Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças image

Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças

Hospital General hospital Private hospital

😠 O meu avô passou um mês nesse matadouro. Voltou pra casa desnutrido e desidratado. O hospital quando resolvia nos ligar era por 3min mal deixava ele falar e a medica junto com a assistente social sempre nos falando que ele estava sendo bem cuidado. Onde meu avô relatou que passou dois dias com a cam... People often mention hospital, father, para, hours, Alfa, mother, waiting,


Av. Visc. de Jequitinhonha, 1144 - Boa Viagem, Recife - PE, 51030-020, Brazil


+55 81 2011-2416

Rating on Google Maps

3.50 (183 reviews)

Open on Google Maps

Working Hours

  • Monday: 8 AM to 5 PM
  • Tuesday: 8 AM to 9 PM
  • Wednesday: 8 AM to 9 PM
  • Thursday: 8 AM to 9 PM
  • Friday: (Good Friday), 8 AM to 5 PM, Hours might differ
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: (Easter), Closed, Hours might differ

Featured Reviews

Frequently mentioned in reviews: hospital (30) father (19) para (7) hours (7) Alfa (6) mother (6) waiting (6)
Reviews are sorted by relevance, prioritizing the most helpful and insightful feedback at the top for easier reference.
  • 1/5 Thais Oliveira (. 2 years ago on Google
    O meu avô passou um mês nesse matadouro. Voltou pra casa desnutrido e desidratado. O hospital quando resolvia nos ligar era por 3min mal deixava ele falar e a medica junto com a assistente social sempre nos falando que ele estava sendo bem cuidado. Onde meu avô relatou que passou dois dias com a cama cheia de urina, que elas deixavam a comida distante para ele ir buscar no qual ele se encontrava debilitado, passou 3 dias sem se alimentar pois perderam a protese dentaria dele, caiu no banheiro pois as responsáveis pelo setor e por ele não o acompanhavam no banho, estavam fazendo tratamento de covid nele onde os exames apontaram que ele não estava com covid e nem com a influenza. Meu avô não teve nenhum suporte digno do ser humano e isso foi apenas o relato dele em menos de 24hrs imagina o que ele ainda tem pra falar. Sendo uma pessoa lucida e podendo comprovar isso fiquem cientes que iremos mover uma ação contra o hospital e o ministério da saúde por tamanha negligência e descaso, graças a Deus meu avô não morreu mas ele esta vivo pela misericórdia divina. Vocês deveriam avaliar com responsabilidade quem contratam.
    17 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Aly D. 1 year ago on Google
    Só não dou 0 pq não tem como. Não acreditem nas avaliações positivas, a administração força os funcionários a comentar aqui. Fui funcionário e vi de perto o quão podre esse hospital é. Mas quando falo podre, são os funcionários. Graças a Deus, comigo nunca aconteceu nada, mas presenciei inúmeros assédios e humilhações. Foi o suficiente para eu pedir desligamento, trabalhei por anos na Secretaria Estadual e Municipal, mas nunca vi algo tão vergonhoso quanto esse hospital. Alguns setores até se salvam, se eu pudesse destacar um deles é o DP, tem pessoas incríveis, que driblam todos os sufocos. Um dos piores é a Farmácia e a Administração, o assédio é gritante. As enfermarias nem comento kkkk Fofocam mais que trabalham, e por aí vai.
    10 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 4/5 Carminha D. 3 months ago on Google • 166 reviews New
    Hospital Alfa was a SUS campaign hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • 2/5 Marcela C. 1 year ago on Google
    Esse hospital, não tem cadeiras suficientes para acomodar os acompanhantes. Cadeiras do papai, porque você não consegue ficar a noite ou o dia inteiro numa cadeira de plástico. Estou aqui, com meu pai e vieram buscar a cadeira que estava, não só a daqui do quarto 512, como de outros pacientes do mesmo corredor. Me colocaram numa cama de paciente vazia, do mesmo quarto. Havia acompanhantes dormindo no chão. Alegaram que, aqui era um hospital referência de COVID, não podia ficar acompanhante, por isso a falta de cadeiras do papai. Falaram que, o hospital já havia providenciado as compras. Mas, entendo que não faz sentido nenhum, descobrir um santo, para ajudar outro. O atendimento, é excelente, profissionais atenciosos. Pena que o hospital deixa a desejar.
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Aline B. 2 years ago on Google
    Excelente hospital. Minha avó foi internada com falta de ar, mas acabou sendo transferida para este hospital. Foi uma excelente experiência, com enfermeiros, médicos e assistentes sociais muito prestativos, sempre nos deixaram informações do quadro de saúde da minha avó. Apois ela receber alta, ela relatou o quanto amou este hospital, e o quanto toda a equipe a ajudou e a deixavam confortável. Parabéns pelo excelente serviço!
    8 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 2/5 Greyson A. 1 year ago on Google
    Só não dou zero pq fui muito bem atendido pela equipe de UTI e, já não posso dizer o mesmo da equipe de enfermaria. Dois dias com lençóis sujo de sangue, crise de rinite e não fazem nada, nem deixam remédio que já uso a anos. Perderam a roupa que cheguei.
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Luiz P. 1 year ago on Google • 3 reviews
    I don't wish what I went through with my father in that hospital on anyone. Medication was 6 hours late due to problems at the pharmacy and the ward I stayed in was lacking professionals. In the early hours of the morning my father had an incident and there was no one to help him. When I questioned the technical nurse, he said he was overloaded and working for 2, considering that the shift was incomplete.
    3 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Severino de Souza J. 7 months ago on Google • 7 reviews
    My grandmother didn't eat for 4 days, just on morphine and dipyrone, saying my God, help her, at home she didn't have any injuries, this situation is very unpleasant
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Bela R. 11 months ago on Google
    Minha mãe foi transferida do HR para esse hospital. O atendimento foi totalmente diferente. Enfermeiros e médica super atenciosos. Me senti rica nesse hospital é outro nível. Infelizmente minha mãe partiu. Mais até na hora da libertação do corpo o atendimento foi especial. Foi super rápido e excepcional.
    2 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Henrique E. 4 months ago on Google • 15 reviews
    Do you want to lose a family member? I let him go to that place. Run away from there
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Ana 4 months ago on Google • 9 reviews
    01/15/2024. My 80-year-old mother is hospitalized and complains a lot because the nurses take too long to get to her to give her water, change her diaper, and turn her around since she can't get out of bed for anything.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Ivanildo J. 1 year ago on Google
    Tava ai na UTI fui muito bem atendido.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 3/5 Gilmar S. 1 year ago on Google
    Não fornecem água mineral para os pacientes internados.
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Rafael A. 3 months ago on Google • 5 reviews New

