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Neuroaxis - Neurology

Medical clinic Psychologist Psychiatrist Cardiologist Neurologist Pulmonologist Mri center Rheumatologist Neurosurgeon

One of the Most Reviewed Psychologists in Bucharest


U Center 1, Calea Șerban Vodă 206, București 040215, Romania



+40 21 9965

Rating on Google Maps

4.40 (354 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Wednesday: 8 AM to 8 PM
  • Thursday: 8 AM to 8 PM
  • Friday: 8 AM to 8 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Monday: 8 AM to 8 PM
  • Tuesday: 8 AM to 8 PM

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: care (28) doctor (21) pentru (19) fost (17) Neuroaxis (14) clinic (12) clinica (10) aceasta (8) mult (7) give (7)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 Dan C. 5 years ago on Google • 32 reviews
    I’ve had an appointment with Doctor Vasilia Iorgoveanu, she really changed my mind about doctors in Romania; she was very receptive, welcoming and professional. Also got a lot of good advice and hope.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Rodica S. 1 year ago on Google • 12 reviews
    Nobody answer, and the automatic answer machine closed the call. Such a mess for a company that takes a lot of money not to afford a decent call center! I wonder how the services really are.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Florin M. 3 years ago on Google • 5 reviews
    TL;DR; They're not trust worthy and lack professionalism I planned a Sleep Apnea investigation with them on the phone prior to my arrival in Bucharest as I am living in another city. We agreed to have the test on a Thursday and to discuss with the Doctor about the results next Tuesday so I booked a one week stay in Bucharest. When I arrived there, there was no appointment scheduled for Tuesday saying that the results will be ready in at least 5 working days. Eventually they scheduled me for Tuesday but one day before they called me and said that the Doctor had to go to another hospital and couldn't see me anymore. I had to reschedule and discuss with the doctor online, as I had to leave Bucharest next day. I could have stayed in Bucharest only 2 days instead of a week.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Cristina S. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I went to Dr. Mitrea with my mother, diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease by another neurologist, but she did not respond to treatment with Isicom. The dance, after looking at the MRI, was of the opinion that it was not Parkinson's but the accumulation of intracranial fluid. He suggested we do a biopsy that involved extracting a quantity of fluid from the brain to confirm the dance hypothesis. I later went with the MRI to a neurosurgeon, not to mention intracranial fluid. I later received the interpretation of the MRI from Regina Maria (the programming was done through Neuroaxis) only at my request. The alleged diagnosis of this much praised "doctor" was not mentioned there either. Another doctor, specializing in Parkinson's Disease, was called in to support the alleged diagnosis, according to him. Dr.'s words were that "the good news is it's not Parkinson's" - so it was more than a hypothesis. If I had gone by his "hypothesis", I would have spent money in vain for that biopsy plus the mother's stress. (Original) Am fost la dnul dr Mitrea cu mama, diagnosticata cu Boala Parkinson de catre un alt neurolog, insa nu raspundea la tratamentul cu Isicom. Dansul, dupa ce s-a uitat pe rmn, a fost de parere ca nu e vorba de Parkinson ci de acumulare de lichid intracranian. Ne-a propus sa facem o biopsie care presupunea extragerea unei cantitati de lichid din creier pentru a confirma ipoteza dansului. Am fost ulterior cu RMN-ul la un neurochirurg, nici vorba despre lichid intracraian. Am primit ulterior si interpretarea RMN-ului de la Regina Maria (programarea a fost facuta prin Neuroaxis) doar la solicitarea mea. Nici acolo nu era pomenit presupusul diagnostic al acestui mult prea laudat "medic". In sustinerea presupusului diagnostic a fost chemata si o alta dna dr, specializata pe Boala Parkinson, dupa spusele dumnealui. Cuvintele dlui dr au fost ca "vestea buna e ca nu e Parkinson" - deci a fost mai mult decat o ipoteza. Daca as fi mers pe "ipoteza" dumnealui, as fi cheltuit bani in van pentru acea biopsie plus stresul aferent al mamei.