Детская инфекционная клиническая больница № 6 image

Детская инфекционная клиническая больница № 6

Doctor Childrens hospital

👍👍 Хочу поблагодарить врача Кротову Снежану Анатольевну, а также средний и младший персонал 3-го отделения больницы за профессионализм и неравнодушное отношение к пациентам. Поступила в ночь на 08.08.21 с годовалым ребёнком с кишечной инфекцией. Лечение было назначено эффективное и, что называется, без... People often mention child, hospital, doctors, ward, children, doctor, treatment, staff, water, good,


3-Y Likhachevskiy Pereulok, дом 2Б, Moscow, Russia, 125438


+7 495 456-34-71

Rating on Google Maps

3.70 (80 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Thursday: Open 24 hours
  • Friday: Open 24 hours
  • Saturday: Open 24 hours
  • Sunday: Open 24 hours
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  • Tuesday: Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday: Open 24 hours

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: child (33) hospital (23) doctors (16) ward (15) children (14) doctor (13) treatment (13) staff (13) water (12) good (12)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 5/5 Tatiana M. 2 years ago on Google • 13 reviews
    We stayed with the child for 11 months. Covid. Comfortable boxes for 2 mothers and 2 babies. Each box has a shower, toilet, two sinks - in the toilet and at the entrance for the doctor. In the hallway there is a boiler with hot water, jugs of boiled water and a refrigerator. They usually feed like in a hospital. Diverse. Every day wet cleaning. The baby was treated by Snezhana Anatolyevna Krotova. The doctor is very attentive. Tender to the child. Answers all questions regarding the baby’s health. Many thanks for your concern ❤️
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 София �. 2 years ago on Google
    Хочу поблагодарить врача Кротову Снежану Анатольевну, а также средний и младший персонал 3-го отделения больницы за профессионализм и неравнодушное отношение к пациентам. Поступила в ночь на 08.08.21 с годовалым ребёнком с кишечной инфекцией. Лечение было назначено эффективное и, что называется, без фанатизма, лишним не мучали. Палаты хорошие, двухместные (бесплатные) и одноместные (платные). Наполовину прозрачные стены, как я понимаю, продиктованы заботой о безопасности маленьких пациентов. Кровати очень удобные. При каждой палате просторный санузел + предбанник с раковиной. Кормят нормально. Есть два пожелания к руководству больницы: наладьте, пожалуйста, вентиляционное оборудование, потому что как пациентам, так и персоналу кислорода маловато; и второе - хотелось бы, чтобы детские кроватки были оснащены возможностью регулировать высоту бортиков для тех деток, кто уже может из них выбраться, но в силу маленького возраста имеют слабую координацию и просто могут травмироваться. А в остальном всё хорошо - чисто и современно.
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Алиса �. 3 years ago on Google
    2 отделение. Из плюсов - удалось договориться не будить ребёнка на инъекции, а делать по своему графику - при наличии свободных боксов селят по одному (скорее норма, чем особенность). -быстрая выписка Вроде всё😀 Персонал обычный без эмпатии, с профессиональной деформацией, просто делают работу, но большего и что ждать. Единственная медсестра ( даже скорее единственный человек) , кто бережно относилась ко сну детей без напоминания говорить тише - Верещагина Анастасия. Прошу руководство поощрить сотрудника к Новому Году за проявление человеческих качеств и соблюдение охранного режима при лечении детей. Из минусов - уборка оставляет желать лучшего. Это первая больница в которой, я увидела столько пыли в палатах при учёте, что это инфекционная больница! Но тут, надеюсь, наладится. - отсутствие шторки в душе , при том, что душевая видна или из соседней палаты или из жилого дома, впритык к больнице 🤣 вечернее шоу обеспечено. - прозрачные стены между палатами, даже не матовые. Из-за чего постоянно светло и днем и ночью, если у кого то горит свет, сон только снится 😀 - отсутствие холодильников в палате - отсутствие платного отделения - отсутствие кнопки вызова медперсонала, при запрете выхода из бокса Удивили бланки анализов образца СССР, заполненные вручную, удивили шатающиеся пеленальный стол и стол обеденный. Удивили контейнер для кала в виде пузырька от лекарства. Удивил плёночный, а не цифровой рентген. В общем, осталось ощущение, что отделение нужно модернизировать, т.к. оно осталось по уровню где то 20 лет назад, а то и больше.
    9 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Lenok A. 3 years ago on Google
    Больница оставляет желать лучшего. Точнее врачи. Попали с 6месячным во 2 отделение 3 мая, с ОРВИ. У ребёнка была только температура и ничего больше. В приёмном отделении сказали что красное горло, надо обследоваться. Палата норм, рассчитана на двоих взрослых. Чистая. Еда норм. В остальном всё хорошее закончилось. Когда пришло время брать кровь у ребёнка, у меня его просто забрали и не пустили вместе с ним. Правда, так же нельзя, у малыша и так стресс а вы ещё у мамы его забрали. На следующий день пришла врач, медлительная особа, не совсем понимающая что делает. Сказала горло у нас вообще не красное (хорошо что потом нас ещё ЛОР посмотрела и сказала что горло сильно красное . Кстати врач-лор очень понравилась) . Анализы пришли и показали что у нас вирус, а какой не знаю, в пятницу у вас ещё кровь возьмут может выясним.... Трындец полный. Ребят это младенец, так часто кровь брать. Пролежали ещё ночь, заселили к нам девочку подозрение на пневмонию! На вопрос врачу не подцепим ли мы ещё что то тут, она сказала это такой же ребёнок с ОРВИ. Спасибо... В это время в самый раз (я про пондемию) . У того ребёнка то анализы ещё не готовы... Вообщем ушла от туда под расписку. Свечи, извените, мы и дома можем проставлять. А ещё когда у соседки малышку (7месячную) вырвало на кравати, мама попросила сменить постельное, на что ей было сказано : в следующий раз аккуратней давайте, нам на праздники мало белья дали. Ещё раз извините, что наши детки заболели в праздники. Выписку мы вообще ждали до 6 вечера. Врач судя по выписки Гончарова И. Н. или Лихачева А. Г. Непонятно, т.к в выписке одна и та же подпись. Врач нам ещё через 3 дня посоветовала сдать кровь, т.к АЛТ повышен, и печень увеличина... Но врач что не в курсе что кровь обновляется через 10-14 дней? Не знаю то ли на праздники нам не повезло что попался такой врач, то ли ещё что. Эту больницу, покрайней мере 2 отделение, не советую!
