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Spitalul Medicover Cluj


One of the Top rateds in Rădaia


Strada Principala, nr. 323T, Suceagu 407062, Romania




+40 264 933

Rating on Google Maps

4.00 (191 reviews)

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Working Hours

  • Thursday: Open 24 hours
  • Friday: Open 24 hours
  • Saturday: (Children's Day), Open 24 hours, Hours might differ
  • Sunday: Open 24 hours
  • Monday: Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday: Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday: Open 24 hours

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: pentru (33) care (28) hospital (21) fost (19) spital (13) medical (13) staff (13) Polaris (11) Medicover (9) este (9)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 gabriel g. 1 year ago on Google
    In perioada 25 - 28,09,2022 am pacientul acestui spital , pentru care am numai cuvinte de lauda privind actul medical si spitalizarea propiuzisa . Pe aceasta cale doresc sa multumesc cadrelor medicale si personalului auxiliar cu care am interactionat . Multumiri din suflet medicilor- Motocu Radu, Ricova Svetlana, Lapusan Emanuela, Szoker Eliza, Coldea Uzarciuc Oana, Petrusel Livia, Pojoga Cristina si asistentilor - Rus Alina Livia si Mascasan Septimiu !
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 onenight s. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I would like to take this opportunity to thank the team of doctors at the Medicover-Polaris clinic: Dr. Muresan Mihai, Dr. Hosu - surgeons and Dr. Cocis, anesthetist, for the professionalism and empathy they showed in my care. I also thank the nurses: Olimpia, Ramona, Delia, Andreea, Crina, Ina and the nurses: Adina, Geta, Erika, Simina. With respect and love - Camelia Dicu Salon 223 (Original) Vreau sa multumesc pe aceasta cale echipei de medici de la clinica Medicover-Polaris: Dr. Muresan Mihai, Dr. Hosu - medici chirurgi si doamnei Dr. anestezist Cocis pentru profesionalismul si empatia de care au dat dovada in ingrijirea mea. De asemeni le multumesc din suflet asistentelor: Olimpia, Ramona, Delia, Andreea, Crina, Ina si infirmierelor: Adina, Geta, Erika, Simina. Cu respect si mult drag - Camelia Dicu Salon 223
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Cristina G. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Good evening! Today my father was discharged after 10 days at Polaris Hospital. On December 13, 2020, my father was diagnosed with acute polyradiculoneuritis - Guillan Barre Syndrome and paralyzed from the neck down. After he was hospitalized for 10 days at the Neurology Clinic 1, I decided to hospitalize him at Polaris Hospital after the holidays. My father was admitted to Polaris on January 5, and the progress he has made with the help of the doctors and physiotherapists here has been extraordinary. We brought them a man in a wheelchair who moves his hands and feet very little after the immunoglobulin treatment done at the state hospital ... and they gave us hope. Today, I discharged my father on his feet, a man who 10 days ago could not eat alone, who wore pampers and for whom we prayed that there was at least little progress. The meeting was really emotional. I want to thank all the doctors who took care of him, especially Dr. Oana Groza, who was extraordinarily caring and empathetic, the physiotherapists who worked with him - Radu and Madalina (these are 2 of the names they I withheld) and the entire staff from the nurses, nurses, stretchers and cooks - my father praised their food. At the same time, I am glad that he was able to benefit from the therapy with the walking robot and the hand robot, which helped him gain strength. Thank you all and, in the summer, my father will come to you to plant a fig tree in gratitude! We hope that by then the recovery will be complete! (Original) Buna seara! Astazi tatal meu a fost externat dupa 10 zile petrecute la Spitalul Polaris. In 13 Decembrie 2020, tatal meu a fost diagnosticat cu poliradiculonevrita acuta - Sindrom Guillan Barre si a paralizat de la gat in jos. Dupa ce a fost internat 10 zile la Clinica de Neurologie 1, am decis ca, dupa sarbatori sa il internam la Spitalul Polaris. Tatal meu a fost internat la Polaris in 5 ianuarie, iar progresele pe care le-a facut cu ajutorul medicilor si kinetoterapeutilor de aici au fost extraordinare. Le-am adus un om in caruciorul cu rotile care isi misca foarte putin mainile si picioarele dupa tratamentul cu imunoglobulina facut la spitalul de stat...iar ei ne-au redat speranta. Astazi, mi-am externat tatal mergand pe picioarele lui, un om care in urma cu 10 zile nu putea sa manance singur, care purta pampers si pentru care ne rugam sa existe macar putin progres. Intalnirea a fost de-a dreptul emotionanta. Vreau sa multumesc tuturor medicilor care l-au avut in grija, in special doamnei doctor Oana Groza, care a fost extraordinar de grijulie si empatica, kinetoterapeutilor care au lucrat impreuna cu el - Radu si Madalina (acestea sunt 2 dintre numele pe care le-am retinut) si intregului personal de la infirmiere, asistente, brancardieri si bucatarese - tatal meu le-a laudat mancarea. Totodata, sunt bucuroasa ca putut beneficia de terapia cu robotul de mers si robotul pentru maini, care l-au ajutat sa capete forta. Va multumesc tuturor si, la vara, tata va veni la voi sa va planteze un smochin in semn de recunostinta! Speram ca pana atunci recuperarea sa fie completa!