  • 1/5 Alex O. 2 months ago on Google • 5 reviews New
    Terrible attendance, Public prosecutor or competent bodies need to inspect this hospital Terrible management, they call patients to undergo a surgical procedure, they set a date, when the patient is there, their custom is to leave the patient waiting for more than a week. Shame !!

  • 1/5 Débora E. 1 month ago on Google • 5 reviews New
    A shame because Hospital Alfa was once very good. I'm here at a clinic and the entire floor is without air conditioning. The employee said the hospital is replacing the air machines. Wow, couldn't you do this at another time? A summer morning in Recife, a thermal sensation of almost 40 degrees! And here in the room with few windows it must be even more so. I am feeling bad. A lack of respect and care for patients. Furthermore, the bike rack leaves a lot to be desired: tiny, hidden and it is necessary to climb the super steep ramp that is the access for cars, running the risk of an accident. I hope that the hospital is able to invest and improve this structure, but empathy is necessary to want to improve first.

  • 5/5 Fatima S. 6 months ago on Google
    Ótima.Fiz exames e consultas ambulatoriais.

  • 5/5 Celeste R. 1 year ago on Google
    Eu não entrei no hospital, Eu te só acessei a área de consultórios particulares. Fui na Physioderm

  • 5/5 JAMISON R. 11 months ago on Google
    Atendimento muito bom e ótimos colaboradores prestativos principalmente em informações de pacientes

  • 4/5 Ana B. 1 year ago on Google
    Hospital bem localizado em Boa Viagem. Minha experiência foi visitar uma clinica que fica no mesmo prédio.

  • 1/5 Dianiely D. 1 year ago on Google
    Afinal é um hospital público ou particular ? É que moro em Recife a pouco tempo! Agradeço a que responder

