Best places in Omdurman

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Al-Nilin Mosque image
Al-Nilin Mosque
👍👍 The design of the mosque was a thesis project by Gamer Eldawla Eltahir, a student at the University of Khartoum . It was selected for construction by the president of Sudan jaafer alnumeri The mosque was completed in 1984.
4.60 (216 reviews)
Tuti Island image
Tuti Island
Set amid 3 towns, this island is where the Nile River forms & is home to a 15th-century village.
4.50 (249 reviews)
Al Hilal Stadium image
Al Hilal Stadium
👍👍 Al-Hilal Stadium is a multi-use stadium, located in Omdurman, Khartoum State, Sudan. It is mostly used for footballmatches and also sometimes for athletics. It is the official stadium and home of Sudanesefootball club Al-Hilal Club, it has a capacity of 62,000. At the opening celebration in Friday...
4.30 (593 reviews)
كافتريا الأمير الشطبي image
كافتريا الأمير الشطبي
Fast food restaurant
👍👍 The best sandwich place in omdorman with a very cheap price and the best beef shawarma in Khartoum, the restaurant is always crowded and the food takes a lot of time to be served
4.30 (382 reviews)
Omdurman Islamic University image
Omdurman Islamic University
👍👍 A place were you will meet the nice and hardworking Sudanese people who are determined to do the best with what they have. A admired the spirit in that place.
4.30 (256 reviews)
River Nile image
River Nile
Scenic spot
👍👍 Al Mogran - the confluence of one of two flows of Blue Nile with White Nile (second flow merges to Nile in the North of Tutti island). Al Mogran is an item in the Sudanese Heritage list.
4.80 (67 reviews)
Rwabi Beach image
Rwabi Beach
👍👍 Rwabi beach's the center of naturbl beuaty full.
4.20 (220 reviews)
Omdurman market image
Omdurman market
👍👍 Cheapest market in Khartoum, its a local market, they have shops where they sell in bulk you can get a good bargain, they are known for their souvenir stores (for the tourists)where you can buy ebony and leather souvenirs and gifts.
4.20 (189 reviews)
Omdurman Ahlia University image
Omdurman Ahlia University
Private university
👍👍 رائد التعليم الأهلي في السودان
4.40 (98 reviews)
Debonairs Pizza image
Debonairs Pizza
Pizza restaurant
👍👍 very Good pizza restaurant, delicious and have multiple choice, excellent service
$$ $$
4.10 (214 reviews)
Sabrin Shanqeeti market image
Sabrin Shanqeeti market
👍👍 سوق شامل به جميع المستلزمات موقعه الجغرافي يخدم منطقة كبيرة جدا الاسعار معقولة لكثرة المنافسة يحتوي على العديد من المساجد والمراكز الصحية والنوادي والصالات الرياضية ويوجد به محطة وقود وسوق مركزي للخضار والفاكهة كما يحتوي على الكثير من مجمعات بيع الهواتف الذكية وصيانتها وبه الكثير من مجمعات البيع الم...
4.00 (291 reviews)
University of Science and Technology image
University of Science and Technology
Private university
👍👍 اهل السودان اهل الأخلاق والطيبه والاحترام والله اني احبكم يا أهل السودان ونعم الناس تر بيه واحترام ودين
4.60 (45 reviews)
السوق الشعبي امدرمان بوتيك نصر image
السوق الشعبي امدرمان بوتيك نصر
Shopping mall
👍👍 مكان يستحق الزيارة للتعرف على الشعب السوداني الرائع و الطيب. شعب بالنسبة لي هو اكرم شعب عربي و تحياتي من سلطنة عمان
3.90 (165 reviews)
Om Alnoor Restaurant image
Om Alnoor Restaurant
👍 مكان نظيف و تعامل راقي و اسعار ممتاز
$ $$$
4.20 (66 reviews)
Magic Land image
Magic Land
👍👍 مكان جميل للنزهة والترفيه مع العائلة والأطفال
3.90 (136 reviews)
Debonairs Pizza image
Debonairs Pizza
👍👍 بيتزا بجودة عالية..يستحق الزيارة مرات ومرات
4.50 (39 reviews)
Abualfadil Plaza image
Abualfadil Plaza
Shopping mall
👍👍 Prices are affordable and good . ido love this place . they have everything inside .
4.10 (69 reviews)
كافتيريا الفكهاني image
كافتيريا الفكهاني
Family restaurant
👍 الاكل لزيز ونظام كاشير مرن يسهل من عدم الاذدحام خصوصا الشاورما اللحم طعمها لزيز😋😋😋
4.40 (40 reviews)
Buffalo burger image
Buffalo burger
👍👍 Perfect quality of service & very tasty and friendly staff
4.40 (40 reviews)
KFC Alwadi image
KFC Alwadi
Fast food restaurant
Restaurant chain known for its buckets of fried chicken, plus combo meals & sides.
4.20 (53 reviews)
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