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Florentina I. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Doctor Oana Morari does not deserve even a star out of 5. Lack of professionalism, the rush to send you to the reception as soon as possible to pay the cost of the investigation (electromyogram), without finding a concrete solution to the problem you came for. We can't even talk about empathy. He didn't even listen to what you told him and didn't even care. Where is the care and concern for the patient? You brag about it! I've read enough negative reviews, now I've seen exactly what's going on. This is how we learn to better document the professionalism of the doctors we turn to. (Original) Medicul Oana Morari nu merita nici măcar o stea din 5. Lipsa de profesionalism, graba de a te trimite cat mai repede la recepție să achiți costul investigației (electromiograma), fara a afla concret o soluție a problemei pentru care ai venit. Nici de empatie nu putem sa vorbim. Nici nu asculta ce ii povesteai și nici nu-i pasa măcar. Grija și preocuparea pentru pacient unde sunt? Cu acestea vă lăudați! Am citit destule recenzii negative, acum am văzut și eu concret ce se întâmplă. Așa învățăm să ne documentam mai bine in legătură cu profesionalismul medicilor la care apelam.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Stieger C. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The clinic for those with money ... Services are very expensive, they do not work in any form with any insurance company, they do not give referrals, only recommendations. So if you want to have an MRI through the insurance company, you go directly to a neurologist who has a contract. And I don't even give you these details when you make the appointment !!! What about competence? Apart from the fact that they sit and touch you and ask you questions, I don't give you much clarification. (Original) Clinica celor cu bani... Foarte scumpe serviciile, nu lucreaza sub nici o forma cu vreo casa de asigurari, nu dau trimiteri, ci doar recomandari. Deci daca vrei sa faci un RMN prin casa de asigurari te duci direct la un medic neurolog care are contract. Si nici nu-ti dau aceste detalii atunci cand faci programarea!!! Iar despre competenta? In afara de faptul ca stau si te pipaie si pun intrebari, nu-ti dau prea multe lamuriri.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Halim H. 6 years ago on Google • 9 reviews
    The best clinic ever in Bucharest! The perfect team, everything was profisional and high quality medical services ! Respect NeuroAxis
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Andreea N. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Beyond the kindness of the Neuroaxis staff, I must mention the professionalism of Dr. Mihai Ionescu. The recommended investigations have not only led us to a clear diagnosis, but have removed any fears, and we all know how important a correct diagnosis and the peace with which it comes. The patience with which he answered all my questions, the choice of treatment and the real support from him means a lot. I am glad that I chose to go to him and I recommend him with all my love and responsibility. (Original) Dincolo de amabilitatea personalului Neuroaxis, trebuie să precizez profesionalismul dl dr. Mihai Ionescu. Investigațiile recomandate nu doar că ne-au condus spre un diagnostic limpede, dar au înlăturat orice temeri, şi ştim cu toții cât de mult contează un diagnostic pus corect şi liniştea cu care vine. Răbdarea cu care mi-a răspuns tuturor întrebărilor, alegerea tratamentului şi suportul real din partea dumnealui înseamnă enorm. Mă bucur că am ales să merg la dânsul şi îl recomand cu tot dragul şi toată responsabilitatea.