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Gabriel B. 7 years ago on Google
    The hospital might be good but the road accessing it is utter garbage. Also the sign pointing to the entrance road is as small as a local store's and you can only see the arrow if you have your face glued to it. I missed it because I thought that road leads to someone's backyard.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Sofia M. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Following a neurological consultation, I was recommended to do PEV (visual evoked potentials). Following the good reviews read on fb. I chose Polaris Medical. I was told by phone that the investigation will be done and interpreted by a neurologist and will cost 125 lei. The doctor didn't manage to do the investigation at all (she didn't have an electrode gel, which she somehow glued ... in the end, then she didn't manage to connect the glasses to the device) and she nervously told me to exceeded the term of 30 minutes while you hold a consultation and come back when I have other investigations (which asked me to dance) and then I will have my ENP. He called the reception to announce that he could not do the investigation for which I came to this hospital, and asked to be charged for a neurological consultation (which I practically had) ... that is 180 lei. The money to go out! No matter how! It would have been ok to apologize for the incident, not the money and to be rescheduled or directed to do the investigation elsewhere, as I was not from Cluj. (Original) In urma unui consult neurologic mi s-a recomandat sa fac PEV (potențiale evocate vizuale).In urma recenziilor bune citite pe fb. am ales Polaris Medical. Telefonic mi s-a spus ca investigatia va fi facuta si interpretata de un medic neurolog si va costa 125 de lei. Doamna doctor nu a reusit nicicum sa faca investigatia ( ba nu a avut gel pentru electozi, pe care i-a lipit cumva...intr-un final, apoi nu a reusit nicicum sa conecteze ochelarii la aparat) si nervoasă mi-a spus ca s-a depasit termenul de 30 de minute cat tine o consultație si sa revin cand voi avea alte investigatii (care mi le-a solicitat dansa)si atunci mi se va face si PEV. A sunat la receptie sa anunte ca nu a putut sa faca investigatia pentru care eu am venit la acest spital, si a cerut sa fiu taxata pentru consult neurologic( care practic eu il aveam)...adica 180de lei. Banii sa iasa! Nu contează cum! Ar fi fost ok sa mi se ceara scuze pentru incidentul avut ,nu banii si sa fiu reprogramata sau indrumata sa fac investigatia in alta parte, eu nefiind din Cluj.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Vlad F. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) No matter how good you are, very high prices for accommodation that is not justified, at the table do not serve caviar or beef angus from Argentina, or change your linen at 6am, if we add that medical procedures are settled from CAS, or you are a clinic for those insured in the private system or rich, so the rest may die. (Original) Oricât de buni ați fi ,prețuri foarte mari pentru cazare ce nu se justifică , la masă nu serviți caviar sau vită angus de Argentina ,ori schimbați lenjeria la 6h, dacă mai punem că procedurile medicale sunt decontate de la CAS, sau sunteți clinică pentru cei asigurați in sistemul privat sau bogați , deci restul pot să moară..
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Cristina B. 1 year ago on Google
    Nu recomand acest spital pentru persoane în vârstă de peste 80 de ani, afectați cognitiv în urma unui accident vascular cerebral. Tatăl meu a fost internat aici, la secția de Neurologie, pentru recuperare, timp de 11 zile. Anamneza s-a făcut în hol, la recepție. Comunicarea a fost deficitară până la inexistentă. După ora 16:00 nu poți afla despre starea pacienților. La numărul de call center de pe site se pot face doar programări și nu se face legătura pe secție. Cu greu am obținut numărul asistentei de serviciu. Doctorița curantă făcea gărzi și la un alt spital din Cluj. Vizitele au fost interzise din cauza epidemiei de gripă. La externare, starea emoțională și motorie a tatălui meu era mai proastă decât la internare și la recepție am găsit actele și factura de plată. După insistențele mele am reușit o discuție cu doctorița curantă, discuție pe care speram s-o inițieze dânsa împreună cu medicul psihiatru. Evaluarea psihiatrică pe care am solicitat-o a constat într-un singur consult, iar medicul psihiatru nu a luat legătura cu familia pentru a afla ce fel de persoană a fost tata înainte de AVC. Pijamalele și lenjeria cu fecale le-am găsit acasă în troliu. Nu voi recomanda niciodată acest spital.
    5 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Edith M. 10 months ago on Google
    Mulțumim din suflet domnului Conf.Doctor Adrian Todor și echipei sale de medici, anesteziști, asistente, infirmiere și toți cei care fac parte din echipa Medicover. Acest om minunat, este cel mai bun doctor ortoped din lume, a reparat umarul distrus complet al fiului meu, o intervenție foarte complexa. Am avut incredere in el din prima clipa cand am interactionat, un OM de care nu te saturi sa-l asculti. Am fost foarte speriați dupa experientele anterioare avute, dar in momentul în care a pășit în secția de chirurgie, totul a devenit ca acasa, curățenie impecabila, personal care îți cunosc nevoile, te ajuta, te sprijină, îți dau îndrumări, oameni blânzi, calzi, mereu cu zâmbetul pe chip. Costurile intervenție sunt prea mici pentru calitatea oferita. Mulțumim domnule Conf.Doctor Adrian Todor, mulțumim pentru cuvintele dumneavoastră la externare "umarul tău arata acum ca un umăr normal!" .