  • 1/5 SILVO C. 6 months ago on Google • 1 review
    Unprepared doctors, even worse nurses, my mother caught an infection in this hospital and no antibiotics were effective and I lost my mother, don't leave your relatives there! Dr CAROL and Dr JONAS, I felt the pleasure in your eyes in saying that my mother was going to die! This hospital is a real slaughterhouse, if the UPA password is for this place, please deny it immediately!
    12 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Deborah. L. 9 months ago on Google • 2 reviews
    THEY KILLED MY FATHER! Terrible hospital when my father was transferred from Pelopidas Silveira hospital to Alfa it was the greatest sadness of my life, when I visited my father 1 day after the transfer my father already looked terrible where his recovery at Pelopidas was excellent, everything was stable, my father still needed of mechanical ventilation through the tracheostomy, and medications like the daughter-in-law to control his blood pressure on the third day they removed the mechanical ventilation with the story that he was fine breathing on his own detail in pelopidas there was no plan for the device to be removed, other than that my father needed to do it hemodialysis every day 6 hours of session because his kidneys were compromised, here he did 3 days of hemodialysis that's what they said because until then I only witnessed “1” I asked how many hours he was doing they said he only had a 3 hour session only (AND LOOK AT THAT HE WAS A PATIENT AT THE MOMENT DEPENDENT ON HEMODIALYSIS) after that they dispensed with hemodialysis saying that he didn't need it at the moment HOW DOES A PATIENT WITH KIDNEY PROBLEMS NOT NEED HEMODIALYSIS? Other than that, they took the blood pressure medicine off, I even saw my father who is hypertensive with a VERY LOW blood pressure of 8.5 and you know what they said, it's normal and it's now back to normal 🤡 My father was the victim of a stroke, he underwent decompressive craniotomy surgery, while he was still in the hospital, Pelopidas Silveira, after 48 hours he was stable, he had a tracheostomy and the surgery was a success, from then on, my father noticed an improvement in him, and always the doctors saying his recovery is slow, you have to be patient, let's wait for him to react after the sedation is removed and it's normal for the delay because he had head surgery, we understand, because he's making a good improvement, as said by the doctor, they decided to transfer my father to this slaughterhouse for the recovery ICU there was the worst ICU old machines, the yellow ventilation trunks, torn sheets I saw my father already dead there, after cutting off the hemodialysis my father needed medications, they didn't have the PATIENCE that they asked us so much about the his recovery and they decided to hasten his death by taking all the help he needed, giving them my father was busy with a bed in the ICU and giving work IN OTHER WORDS SAID BY THE DOCTOR, but it's a good understanding, you know, apart from the fact that 2 days ago the visit began of the team at my father's bedside, I thought everything that was happening was super strange and all that came to my mind was that they were trying to rush my father's death without giving him any chance of waiting, it had only been 5 days since my father was in this TERRIBLE HOSPITAL, the doctor told me that I would find a place for him in the infirmary, but my father was a patient in need of ICU. I questioned the medical team about this possibility, what they told me was if he goes and needs ICU, he won't come back, so what's the point? he to the infirmary? My father was STABLE yesterday, his heart was normal, his blood pressure was normal yesterday, they removed the saturation meter, I asked to put it on, they said it was no longer necessary, little by little I saw that they were taking everything away from my father so he could die and vacate the bed they I wanted so much, it was two days of this fine-toothed comb, I say this because in the morning that I received the news of my father's death when I arrived at the hospital, there were several families waiting for the bodies of their relatives, in the morning the fine-toothed comb was passed by the doctor and it's This is what they do to not waste their time in the graduation oath swearing to love life, but the reality is totally different, money is worth more than life. ONE THING I HOPE THAT IF ONE DAY THIS DOCTOR'S FAMILY NEEDS AN ICU THAT THEY HAVE THE SAME PATIENCE THAT SHE HAD WITH MY 51-YEAR-OLD FATHER AND WITH THE OTHER PATIENTS FROM THAT DAY AND OTHERS THAT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT.
    11 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 1/5 Kalyane S. 9 months ago on Google • 1 review
    The way we are treated by the administration staff at this hospital is absurd, my mother was transferred to Alfa last Saturday 07/15/2023, she was in the ambulance for more than 2 hours waiting to be attended to, when she was finally admitted I went I was advised to go to reception so I could get in as a companion, there I spent 2 hours waiting to be seen by social services so they could register me, in the meantime my elderly mother was alone in the ward, hungry as she hadn't had lunch due to the delay in service. Today my father went to change companions with my sister at 7:45am and had to wait 1 hour to be able to carry out the process, only being able to change at 9am. My sister spent exactly 50 minutes waiting for her bag to be returned, which was in the storage room, because she went to reception first, at 6am as requested, and asked for her bag and even so, when she went to leave at 9am she she had to wait 50 minutes for an employee to pick up her bag. The customer service staff treat you with disdain and don't have the slightest bit of empathy. In short, until now, the administrative service at Alfa hospital only gets worse with every second we spend inside this hospital.
    6 people found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 Edvaldo L. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    New name of the hospital and Alfa
    1 person found this review helpful 👍

  • 5/5 leandro b. 3 months ago on Google • 1 review New
    Great service

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