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Andrée 1 year ago on Google
    Experienta neplacuta de astazi nu are nicio legatura cu clinica Neuroaxis, ba dimpotriva, am toata consideratia pentru personalul de la receptia clinicii care m-a ajutat in solutionarea problemei parcarii. Se pare ca locurile de parcare ale clinicii Neuroaxis, puse la dispozitie in special pentru clienții cu dizabilități, nu sunt accesibile decat dupa bunul plac al unor decidenti fara legatura cu clinica - portari, parcagii, bodyguarzi. Daca nu au chef, nu te lasa sa intri in parcare (cu pacientul cu dizabilitati pe care l-ai adus special cu masina, find imposibil a-l deplasa in alt mod pana la cilnica), pe unul din locurile LIBERE, legal detinute de clinica Neuroaxis si puse la dispozitie de aceasta prioritar pentru astfel de pacienți. Parcagiul (cum sa-l numesc? A refuzat in cateva randuri sa imi spuna cum il cheama) - pentru care argumentele unei tinere doamne de la receptie au fost insuficiente pentru a lasa liber accesul clientilor clinicii pe unul din locurile de parcare LIBERE - nu a avut nicio retinere in a ridica o a doua bariera si a permite intrarea in parcare, pe langa masina mea, blocata, a unui Land Rover fara pacient, cu un sofer care venise sa isi ridice bossul atletic si sprinten din fața portii clinicii. Parcagiul a fost de neinduplecat si dupa ce Land Roverul parasise de mult parcarea - desi ocupase un singur loc, fiind inca cel putin doua libere in parcare, in tot acest timp. Dupa cel putin un sfert de ora, o alta doamna tanara de la receptie a reusit sa obtina o rezervare facuta pe numele dumneaei, cu ajutorul careia am putut avea acces la unul din multele locuri libere din parcarea clinicii. Le multumesc mult si am toata consideratia pentru cele doua doamne care au incercat si au reușit sa imi permita intr-un final accesul in parcarea clinicii pe unul din locurile detinute in mod legal de clinica si destinate tocmai peroanelor cu dizabilitati/ dificultati motorii. Apreciez.
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 eugene v. 2 years ago on Google • 3 reviews
    Great place with wonderful people working there!
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 G. R. 1 year ago on Google
    O echipa de specialiști, care, cu profesionalism, dar și cu multa empatie, trateaza persoane, nu boli! Va doresc sa rămâneți asa cum sunteti: calzi, umani, rigurosi și competenți! P.S. Am avut recomandare pentru dl dr Liviu Cozma, căruia ii mulțumim pentru răbdare, pentru profesionalismul de care a dat dovada, în toate etapele investigației și pentru interesul real pe care l-a arătat spre a gasi un tratament eficient! De asemenea, medicului care a făcut interpretarea Rmn-ului, ii multumim, ptr ca a fost deosebit de riguros în interpretare, studiind cu multa atenție istoricul existent! Recomand, cu toată încrederea, aceasta clinica, tuturor celor aflați în căutarea unui diagnostic, ori a unei a doua opinii în aceasta specialitate medicala! ...In timp ce cautam sa scriu aceasta mica apreciere, am observat și citit mai multe păreri...unele nu tocmai favorabile :(((( ...Vreau sa reamintesc o zicală, ce spune asa: "tonul face muzica" Uneori, se intampla sa venim către specialiști cu pretenția de a ști noi mai bine de ce suferim și ce ne trebuie, nu suntem dispuși sa ascultam si sa acceptam o părere obiectiva și fundamentata medical. O abordare sănătoasă și obiectiva cred ca este aceea in care sa nu preluam părerea și experienta negativa a celorlalți, întrucât nu știm chiar toate circumstanțele care au fost prezente acolo! Mult succes, Neuroaxis! Noi vom reveni, oricând vom avea nevoie!
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Nilsa T. 9 months ago on Google • 49 reviews
    No clear indications towards its location, poor public relations, AC running on like you’re in the North Pole , SHOULD you have NO other option but go there, bring a GPS and a winter jacket! However, the medical staff does seem very professional.