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Polina P. 5 months ago on Google • 13 reviews
    Surgical treatment, correct measures. A child aged 2.7 was diagnosed with acute rotavirus. The treatment gave a positive result. There were only 3 children in the ward (including mine), some with similar symptoms recovered in a couple of days, my child a little longer. Everyone has different immunity. The doctor is attentive, you can go to the resident’s room during the day, clarify the condition, and possibly change the treatment. There is everything in the box, a toilet and shower. Of course, repairs are required, everything has its time, but in general everything is convenient and functional. Doctors and nurses are working extremely hard. There were a lot of ambulances, we waited at the entrance for about an hour, there were about 6-9 ambulances with children. I was lucky with the ambulance team - they encouraged me all the way and closely monitored the child’s condition.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Анастасия �. 11 months ago on Google
    Отвратительное место!! Ребенок с папой попал в больницу с тяжелым дыханием приступом сильного кашля, и очень высокой температурой. Ребенку сделали рентген, взяли анализы, точного диагноза не поставили! И только через какое-то время все таки сказали что у него. В вечернее время у ребенка поднялась температура, медсестру не найдёшь! Нет вечернего обхода врачей! Что для меня странно! Давали антибиотики, видимо ребенку не помогало, начали давать другие антибиотики🤷‍♀️ При введении катетера папу выгнали из кабинета, ребенку 3 года, что для меня тоже очень странно!!!! Потом пришла медсестра вводить лекарство в катетер, не посмотрев нормально ли катетер стоит, ввела ребенку под кожу, рука опухла!!! Вообщем безграмотные медсестра! Отвратительное отношение!! Примите меры! Пока эта жалоба не пошла выше!!!!
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Яна �. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I wrote a review on Yandex, I will duplicate it here. We are currently in the hospital with our daughter. We want to express our gratitude to the doctors and all the staff for their kind attitude and understanding. They tried to treat the baby at home and eventually surrendered to good hands, the doctors quickly put her on her feet, thank you very much. Everyone is very affectionate and kind, both with the child and with the mothers. I have been in different hospitals with two children over the past 5 years, I can say this is probably the best. The boxes are spacious for 2 patients, but we were alone and it was very convenient. The box has a separate small entrance hall with a washbasin, soap and antiseptic. There is also a separate shower/toilet/sink in the room. Everything is as convenient as possible, full of sockets both near the bed and near the dining table (which I used as a worker, with remote work this is very valuable). On the whole, they were fed well, not to regional hospitals in which, on occasion, I managed to lie down. My daughter ate everything with pleasure and I didn’t go hungry either. There is always a decanter of clean boiled water in the ward (almost everywhere in other hospitals you have to bring your own water). In general, I just had wonderful impressions of the hospital, despite the fact that it is still not a rest home (although the 6th children's infectious disease will probably pull at least 3 stars for sure)))) My daughter drew a touching drawing with hearts and doctors who treat children. Thanks again to all the doctors for the care and treatment! (Original) Писала отзыв на Яндекс, тут продублирую. Лежим сейчас с дочкой в больнице. Хотим выразить большую благодарность врачам и всему персоналу за доброе отношение, понимание. Малышку пытались дома полечить и в итоге сдались в добрые руки, врачи быстро поставили на ноги, спасибо им большое. Все очень ласковые и добрые и с ребенком и с мамами. Я с двумя детками полежала в разных больницах за последние 5 лет, могу сказать эта наверное самая лучшая. Боксы просторные на 2-х пациентов, но мы лежали одни и это было очень удобно. В боксе есть отдельная маленькая прихожая с умывальником, мылом и антисептиком. Еще есть отдельный душ/туалет/раковина тоже в палате. Все максимально удобно, полно розеток и возле кровати и возле обеденного стола (который я использовала и как рабочий, с удаленной работой это очень ценно). Кормили в целом хорошо, не к областным больницам в коих по случаю удалось полежать. Дочка ела с удовольствием все и я тоже голодная не осталась. В палате всегда есть графин с чистой кипяченой водой (почти везде в других больницах воду надо приносить свою). В общем у меня остались просто замечательные впечатления о больнице, несмотря на то, что это все таки не дом отдыха (хотя 6-я детская инфекционка наверное минимум на 3 звезды потянет точно)))) Дочка нарисовала трогательный рисунок с сердечками и докторами , которые лечат детей. Еще раз спасибо всем докторам за заботу и лечение!
