Top rated Things to dos in Taiwan

Experience the best that Taiwan has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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星夢森林劇場 image
Tourist attraction
👍 ["I visited today with my wife.\nOverall place was fun and enjoyable. Can tell animals are well maintained and the place is relatively clean. Staff members were all friendly and know a lot about the animals. Overall a pleasant experience and I wish to come back again. I like how each animal's person...
5.00 (25.1K reviews)
水岸-森林物語可愛動物園區 image
👍👍 環境清幽,動物親人溫馴,適合代小孩遊玩的好地方
5.00 (24.4K reviews)
月崖灣親子農場 image
Tourist attraction
5.00 (8.1K reviews)
大魯閣遊戲愛樂園-糖果公園 湳雅店(親子樂園/兒童手作) image
大魯閣遊戲愛樂園-糖果公園 湳雅店(親子樂園/兒童手作)
Children's amusement center
👍👍 很好玩!下次還要來!
5.00 (6.7K reviews)
小時候彈珠堂Pazua-基隆廟口店 image
Tourist attraction
5.00 (6.1K reviews)
花蓮漫波星辰沙灘車 - 花蓮沙灘車 天空之鏡沙灘車 花蓮必玩熱門推薦 曼波海灘 花蓮網美景點 曼波沙灘車 人氣沙灘車 image
花蓮漫波星辰沙灘車 - 花蓮沙灘車 天空之鏡沙灘車 花蓮必玩熱門推薦 曼波海灘 花蓮網美景點 曼波沙灘車 人氣沙灘車
Tourist attraction
👍👍 ["Had a great time with Husky and Yoyo. Our first time on an ATV and they did a great job! Husky even took my daughter for a thrill ride through the water and up hills! They also take photographs before the ATV ride, with some fun props. Then they took photos throughout the ATV ride and did a great...
5.00 (5.1K reviews)
台南抓周-小淘氣抓周寫真 image
Photography studio
😠 貴館 二樓 攝影師小姐 親切、很會逗小朋友😊 五顆星,甚至十顆星,很棒! 但...對於 一樓櫃檯先生 失望透底! 覺得非常不友善, 特地從外縣市大老遠到台南抓周 拍完照給了一張遊戲室優惠券, 提供1小孩1大人,可使用2小時, 但對於 攜帶二寶的爸媽 詢問是否可變通? 從原本1小孩玩2小時 更改為 2小孩只玩1小時, 卻被櫃臺...
5.00 (4.6K reviews)
吾皇殿(盲盒 盒玩 GK公仔 樂高積木 一番賞 兵人 禮品 包膜 雷射雕刻)雲林景點|斗六景點|斗六車站前|近太平老街 image
吾皇殿(盲盒 盒玩 GK公仔 樂高積木 一番賞 兵人 禮品 包膜 雷射雕刻)雲林景點|斗六景點|斗六車站前|近太平老街
Hobby store
吾皇殿 is a hobby store located in Douliu City, Taiwan. It specializes in a wide variety of toys, including blind boxes, figurines, and model kits.
5.00 (3.4K reviews)
小時候彈珠堂-宜蘭羅東夜市 image
小時候彈珠堂 in Luodong Night Market offers a nostalgic and entertaining experience with pinball machines for both traditional marble earning and lottery-style gameplay. The inviting atmosphere, clean environment, and friendly staff make it a family-friendly destination.
5.00 (3.2K reviews)
The Singularity Co Working Space image
The Singularity Co Working Space
Coffee shop
👍👍 I spent my whole day working here, and it was overall a great experience! The price includes snacks and drinks: personally, I particularly liked the selection of teas on offer, so I tried out a couple of different ones while I was there. It's also very convenient that you get to bring in food from o...
5.00 (2.7K reviews)
花蓮飛行傘-花蓮太魯閣飛行傘 image
Flight school
👍👍 ["Was extremely frightened and was stuck on top of the cliff for a good 5 mins however instructors were super encouraging and professional. As someone who has a fear of height, I\u2019m so glad I did it!",null,[0,196]]
5.00 (2.7K reviews)
Jingtong Ancient Art Life image
Jingtong Ancient Art Life
5.00 (2.4K reviews)
彎彎滑森樂園 image
5.00 (1.8K reviews)
吃喝玩樂整合行銷 MYDNA售票網 image
吃喝玩樂整合行銷 MYDNA售票網
Tour operator
👍👍 Easy to buy and enjoy the value!
5.00 (1.8K reviews)
日月潭 日月磐石水上活動中心 日月潭sup 合格帶客業者/日月潭水上活動/日月潭獨木舟/日月潭景點推薦 image
日月潭 日月磐石水上活動中心 日月潭sup 合格帶客業者/日月潭水上活動/日月潭獨木舟/日月潭景點推薦
Aquatic centre
👍👍 I was traveling alone and was looking for a sunrise SUP tour that I could join by myself. Many other companies did not accept solo travelers, but this company accepted me and replied very kindly and promptly in English and Japanese on LINE. The tour was great! The guide did not speak English, but wi...
5.00 (1.6K reviews)
李向月連 中壢旗艦店 image
李向月連 中壢旗艦店
Gift basket store
👍👍 昨天第一次拜訪跟朋友一聚喜歡上這裡了 服務超好環境優雅 食材上更是喜歡💕 店長人更是親切 謝謝這裡提供我們好的環境我們能享受到這麼好的燕窩與環境謝謝肯定再訪
5.00 (1.5K reviews)
水岸-森林物語 image
Tourist attraction
👍👍 小動物超可愛都很親人,幾乎都會讓你摸~~裡面的每個服務生都很熱情,會教你如何接近動物,還會幫動物喬方向讓你可以與動物合照 門票:全票200,可以免費換一杯牧草,其他動物飼料另外買,門票折抵消費50(只有餐廳能一次折50,其他消費一次折10元) 有停車場好停車
5.00 (1.1K reviews)
Taipei Old Town - Taiwan Introduction Free Walking Tour Meeting Point - TourMeAway image
Taipei Old Town - Taiwan Introduction Free Walking Tour Meeting Point - TourMeAway
Tourist attraction
👍👍 Definitely recommend doing this tour, nice way to explore the local area, learn a bit of history and go for a leisurely walk. Our tour guide Josh was full of knowledge and spoke decent English. The tour I did had about 15 people which was a decent size, we had stops at a local fruit drink place and...
5.00 (807 reviews)
Linger 流連忘返 - Bar x Gallery|台中酒吧|深夜藝廊 image
Linger 流連忘返 - Bar x Gallery|台中酒吧|深夜藝廊
👍👍 Great service and an excellent selection of wine and cocktails. Very surprising and refreshing taste.
5.00 (750 reviews)
Tip: Click on the rating to open it on Google Maps