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Andrei S. 5 years ago on Google
    In the meantime the access to the hospital (compared to earlier reviews) is in good state! And the road signs are also very helpful, when driving from Cluj as well from the opposite direction! Personal experience with Polaris Medical Everybody has high expectations from a private hospital and so where mine. My interactions with the Hospital where related to a 91 years old person, not easy to handle, that I needed to accompany, so my comments are from this perspective: + the reception staff has a positive and patient oriented attitude + I highly appreciated the approach and punctuality of the Psychology and Psychiatry professionals + I have been warned in due time for (several) cases of re-scheduling - I have been rescheduled about 4 times for different services (Neurology, CT Scan, Psychiatry) - At the Neurology service, the scheduling used to be for 11 AM, and there was another patient scheduled at the same hour. All of this aside, this other patient entered the cabinet at about 11:30 (instead of 11h), and our turn came about 30-40 min later... Waiting more than an extra hour with an elderly person (91 y) wasn't so professional I think. I would grant 3,5 stars based on my experience.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Tamas W. 8 months ago on Google
    I had a laparoscopic hernia repair done yesterday at the Medicover Hospital in Suceagu. I have literally nothing bad to mention about the entire experience. From reception through cleaning staff, nurses, anesthesiologist, surgeons, the doorman, you name it, everyone had a kind word to say, everyone looked after me, it was a completely non-traumatic experience. The hospital is spotless, clean, the rooms are quiet and comfortable, the equipment and facilities are modern and top notch. Back home in less than 30 hours from my arrival, feeling excellent. This was my 4th surgery of this kind, and easily the best experience so far. Thanks to Dr. Motocu and his awesome resident (who's name I didn't catch :( ), and the rest of the staff. I couldn't recommend them enogh!
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Diaconita D. 1 year ago on Google
    As pune zero stele, dar nu se poate. Am ajuns la concluzia ca si privatii isi bat joc de pacienti! Nu si-ai respectat programarea si dupa 45 minute am plecat! Chiar daca cu o zi inainte am fost sunat sa confim prezenta si bineinteles ora!!! Spun cu “ voce tare” de lipsa de profesionalism a celor de la Medicover in tot ceea ce inseamna organizare si implicit a Dr Doinel Radean. Chiar daca initial am zis ca nu-i dau numele ca poate nu-i vinovat, am ajuns la concluzia ca are acelasi grad de vinovatie ca si reprezentantii Medicover. Timpul pierdut in aceasta “NECONSULTATIE” cu deplasare langa Cluj- 1h si 15 min. Acum daca o consultatie este 300 lei , iar timpul alocat unei consultatii este de 10-15 min, cei de la Medicover ar trebui sa ma despagubeasca cu 1500 lei. Sa ma scuze domnul doctor si actionarii de la Medicover , DAR timpul este pretios pentru toti !!! Sper sa va ajute acest mesaj si ca viitori pacienti sa stiti ca aveti drepturi, nu doar obligatii! Sugestie pentru pacienti: in momentul programarii specificati ca nu doriti sa asteptati mai mult de 5 , minute , iar ulterior, la receptie sa va dea un document cu ora programarii. Nu de alta dar OPC-ul are atributii si asupra serviciilor, nu doar a bunurilor. Sanatate sa aveti ca si pe banii nostri tot nu va respecta!
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Valerie P. 1 year ago on Google
    The hospital is set in a peaceful environment which aids recovery from surgery. Dr Adrian Todor is a kind and very gifted surgeon with a superb team alongside him. They got me walking very quickly after my surgery and I would not hesitate to return if necessary. Dr Oana Groza in Rehab is also brilliant as are the cardiologists and I was told the laboratory is the best in Rumania. The whole experience was above and beyond anything I have encountered in UK. My sincere thanks to all of them and may God bless your continuing work! (A small negative - the food and no hot drinks during the day and evening)
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Daniela Andrada U. 1 year ago on Google
    Am fost internati in februarie pentru o adenoidectomie, pentru un copil de 4 ani. Intreg personalul medical cat si cel auxiliar au fost extrem de profesionisti si foarte atenti la toate nevoile, am primit si surprize pentru ca sederea sa fie una extraordinara. Conditiile de cazare si masa sunt excelente. Multumim echipei Medicover 🤗