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Виталий �. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) I changed my spouse, because after the holidays she needs to go to school, I am with the child in the second department. So far, I haven’t really got to know the staff, since the first day, but. At first glance, the shift is good, let's see others, the attitude towards children and parents is wonderful, the staff is very responsive in communication. Of the minuses, there are only transparent walls between the chambers (it is hard to walk into the shower and toilet, of course, but the shower is solved with a curtain or after lights out, the toilet, in principle, can somehow be hidden). There are no more cons. The department has a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a large thermal kettle with hot water, decanters with boiled cold water at the post, apparently almost every ward has its own, this is a plus. In general, the opinion is good, I will unsubscribe on the statement (Original) Сменил супругу, так как после праздников ей надо выходить на учебу, лежу с ребенком во втором отделении. Пока с персоналом особо не познакомился, так как первый день, но. На первый взгляд смена хорошая, посмотрим другие, отношение к детям и родителям замечательное, в общении персонал очень отзывчив. Из минусов только прозрачные стены между палатами (в душ и туалет тяжеловато ходить конечно, но душ решается шторкой или после отбоя без света, туалет в принципе как то можно спрятаться). Больше минусов нет. В отделении есть холодильник, микроволновка, большой термочайник с горячей водой, на посту графины с кипячёной холодной, судя по всему чуть ли не к каждой палате свой, это плюс. В общем мнение хорошее, по выписке отпишусь
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Daria G. 3 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) My daughter and I got to this hospital by ambulance in serious condition. The hospital is in good repair, modern, experienced staff, always ready to help. Of the minuses - a specific cuisine. We would like to express our special gratitude to the head of the 2nd department, Likhacheva Antonina Grigorievna, who very quickly diagnosed us and prescribed treatment. A wonderful doctor, a great professional in his field, he is very attentive to all children. We are glad that we were admitted to this particular hospital. (Original) Попали с дочкой в эту больницу по скорой в тяжелом состоянии. Больница с хорошим ремонтом, современная, опытный персонал, всегда готовый помочь. Из минусов - специфическая кухня. Отдельную благодарность хотели бы выразить заведующей 2м отделением Лихачевой Антонине Григорьевне, которая очень быстро поставила нам диагноз и назначила лечение. Замечательный врач, большой профессионал своего дела, очень внимательно относиться ко всем детям. Рады, что поступили именно в эту больницу.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Ирина �. 2 years ago on Google
    (Translated by Google) We are lying with the child in the hospital at the address 3 Likhachevsky lane 2b 5 day, the child is very small in the 6th department there is no normal warm water, the child has to be washed (if you can call it that) with napkins ... we have repeatedly talked about this problem, but everyone to no avail ... the water goes barely warm for an adult it is cold to take a shower in such water, and not that a child, especially a baby and with a cough, as a result of the child's irritation ... the masters came to fix everything without result, only flooded the ward .... The handles are loose in the bathroom. With such conditions, you will not be cured, but on the other hand you will get even more ill ... I ask you to urgently solve this problem, the children are lying and without warm water it is not possible ... Of the advantages - normal clean rooms - normal food - good staff (Original) Лежим с ребёнком в больнице по адресу 3-й Лихачевский переулок 2б 5 день, ребёнок совсем маленький в 6-ом отделении нет нормальной тёплой воды, ребёнка приходится подмывать ( если, это можно так назвать ) салфетками… неоднократно говорили об этой проблеме, но все безрезультатно… вода идёт еле тёплая взрослому человеку холодно принять душ в такой воде, а не то-что ребёнку, тем более грудному и с кашлем, в следствии у ребёнка раздражение… пришли мастера чинить все без результата, только затопило палату…. Ручки расшатаны в сан узле. С такими условиями не вылечишься, а на оборот заболеешь ещё больше…Прошу решить срочно эту проблему, лежат детки и без тёплой воды это не возможно… Из плюсов -нормальные чистые палаты - нормальная еда - хороший персонал
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Дарья �. 2 months ago on Google • 5 reviews New
    We are staying with our child in Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 6 with acute bronchitis. 2nd department, 2nd building, 2nd floor. The review is more about the financing of this institution than the provision of medical care. The doctors are very good, the treatment is adequate. Otherwise, there is a strong shortage. The food is disgusting; the cutlets contain more flour than bread than meat. Everything else is tasteless. I understand that this is hospital food, but everything here is completely sad. There are not enough sheets, blankets, pillows, diapers. If, God forbid, something gets dirty, they give out something clean very reluctantly, asking you to be careful. There are not enough inhalers, it’s better to have your own thermometer, that’s what they say. There are 3 children in the ward, one potty for three. The staff is very slow and responds to requests the second time.

