Top rated places in Majuro

Experience the best that Majuro has to offer with our curated list of top-rated places. Sorted by average review scores from venues boasting over 30 reviews, these establishments promise exceptional quality and experiences to elevate your visit in the city.

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Laura Beach image
Laura Beach
👍👍 It's a popular site, entrance fee is 1 USD.
4.60 (49 reviews)
Private Island Boutique Resort Bikendrik Island Hideaway, Marshall Islands image
Private Island Boutique Resort Bikendrik Island Hideaway, Marshall Islands
Polished private island resort with upscale quarters, plus dining & scuba diving.
4.60 (32 reviews)
K&K Island Pride Supermarket image
K&K Island Pride Supermarket
👍 Very large supermarket with a wide range of goods, including fresh produce, American groceries, handicrafts, and other household items
4.50 (57 reviews)
Majuro image
😐 Does anyone know if there is a company name Stark Shipping or Tuna Holding Inc. on that Island?
4.30 (58 reviews)
Alele Museum and Public Library image
Alele Museum and Public Library
👍👍 This is a very interesting museum. Well presented, with clear explanations in both English and Marshallese. By the way Majuro is an atoll, not an island.
4.20 (40 reviews)
Tide Table Restaurant & Lounge image
Tide Table Restaurant & Lounge
👍 One of the very few great options in Májuro to enjoy a nice western style meal, either lunch or dinner, or even breakfast. Good selection of beers too. It is also a nice meeting point for socialising. If you are in Marshall Islands, paying a visit to tide table is a must.
$$ $$
4.10 (65 reviews)
Hotel Robert Reimers image
Hotel Robert Reimers
Modest rooms & bungalows in a casual hotel offering water views, Wi-Fi & a restaurant/bar.
4.00 (64 reviews)
Amata Kabua International Airport image
Amata Kabua International Airport
International airport
👍👍 Wonderful people and patients.90% diabetic die in their 40s No doctors on site so multiple amputees snd orphans . Japan polluting the waters and lacking proper medical facilities but meanwhile the super rich avoiding taxes by keeping their yachts here ,& maybe owning couple islands. The wonderful C...
3.90 (48 reviews)
Payless Supermarket image
Payless Supermarket
😠 Only place on the planet where I've ever been ID'd to buy alcohol. Apparently you needed a drinking license because they'd revoke it if you happened to murder someone while you were drunk. The six pack of bud light cans was bad enough, but the smell was disturbing. I couldn't understand it until...
3.90 (33 reviews)
Marshall Islands Resort image
Marshall Islands Resort
Down-to-earth rooms in a laid-back oceanfront resort offering a casual bar/restaurant & a pool.
3.80 (169 reviews)
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