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Stan A. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I strongly recommend this hospital, because everything was superlative, starting from the appearance, attitude and professionalism of the medical personnel, of the reception staff (very prompt and empathetic), and ending with the quality of the medical act. I will recommend everyone to use your services! Well done for everything! (Original) Recomand cu incredere acest spital, deoarece totul a fost la superlativ, incepand de la aspect, atitudinea si profesionalismul cadrelor medicale, a personalului de la receptie (foarte prompt si empatic), si terminand cu calitatea actului medical. Am sa recomand tuturor sa apeleze la serviciile voastre! Bravo pt tot!
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Lup 1 year ago on Google
    A modern private hospital. I received a nose operation here (septum deviation / deviație de sept) and now I can breath properly. It took a day of hospitalization, and cost me around 5000 RON. I recommend dr Rădeanu (the surgeon) and dr Slav (the anesthesiologist).
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 G C. 5 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Although the access road is indeed disastrous, this review is not for the road but for the hospital. This is a new type of business in Romania and (with good long-term management) can even be an example for all RO hospitals. Bravo 👍👌! (I come back with the mention that the road is perfect) (Original) Deși într-adevăr drumul de acces este dezastruos, acest review nu este pentru drum ci pentru spital. Acesta este un nou tip de business în România și (cu un bun management pe termen lung) poate fi chiar un exemplu pentru toate spitalele de recuperare din RO. Bravo 👍👌! (Revin cu menționarea că drumul este perfect)
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 lidia d. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) The best hospital with the best medical staff. The services are impeccable starting from the Reception to the doctors. I would especially like to thank Dr. Mihai Stefan Muresan, for bringing me back to life, for the humanity he shows for his sensitivity towards people, and last but not least, the professionalism he shows. He is the best doctor I have ever met. The hospital is the best hospital in Romania. Well done people with soul for everything you have achieved and will achieve in this top hospital in Romania. (Original) Cel mai bun spital cu cele mai bune cadre medicale . Serviciile sunt ireproșabile începând de la Recepție pana la medici . As vrea sa mulțumesc îndeosebi domnului doctor Mihai Stefan Muresan, pentru ca m-a readus la viața , pentru omenia de care da dovada pentru sensibilitatea fata de oameni și nu in ultimul rând profesionalismul de care da dovada . Este cel mai bun medic din câți am cunoscut . Spitalul este cel mai bun spital din România . Bravo oameni cu suflet pentru tot ceea ce ați realizat și veți realiza in acest spital de top din România .
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Alexandra 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Thank you for promptness, empathy, seriousness and excellence. Friendly, knowledgeable, dedicated staff and amazing doctors. I will recommend you every time. It's wonderful to have such an experience, in delicate moments of life. Congratulations to the doctors, congratulations to the reception, congratulations to everyone involved in this project! (Original) Mulțumesc pt promptitudine, empatie, seriozitate și excelenta. Personal amabil, informat, dedicat și medici extraordinari. Va voi recomanda de fiecare data. E minunat sa ai parte de o asemenea experiența, in momente delicate ale vieții. Felicitari medicilor, felicitari receptiei, felicitari tuturor celor implicați in acest proiect!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Lili T. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Much respect and admiration for all the medical staff, nurses, nurses, the staff from the cold room, the doctors especially Dr. Lazar Gabriel and Dr. Holt Irina, warm people and dedicated to the patients. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the treatment, I will recommend you with great love all. A clinic of the highest standards!❤❤❤ RESPECT! (Original) Mult respect și admirație pentru tot personalul medical infirmiere,asistente,personalul de la rece ptie,medicilor in special Dr.Lazăr Gabriel si Dr.Holt Irina,oameni calzi și dedicați pacienților.Mulțumesc din suflet pentru tot tratamentul ,vă voi recomanda cu mare drag tuturor. O clinică la cele mai inalte standarde!❤❤❤ RESPECT!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Daniela O. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Good conditions and competent and kind staff. (Original) Conditii bune si personal competent si amabil.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Gheorghe L. 2 years ago on Google
    Un fel de privat cu personaje de la stat care nu stiu sa se comporte. Nu se merita.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Paula B. 4 years ago on Google
    An excellent hospital!
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Mihaela M. 1 year ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I am more than impressed by the experience I had at Medicover! All the staff of this hospital were extremely kind and friendly, the tasty food and the warm atmosphere all this in an impeccable hygiene. Grateful!🙏 (Original) Sunt mai mult decât impresionată pt experiența avuta la Medicover ! Toți cei din personalul acestui spital au fost extrem de amabili și prietenoși , mâncărica gustoasă si atmosfera călduroasă toate acestea intr-o igiena impecabila. Recunoscătoare !🙏