  • 5/5 Beatrice C. 5 months ago on Google • 6 reviews
    Neuroaxis - the top clinic in Bucharest, with a team of professional, responsible doctors, with great respect for patients. I found the same dedicated and involved team in the clinic staff who show care and attention for any request from the patients, for the smooth running of the activity. I have known and frequented this clinic for several years, with gratitude for the support received from Dragos Tudorache, Mrs. Dr. Bianca Nitu, Mrs. Dr. Catalina Hogea, Dra. Dr. Cristina Aleonte and, last but not least, all the appreciation for the owner of the clinic, Mr. Doctor Dan Mitrea, who always greets his patients with a kind word, a smile and considerable respect, before putting his entire capacity at the service of people of excellence in onco-neurological medicine. I warmly recommend to always get "a second opinion" from here, if you have a "first opinion". Here you receive consultations that really last more than 20 minutes to an hour, maybe even more sometimes, as, in fact, you do NOT find in other private clinics, correctly processed analyses, latest generation equipment, perfectly calibrated that give you the maximum accuracy of the results of the investigations. Thank you very much for the prompt help given to my mother when she needed it! I warmly recommend you whenever I have the opportunity, for the good and health of those who need an approved medical advice.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Angelica N. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I recently went to this clinic. Everything flawless. Starting with the reception staff and ending with the doctor Dan Buzoianu. It had some work to do, as I had enough previous investigations. He explained and showed me everything I needed to know and what to do next. I recommend with confidence. (Original) Am fost de curând la această clinică. Totul impecabil. Începând cu personalul de la recepție și terminând cu medicul Dan Buzoianu. A avut ceva de lucru, la modul că am avut destule investigații anterioare. Mi-a explicat și arătat tot ce trebuie să știu și ce am de făcut în continuare. Recomand cu încredere.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 ALISA Z. 1 year ago on Google
    Am ramas placut surprinsa de dnul dr Buzoianu, desi tanar, mi-a last impresia ca este foarte doct in domeniul specialitatii sale, atent la detalii, excede competentele sale prin cunostinte in ecografie, ceea ce il ajuta sa intregeasca tabloul bolii. Inspira energie pozitiva si optimism pacientului. Il recomand!
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Lavi si A. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I was canceled twice with the appointment with Dr. Mândruță, for the first time I waited 3 months and in August, a few days before the appointment, they called me that the doctor could not come. I was rescheduled for September 29th and today I was called that the doctor could no longer arrive and reschedule me for October 6th. I don't know how you think that someone from my job lets me keep changing my leave as the wind blows in your place. Unserious! (Original) De doua ori am fost anulat cu programarea la doamna doctor Mândruță, pentru prima am așteptat 3 luni și in August cu câteva zile înainte de programare m-au sunat ca nu poate ajunge doamna doctor. Am fost reprogramat pentru 29 Septembrie și azi am fost sunat ca nu mai poate ajunge doamna doctor și sa ma reprogrameze pe 6 Octombrie. Eu nu știu cum credeți dumneavoastră ca ma lasă cineva de la job sa imi tot schimb concediul după cum bate vantul pe la voi. Neserioși!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Danut V. 1 year ago on Google
    Buna seara. Din păcate am avut multa incredere in medicii din clinica Neuroaxis. Sunt diagnosticat cu boala Parkinson gradul 2, dupa spusele doamnei doctor . De la receptie am avut o nelamurire pentru faptul ca prima data consultul a costat 400 roni iar a doua oara a costat doar 330 roni(tot consult). Intrebata doamna de la receptie de aceasta situatie a inceput sa se balbaie. Doamna doctor si a aratat tot interesul la prima vizita dar pe parcurs m a lasat in coada de peste. La ultima vizita mi a schimbat concentratiile la medicamente urmand sa i transmit cum ma simt. Din pacate nu a mai raspuns deloc. Nu conteaza ca m am blocat si aveam nevoie de ajutorul doamnei doctor. Mentionez ca am facut si rmn( 1350 roni) in clinica Neuroaxis tot ca sa fie bine. Imi pare rau pentru faptul ca am fost tratat asa si vreau un raspuns in aceast sens. Probabil ca totul s a deteriorat in momentul in care am intrebat daca doamna doctor lucreaza cu Casa de Sanatate sa pot primi medicamentatia gratuit. Va rog sa mi spuneti unde sa ma adresez pentru ca nu vreau sa ramana asa situtia mea.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Irina G. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Very professional! It exceeded our expectations! I arrived at an appointment with my mother, who felt sick on the way, and as soon as we arrived, they instructed us to lie down in the office and sent assistants to take her blood pressure. I was following a consultation with Mrs. Dr. Anca Panturoiu was urgently sent to MRI and diagnosed. We also thank Dr. Dan Mitrea who helped with an additional consultation and referral to neurosurgery (in Monza). At Neuroaxis, the mother was given an infusion + treatment that helped her a lot until the surgery. (Original) Foarte mult profesionalism! Ne-a depasit asteptarile! Am ajuns la o programare cu mama, care s-a simtit rau pe drum si imediat cum am ajuns ne-au indrumat sa se intinda in cabinet si au trimis asistenti sa ii ia tensiunea. I urma unui consult cu dna. dr. Anca Panturoiu a fost trimisa de urgenta la RMN si diagnosticata. Multumim si dlui dr. Dan Mitrea care a ajutat cu un consult suplimentar si recomandare catre neurochirurgie (la Monza). La Neuroaxis i s-a administrat mamei si o perfuzie + tratament care au ajutat-o mult pana la operatie.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Sergiu D. 1 year ago on Google • 14 reviews
    I am pleased with how my consultation and EMG went. It’s appreciated an online booking option is offered. I removed one star because I scheduled an ankle MRI and was called a week later that the clinic no longer does these tests even though they’re still listed on the site.

