Great Mosque of Sanaa
👍👍 الجامع من اجمل الاماكن في صنعاء القديمه. يسمح للنساء بزيارته من الساعه ٩ إلى ١١ صباحا للصلاه او الاستفتاء. يحوى سقف المسجد على ١٠ الف منقوشه لا تشبه واحده الاخرى كما يحوى ضريح النبي طلحه بن هود. يقال إن المسجد بني على انقاض قصر غمدان و بعض اعمده المسجد الرخاميه هي من بقايا القصر. المسجد فيه اجواء رو...
4.80 (391 reviews)
Al-Saleh Mosque
Built in 2008, this elegant place of worship has a capacity of 44,000 people & is open to tourists.
4.60 (3.6K reviews)
Almihdhar Mosque
👍👍 The tallest minaret made of clay in the world that has been built more than 8 centuries and still standing till today
4.70 (614 reviews)
صنعاء القديمه
Historical landmark
👍👍 It was really spectacular
The big mosques 🕌 in old sana'a make you feel relaxe.
4.60 (1.3K reviews)
محمية حوف
National reserve
👍👍 مديرية حوف -محافظة المهرة،، سلسلة جبلية تمتد على طول الساحل الجنوبي يقارب ارتفاعها 1400 متر فوق سطح البحر، و يقطعها عدد من الوديان والعيون، يغطي الضباب حوف ثلاثة أشهر سنوياً، مما وفر موطنا لأنواع عديدة من الطيور البحرية ، وتتميز حوف بأنها غنية بالثروة السمكية والتنوع الحيواني والنباتي حيث تمثل 7% م...
4.80 (276 reviews)
Throne of Queen Sheba - Barran Temple
Historical place
👍👍 Temple of Barran (معبد بران) is a Sabaean temple near Ma'rib, Yemen; also known as "Throne of Bilqis" (عرش بلقيس). The Arash Bilqis, which dates back to the 10th century BCE, harbors evidence that Queen Bilqis once actually lived. Despite being thousands of years old, the main part of the building...
4.60 (586 reviews)
Dar AlHajar
Historical landmark
Currently a museum, this former royal palace was built on a unique, 18th-century rock base.
4.50 (2.3K reviews)
باب اليمن
Historical landmark
👍👍 Bab al-Yemen is one of the gates of the old city of Sanaa in Yemen, and it is considered one of the most famous historical landmarks in the city. Bab al-Yaman dates back to the 16th century and was built by Imam Hussein bin Ali. The Yemen Gate consists of three arches decorated with traditional line...
4.50 (1.6K reviews)
Seera Castle
👍👍 Sirah Castle is a military site in Aden, Yemen. The castle was built in the eleventh century AD and is currently used by the Yemeni army.[1] The castle is located on Sirah Island, a long volcanic rocky island located near the port of Aden. There were few archaeological studies conducted in the area...
4.50 (1.6K reviews)
Awwam Temple
Historical place
👍👍 And the (Awam) temple is the main temple of the god (Maqha), the god of the Sabaean state, and the temple is located approximately 10 km to the south of the city of Ma'rib, and the public calls its ruins (Muharram Bilqis).
Preliminary information indicates that the date of construction of this tem...
4.70 (279 reviews)
Historical landmark
👍👍 The first known inscription about the city dates from the 3rd century CE.\u00a0It was the capital of the\u00a0Hadramawt\u00a0Kingdom.\n\nIn the 20th century, it was one of the three major cities of the\u00a0Qu'aiti\u00a0Sultanate, the others being Al-Mukalla\u00a0and\u00a0Ash-Shihr.[6]\n\nThe...
4.60 (454 reviews)
Alsahareej (Water Tanks)
Historical landmark
These massive cisterns built from volcanic rock collected rainwater in ancient times.
4.50 (1K reviews)
Sukoon Park
👍👍 Very amazing place verrrrry peacful, very high mountains and in some time of the year you can touch the clouds by your hands from there. I admire this place.
4.50 (853 reviews)
Dar Al Zahra
Religious institution
👍👍 Bismillah Ya Allah, semoga dengan Ridha-mu Kau mengizinkan hamba untuk pergi melangkahkan kaki, menimba ilmu agama yang lebih dalam lagi ke tempat ini Aminn🙏
Allahumma shalli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi sayyidina Muhammad ❤️
4.80 (184 reviews)
Aban Mosque
😐 One of the oldest mosques in Aden if not the oldest indeed! But after 1994 war it was rebuilt with ugly design that never respects the culture of the city
4.60 (372 reviews)
Al-Ashrafiyyah Mosque
👍👍 جامع تقام فيه الصلاة ويعتبر ثالث أقدم جامع بمدينة تعز، تم بناء المجامع من قبل الدولة الرسوليه الاشراف منذ 700 سنة
4.70 (236 reviews)
Al-Khair Mosque
👍👍 Big Masjed, and School, always lecture after each prayer, nice, and clean.
4.60 (348 reviews)
Al Sabeen Square
Tourist attraction
😐 Needs to be more clean specially around the mosque out of the walls ...waste of plastic bags everywhere.","2":["0","104"]}
4.40 (2.7K reviews)
Exceed Language Center
English language school
😠 ممكن نعرف متى بتفتحو بعد العيد نشتي نستفسر ومابش رقم مباشر معاكم او مع شخص في الادارة
4.50 (450 reviews)