  • 5/5 Stefi L. 1 year ago on Google
    It's all god, a hospital like in west👍

  • 1/5 Cosmin D. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) Too bad the name Polaris, private hospital but at the reception / appointments they work like at STAT, only laughter on the phone and maximum inattention (Original) Pacat de numele Polaris, spital privat dar la receptie / programari se lucreaza ca la STAT, doar hohote de ras la telefon si neatentie maxima

  • 5/5 Nada Laurentiu C. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) It is a place where you reach the most difficult moments of life. But once here, the staff and medical staff will be fully involved for the good of the patient. I say it from my own experience and I would like to thank Conf. Dr. Bogdan Petruț !!! (Original) Este un loc unde ajungi în momentele cele mai dificile ale vieții. Dar odată ajuns aici, personalul împreună cu staful medical se vor implica total pentru binele pacientului. O spun din proprie experiență și mulțumesc pe această cale domnului Conf. Dr. Bogdan Petruț !!!

  • 1/5 Ana Maria O. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) For a hospital of such high rank in Romania, a colossal mistake. The lady at the front desk got my phone number wrong for the cardiology appointment, then on the day of my departure, today, I called because I felt something was wrong and my appointment was left in the air because they didn't have what to call me to reschedule. Maximum inattention !!!!! (Original) Pentru un spital de rang așa înalt în România, greșeală colosală. Mi-a greșit domnișoara de la recepție numărul de telefon pentru programarea la cardiologie, apoi în ziua plecării, astăzi, am sunat pentru că simțeam că ceva e în neregulă și programarea mi-a fost lăsată în aer, pe motiv că nu au avut pe ce să mă sune pentru a mă reprograma. Neatenție maximă!!!!!

  • 3/5 Anca P. 9 months ago on Google
    A wonderful private hospital with great doctors, everything was perfect. Except the Mis anestezist doctor which had an extremely hysterical behaviour because I didn't had the right documents on me, where I was not informed by the hospital reception (via phone) that I needed to have. Tor her was normal that I should know to have it on me, without being informed. I don't deal everyday with medical surgery or other medical services. The management and the education can be polished.

  • 2/5 Diana A. 6 months ago on Google
    rude reception on the telephone

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