for the price, with many types of baths and baths that were unique, but I ended up with a cloudy bath, a semi-open-air bath, and a sauna. This is pretty normal. However, massage baths and hot baths are no good. There is no temperature control at all. The hot bath and massage bath were actually as cold as a cold bath, so I thought it was a typo. The amenities were not particularly good, and I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll come again. It's a shame considering the high bathing fee. Now that I think about it, I thought it would be nice if the massage chair was free, so I got one ☆. I can't give any other stars, but what about negatives? That's what I think I'm here to take a bath, but if the bath isn't good, I don't think it can be helped if the customer runs away. I thought that if you had enough money and an open mind, you would be completely satisfied.
    14 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 ぱぱるる 4 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    I am a visitor user. Basically, the service level of the store staff is too low. I paid the parking fee because for some reason I was charged a fee at the exit due to a ticket issue. When I went back to the facility and explained the situation to the young-looking woman at the reception desk, she said, ``Oh, you already paid, so please don't pay and just leave it as is.'' I was stunned, but there was probably something I could say before that. Is it okay to speak like a child? And in the co-working space, the staff probably wanted to go home early, because they finished cleaning everything before closing, and the hot water in the pot was thrown away an hour before closing, so it was as if they couldn't get any service, and the staff had a great aura of wanting to go home early. Since I have paid for the service, I would like to be able to use it normally as promised. Well, I'm not going anymore. Anyway, the staff is not well trained at all. Immediate improvement. Two stars considering the facility service.
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 ろう 8 months ago on Google • 1 review
    This is a useless store where the footrest of the reclining chair in the reclining room has been broken and has not been raised for over a month. As others have written, the facility is new and nice, but the quality is low. It's a shame that the staff is rampant. It's about Chimi, Mr. Pero.
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 アグネス零式 3 months ago on Google • 2 reviews New
    I wonder why they didn't make a bedrock bath. If they had built a bedrock bath and a place to lie down, there would have been more female customers. The hot springs aren't free flowing either, so I wish they would have focused on that area.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

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