Best places in Arvayheer

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Arvaikheer Palace Hotel image
Arvaikheer Palace Hotel
🫤 The hotel experience was bad, corridors smelled horrible, the wardrobe had trash inside it, toiler door couldn't be closed, the breakfast was very minimal with an empty soup two breads, and an egg with a cup of tea. Overall experience was bad.","2":["0","243"]}
4.10 (235 reviews) (~2.35 km from centre)
Time Hotel image
Time Hotel
😠 The breakfast service sucks, it\u2019s one choice for all and when we said we didn\u2019t want the dumplings they said they had to put them even though we couldn\u2019t eat meat. Obviously it\u2019s because the plate was essentially empty otherwise. Very annoying and wasteful and we were still...
4.00 (85 reviews) (~1.67 km from centre)
Restaurant image
😐 Заримдаа хоолны амт нь онцгүй ажилчид нь хүнд сурталтай үл тоодог. Зарим эртдүү үед хоолны амт дажгүй
$$ $$
3.70 (97 reviews) (~1.55 km from centre)
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