  • 5/5 Ev S. 10 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    They brought me in by ambulance with suspected pneumonia. My son is almost 4 years old. I really liked the doctor in the emergency department Aishat Shakhbanova, attention, calmness, politeness, communication with the child was super. After a blood test and x-ray, we were sent home, as the diagnosis was not confirmed. To wait for the results, we were taken to the ward, as they didn’t plan to let us go, but there was no reason to leave us and thank you for this approach. I was pleasantly surprised by the renovation, beds and cribs, shower and toilet in the room. The nurses and junior staff are polite, the floor is clean. The ambulance doctors said that they were taking us to a good hospital and I was convinced of this in practice. Thanks everyone!
    4 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Hava A. 10 months ago on Google • 1 review
    An ambulance was called. The ambulance team took us to the 6th infectious diseases clinic. They prescribed treatment and said that the child had acute bronchitis of moderate severity. The child was only 4 months old. After 9 days we are discharged and told that our lungs are clean. BUT the child had wheezing and coughing at the time of discharge. The nurse was even surprised how they discharged you since the child had such a strong cough. They only did one x-ray, and the attending physician told me to complete the treatment at home for 3 days (inhalations). Due to the negligence of doctors, my child has been in intensive care in another clinic for a month with pneumonia. I do not recommend this sixth infectious diseases clinic to anyone!
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Aleksander D. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    My child was 7 months old; we were admitted to this hospital by ambulance with a fever and cough. They took a picture and said that the picture was good and diagnosed bronchitis. The only treatment was inhalation. After three, we were told that we were healthy and ready to be discharged. And we were told to treat our cough at home. When we arrived home, I noticed that my girl was very lethargic and was constantly sleeping; at night she vomited profusely and her temperature rose to 38.7. The next morning, it turns out, I called an ambulance and we went to this same hospital again. In the emergency department we were greeted rudely, they started yelling at the emergency doctor, why did they bring a healthy child to them, for them this is a healthy child. But the test showed the flu and we were put back. Three days later I was discharged with a severe cough and told to finish my treatment at home. Upon discharge, the neighbor’s child also began to vomit, just like ours, but she was discharged anyway. And at home we continued to treat bronchitis with inhalations. As a result, we took the child to the clinic and the doctor looked at our picture, which was taken in this hospital, but everything was not good there, as they said in this hospital. We took another picture and it was still much worse; almost a month was lost. They sent us from the clinic to ICH 1, where they quickly sorted out the situation, selected the right treatment, and my daughter began to recover. If we had been treated correctly initially, we would not have ended up in the hospital three times in a month and my child and I would not have experienced so much suffering. I do not recommend this hospital, the attitude towards patients is terribly negligent.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Анастася �. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Never! No one should ever go here! The child was in this hospital from January 26 to February 2, 2024. They brought me by ambulance. We waited in the car for about 20 minutes. We were assigned to the department quite quickly; there were 3 patients in the ward. Other wards were designed for a larger number of people. Each chamber is visible from all sides, since the walls are half glass. The audibility is very strong. Each room has its own shower. There is no full shower. There is a tiny tray and after each wash there is a lot of water on the floor. Also, no luck with the toilet. The stench of sewage was terrible. During the time we were lying there, they only cleaned it once. And then, apparently with soapy water, there was no smell at all. The common corridor is also not cleaned daily. The food also leaves much to be desired. After a few days in the hospital, I picked up some kind of infection from them. I have never been so “rinsed” in my life! I asked the nurses for coal or some other absorbent. But the hospital doesn’t have this))) and out of the kindness of her heart, the nurse gave me smecta and rehydron from her supplies. But it did not help. I had to change with my husband because I could not take care of my child. But the next day after I left, the same thing started happening to the child, and then to my husband. We told the doctor about this. To which the doctor said that it was you who brought the infection here. When they asked to take tests, they refused and plainly said that they couldn’t, in case something would come to light... Then it would be our fault. They called the chief doctor to sort out the situation. As a result, the child was brought back to life with IV drips and quickly discharged, so that we would not have time to complain anywhere. But as soon as we returned home, the rest of our family became infected. And as far as I know, cases of vomiting also occurred in other wards. But everything was kept silent. The entire medical staff was quite indifferent to the children. Everything was done very quickly, no empathy or compassion. The only people who really made me happy were the housekeeping aunts (I don’t know what they’re called correctly), who also provided laundry. They were always ready to help. After everything that happened, I want to forget everything like a bad dream.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Анна �. 5 months ago on Google • 1 review
    We ended up in intensive care with pneumonia. The doctors and nurses are very attentive and do their jobs efficiently. Despite working so hard, they still find time to encourage and distract mothers and pay attention to the baby. Not a single request was ever refused. Many thanks to nurse Irina, Olga, and all the nurses in the intensive care unit 🙏❤️ In the intensive care unit, the rooms are clean, they are cleaned every day, garbage is constantly changed, and fresh linen is brought upon request. We also visited the first infectious diseases department. Due to the lack of single rooms, we were accommodated in a double room, but with a baby from intensive care. The situation in the 1st infectious disease department is worse. First floor, cold in the shower. During the transfer, there were no potties for the children or bed linen in the ward. However, as asked, everything was given. The walls are transparent, the windows do not open. Very hot and stuffy. The staff is also very polite, it’s clear that they try to spend time with everyone. Thank you. There were some nuances with the shortage of nebulizers and droppers. But in general, if mom controls the processes, everything is done quickly. The woman at the food distribution could have been happier and more polite, this is the biggest minus of all :)
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Гулмайрам �. 5 months ago on Google • 1 review
    A 2-year-old child was treated at the hospital. The doctors are very attentive. Toktomatova Asylai, a pediatrician, does her work with pleasure. Attentive, prompt, polite. Many thanks to her for success in her work.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Евгений �. 4 months ago on Google • 1 review
    Doctors do not know how to communicate normally with parents. They are rude and don’t explain things properly. There is no supervision for children. Children are not well-groomed and lie without their parents. We need to send a check there.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Tatyana L. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Very good doctors and the rest of the medical staff. They really do heal. Plus a good friendly attitude. We entered on Saturday, I thought no one would do anything special until Monday. We were examined and processed very quickly. They immediately did all the tests, pictures, and the doctors came 2 times. We were in Ward 2. The renovation is fresh, everything you need is there. The rooms, however, are a bit cramped. But everything is clean, regular cleaning. When we were traveling here by ambulance, I read a lot of negative reviews and was very upset. Thank God they are not true.

