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Attersee (Osnabrück) image
Attersee (Osnabrück)
😠 Leider kann ich die negativen Bewertungen nur bestätigen. Das Wasser ist sehr trübe und auf dem Grund ist schwarzer Schlamm. Im Gesamten Badebereich kann man stehen und nicht wirklich gut schwimmen. Auch der „Strandbereich“ ist schmutzig und voller Entendreck. Trotz des gestrigen Hitzerekord in Geil...
2.50 (122 reviews)
Naya Bazaar Lake image
Naya Bazaar Lake
👍👍 So sad
2.60 (65 reviews)
Kengeri Lake image
Kengeri Lake
😠 The lake is quite huge n could be maintained V well but the authority or people around it are not even bothered to even clean up the place We can't even notice tat it's a lake n not even a drop of water is seen i had a lot of hopes on it but it's unsatisfactory
2.70 (51 reviews)
Río Huacapa image
Río Huacapa
🫤 Tiene basura y por desgracia siguen descansando drenaje
2.80 (128 reviews)
Garvebhavipalya Lake image
Garvebhavipalya Lake
👍👍 The lake is dying, government must look into it.
2.80 (64 reviews)
Lagoa da Petrobrás image
Lagoa da Petrobrás
😐 Lagoa de bom porte, bem localizada, tem tudo para ser um local de descanso, pratica de pesca e até esportes náuticos, mas devido o avanço dos aguapés nada disso é possível. Acredito que com um pouco mais de empenho dos responsáveis com a limpeza, seria possível manter essa bela lagoa limpa. Mas mesm...
2.90 (452 reviews)
Varthur Kere image
Varthur Kere
🫤 Varthur Kere is currently being de-silted. This is one of the largest Kere and is downstream of Bellandur lake. Has the potential of being one of the beautiful lake and a huge lung space once the rejuvenation efforts are fruitful.
2.90 (177 reviews)
Chikkabanavara Lake image
Chikkabanavara Lake
😠 Now the lake became waste dump of the chikkabanvara.. Why govt dosent think to save the lake...just 5yrs back people used to buy fishes from the lake.. Now it became waste dump of the surrounding villages
2.90 (158 reviews)
Eye of Kuruman image
Eye of Kuruman
😠 If I could rate it 0 stars I would. There are plastic all over in the water. Trees cut down and lay down in the water. Its not maintained. The fence is pushed down that comes to the conclusion that they steal the fresh water and fish at night. So so sorry.
2.90 (53 reviews)

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