  • 1/5 Mrcosty 3 months ago on Google • 6 reviews New
    A clinic that must perform a rigorous selection and evaluation of doctors! For Ms. ,,neurologist,, X, we recommend an evaluation of medical skills, considering the fact that in establishing a diagnosis, she has difficulty understanding previous recommendations issued by another doctor, and their compliance by the patient. Also, calling with a hidden number shows a lack of assumption and distorted transposition within the oral conversation of the medical report. When the doctor does not understand what he is being asked for, in fact, he should throw the diploma in the trash!

  • 5/5 CORINA R. 3 months ago on Google • 3 reviews New
    Thank you doctor Cozma!

  • 5/5 Stancu G. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Here, I met professional people, patient and dedicated to their profession. In Dr. Neurologist Bianca Nitu I found a doctor who empathizes with the patient, which is very rare these days. After a bad experience at Medlife Berceni, my husband and I arrived at this clinic, which we found out about on Facebook, at Dr. Bianca Nitu's, which has changed our lives since then. I highly recommend this clinic! Congratulations! ⁇ (Original) Aici, am întâlnit oameni profesioniști, răbdători și dedicați meseriei lor. In D-na Dr.Neurolog Bianca Nitu am găsit un medic care empatizeaza cu pacientul, ceea ce este foarte rar în timpurile acestea. După o experienta urata avuta la Medlife Berceni, am ajuns cu soțul la aceasta clinica de care am aflat de pe Facebook, la dna dr. Bianca Nitu care din acel moment ne a schimbat viata. Recomand cu căldură aceasta clinica! Felicitări! 👍🤗👍

  • 5/5 Andrei A. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I'm Stefan, from Petrosani. Following the consultation with Dr. Buzoianu, I say only a doctor and a special man! (Original) Sunt Stefan,din Petrosani.In urma consultatiei la domnul doctor Buzoianu,spun doar atat-un medic si un om deosebit!

  • 5/5 Cristina P. 2 years ago on Google
    O consultatie de exceptie la dr Buzoianu, este primul medic care ne-a explicat clar, timp de o ora, cu rabdare diagnosticul stabilit. Foarte multimiti. Recomand cu incredere aceasta clinica. Multumim si va dorim cat mai multe succese.

  • 5/5 Elena D. 2 years ago on Google
    Sunt  multumita de consultatia , tratamentul si analizele prescrise de domnisoara(dna.) doctor Bianca Nitu.

  • 1/5 VENATOR M. 8 months ago on Google • 1 review
    I did MRI in this hospital 6 of September, i ask them to have faster report cuz my problems with health. They promise me to give me report in 1-4 days, almost pass 12 days and they dont have report, i call them 7 times, and just today i visit them, make big shout thete and only aftet thet they promise to give me today. The baddest hospita in Romania….. not recomend any one to go there. Personal is very bad, and also i had consultation with neurologist and had very bad situation: they give me threatment which was for not my problem.
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Bostan elena claudia B. 1 year ago on Google • 2 reviews
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Laurentiu A. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Words are superfluous... staff, equipment (I had a 12-hour EEG), everything is superlative. Hats off and CONGRATULATIONS NEUROAXIS.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Adrian S. 3 months ago on Google • 2 reviews New
    The most pleasant experience I have ever had with a doctor. Everything flawless! Decent prices for the services offered. 🙂
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 eolina p. 2 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    I was very pleased with Dr. Dan Buzoianu

  • 5/5 Bivolaru L. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Words are superfluous regarding our experience in the Neuroaxis Clinic, a few words that describe them are: humanity, professionalism, devotion, faith!

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