  • 4/5 Татьяна �. 2 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Hello! I would like to express my gratitude to the head of this hospital. I went here with my daughter (10 months old), with a Diagnosis: Acute obstructive Bronchitis, in the 1st department, on the 1st floor, on the 18th of this month. And also, I thank the Pediatrician KROTOVA SNEPHANA ANATOLYEVNA for her clear and well-coordinated work in her profession! Very cool doctor! Kind, responsive, competent approach to the children themselves, and of course to Treatment! She will always tell you everything, thanks to Snezhana Anatolyevna - we (in my opinion) - got better very quickly, following all her guidelines and instructions), this is a Doctor with a CAPITAL LETTER! This is my first time meeting such a doctor! ☺ There are also other specialists in the hospital. Many thanks to BOTH ENT specialists, whom I was looking forward to, and who identified us, additionally Atitis, and also promptly prescribed Treatment)). Please notice! All the drugs that were prescribed to us by the wonderful Pediatrician and ENT are the Strongest and Effective drugs, in certain proportions, which helped us great! ⛔ I’m taking off one star for the COLD PAID ROOM √6, into which we were moved today for free, in order to vacate the ward √22, for New Arrivals, since my daughter and I are the last of 3 people left, and we are going to Discharge! And in ward √6 it was VERY COLD, Even I was cold, I had to sleep in my panties, warming myself up with Hot Coffee before going to bed, and tightly wrapping up the baby, who I also put in Clothes, and asking for Extras. The blanket is on duty so that my daughter doesn’t get even MORE sick! Dear Hospital Management, I urge you to Inspect the wards for HEATING (the pipe is barely warm in the ward itself, otherwise the Children will take LONGER to recover, especially those who are also going to Discharge and are lying in this ward with Wheezing! And of course, here: kind, responsive, ALL, nurses at the posts, personally respond to my requests promptly)! , for which - Special thanks)) As an example, I’ll give you the nurse at the post, who responded very promptly to my request for a cot for the child, since initially there was none in the ward, and with Extras. blanket - the issue was resolved in the moment))

  • 5/5 Ната �. 4 months ago on Google • 1 review
    Many thanks to all the staff of the 3rd department. The doctors are attentive and find an approach to the child. The nurses constantly monitor the IVs, are attentive, joke and distract the children. We were lying in the box, with another child with us. Everything is clean, the food is normal, just what children need!

  • 5/5 Дамира �. 4 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    Very good doctors, everything is fine, I thank the doctors, I’m a different nation, they treat me very well, THANK YOU

  • 1/5 Наталия �. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Terrible hospital. An infant was admitted with suspected pneumonia. Not a single doctor, no treatment since the morning. The attitude is ugly

  • 5/5 Беатриса �. 2 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    My child and I were treated for acute bronchitis at the end of February; we were admitted by ambulance; the high temperature lasted for 10 days. The first impression was terrible, namely from the colorful ancient renovation, then we waited about 1.5 hours for accommodation. When entering the ward (already at 00.30) the first question was: are there paid wards? It turned out no.. The ward is designed for 2 patients, in separate boxes, the renovation is very tired.. But! This is all nonsense compared to the sincerity of the staff and doctors, the hospitable atmosphere.. We received treatment on the first night, and for the next 4 days, the doctors and medical staff did everything for our speedy recovery and comfortable stay! I definitely really liked the hospital! Thank you to all the employees! The first impression is often deceiving :)

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